The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6667px]Yavin System[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px], Yavin IV[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Mandalorian Space.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px][member="Ember Rekali"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]How long has it been?[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] That question kept coming back to him. Ten years? No, the Sith sacked Coruscant seven years ago and even back then Samael had been on the run. Fifteen? Twenty? Somewhere around that ballpark, perhaps, time was quite the awkward subject; what with hyperspace travel and relativistic shielding malfunctioning. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Suffice to say [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]it had been a[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]while[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]But there was a time that a man could no longer ignore reality, a time when going [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]home[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] was the only thing left to him, a time when age itself was pressing down on him and reminding him of a simple, well-known fact: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]That life was not infinite and that nobody lived forever. (Even if some Sith Lords kept trying anyway.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]The Echoy Galaar jumped out of Hyperspace at a reasonable distance from Yavin IV. Mass Shadows being what they were, but it wasn’t just safety concern, there was also the matter of respect. Yavin had been the territory of the Rekalis for a while now, they had all kinds of scanners, warning beacons and the sort installed on the way here - so they probably already knew something was incoming - there ain’t anything as annoying as an unknown vehicle jumping in right at your backyard, or so Samael was told time and time again.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Lo and behold. A transmission was sent to his ship only a minute after arrival, Samael opened it immediately, being treated to the visage of a scruffy, older man with a deep frown etched to his brow, he didn’t recognize him.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]“Unidentified spaceship, you are entering Rekali territory. State your name and business, please.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Sam nodded once, relaying the fact that he’d comply as best as he could. With a button press a transmission was sent back to the station post. It was an information feed containing old Rekali authentication codes; one and a half decades old, at the very least, they weren’t active anymore, but they would serve to verify a part of his story.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]“Samael Rekali on the Echoy Galaar… returning home.”[/SIZE]