Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Men in Black

So how about some Storm Commandos? Note: This is in no way approved and is an idea! And bless [member="Alen Na'Varro"] for using Sections and not Squads! :D


2 Storm Commando

Description: An elite Battalion of Stormtroopers from [insert planet here]. 2 Storm Commando have a long and distinguished history in the Empire. They are often deployed in difficult environments, such as arctic, mountain and urban environments. They have a reputation from working deep behind enemy lines during long term deployments, harassing enemy positions and passing back intelligence. They also carry out specialist mission, which are infrequently public knowledge, but this extends to hostage situations, assassinations, exfiltration of intelligence personnel.

They will occasionally wear the white, but are more frequently garbed in lighter commando armour, frequently coloured for the environment of the deployment. Black is favoured for night-time ops.

Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Colonel...
Senior Batallion Warrant Officer: Regimental Sergeant Major...

B Company
Commanding Officer: Major...
Senior Batallion Warrant Officer: Company Sergeant Major Gethin "@Dirge" Jones...

1st Platoon
Commanding Officer: Lieutenant ...
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3

2nd Platoon
Commanding Officer: Lieutenant ...
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3

3rd Platoon
Commanding Officer: Lieutenant ...
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3

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