Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For reasons unknown to her, Jairdain was captured on Charros IV and taken to Bastion. Bereft of the Force and kept blinded, Jairdain was taken to Krest. Upon meeting him, they conversed for a while on her beliefs, codes and her past.

Once it was made clear to her that she would be a prisoner for a very long time, she was locked into her room. There if she tried to use the Light Side of the Force, sithspawn would appear until she took a drug that kept her from touching the Force. Her being physically blind also took her sight away.

One thing she was allowed to keep was her translator. It was also a recorder and she used this to her advantage. Keeping an almost day by day record of her captivity, she recorded her experiences on it.

"Day one

After I stopped crying and felt around the room. I found everything there I would need to live on my own. There was a refresher, clothes for when mine needed to be changed, a small kitchen to prepare food and the food and drink I would need. There was a bed to sleep in kept with clean bed sheets and a small table for when I get visitors. Who other than sith would visit me here, I have no idea.

I don't know anybody here other than Lykos on a personal level. Krest, my captor and his apprentice Kaalia I also met today. Other than those three, I am alone here in the darkness.

Why was I taken captive? I don't have the answer to this question. At least not yet. Hopefully in time it will become clear. I need to get some sleep now. I'll continue when I can."
The concept of time was lost on her. She ate when she was hungry and slept when she was tired. Her days may have become nights and her nights days. All in the part of breaking her. Of course, she didn't know that was happening to her. That this was just a part of the grand plan Krest had for her.

She kept herself clean and fed. Took the drug that kept her severed from the Force. Soon she started to feel alone. The silence of her room became oppressive and her only break from that was when Krest, Lykos or Kaalia visited her.

Each visit, they spoke calmly and attempted to break down the beliefs Jairdain held onto so dearly. Those of her people, though they didn't actually know her personal code. They never asked. The code of the Jedi was questioned and the values of the Sith code imprinted on her.

"Day seven

At least I think this is day seven. I have slept seven times. I have not kept track of how many times I have been visited over the past seven days, but the meetings didn't last very long nor were they productive. The views of these Sith about me are wrong and skewed. While I am a Jedi knight, they don't seem to understand I wasn't raised with the Jedi. After my home was destroyed, I went to the Jedi because I felt they fit my code better than those of the Sith.

Even though I'm feeling alone here, I know rescue is coming for me. Master Arisa promised if something like this happened again, she would see to it personally. My faith in her strong and I know she won't let me down. No matter what Krest says, I know the Jedi will come for me. It's only been a week, they won't even know how to find me yet. "
Going through her days now was starting to wear on the young Jedi. Her time alone was just that, only her own thoughts were there to keep her occupied. As a human, she needed contact with others and that lack was starting to show on her.

In a way, she was started looking forward to the short visits of Kaalia and maybe even those of Krest. Their visits always got heated and were full of debate. Some of what the man told her though made sense in its own way and planted seeds of doubt in her mind about the Jedi. Never once did they question her own code, only that of the Jedi. They never even asked what her code was and she didn't tell them.

The visits of Lykos were different, he never came in person. He followed their connection and it was he the woman really clung to. Even though they were enemies, they had reached an agreement. One neither would break.

"Day 30

I'm just going to say it has been 30 days. All sense of time has escaped me. A feeling of loneliness has set in and I'm not sure how to fix that. If I even can.

I wonder now what has been happening outside my prison walls. Are the Jedi searching? Has Yuroic noticed my absence? I am just a simple person and maybe not even worth searching for. One person can be replaced. Being just one person in the grand scale of things, I won't be missed.


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