Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mentor Program

I have noticed that the crowd here at varies greatly in age and writing skill. Due to this, many of the newer, younger writers here may not have a solid grasp on things ranging from spelling and grammar to storytelling.

Because of this, I would like to begin hashing out a MENTOR PROGRAM for The idea that I have, at the moment, is both simple in design and execution. Yet, for it to be successful, it will require the input of the community as well as volunteers to become mentors.

The basics of this program will be:
  • To have a pool of mentors with the adequate ability to write well both from a spelling and grammar point of view as well as role-play in the Star Wars universe
  • To allow members to ask for a mentor to help and give tips on how to role-play
The people this is targeting is specifically those with a poor grasp of the English language, or at least how to write it in an effective manner, as well as those that do not know the basics of storytelling.

The intent of this program would not to be elevate decent role-players to excellent ones, as those types of writers do not pose a potential problem to

If you wish to volunteer yourself as a mentor, please provide some examples of your roleplaying in this thread. As a Role-Play Judge sanctioned mentor, you would have to be a member of good standing as well as a decent role-player. You will also have to take up mentoring jobs as needed. The style of teaching is honestly up to the mentor, as it can range from linking the troubled writer to role-playing blogs, actually training their character, to many other things. Yet, the mentor will have to continue working with their assigned writer until adequate advancement has been showed or else it will be a negative mark on the mentor's capabilities.

Those that wish to receive mentoring can either post in this thread or send a private message to myself. This way, mentoring can either be known to the general community at large or it can be a private endeavor one would wish to embark.

Anyone else that wishes to make a comment in this thread is free to do so. If anything about what I have proposed needs to be changed, feel free to make such a suggestion.


Jedi with a dark past
Ooh, I think that I'd like to volunteer. While I might not be able to do it all the time, I'll certainly do it when I'm free to do so. Heck, it's been awhile since I've even done the whole RP mentor thing, given I actually held the title for nearly an entire year on a very old multi-genre RP board. But below I'll be providing links to threads I've done (on one of my RP boards, so you know what I'm capable of, in terms of lengthy and short posts for both quality & quantity purposes).

Posting As: Outcast & .Mythosaur

Posting As: .Jedi & Outcast

Posting As: .JEDI

I can post anywhere from 50 words to ~1,500 (my longest recorded posts), my grammar is quite good, and as I was stating earlier in this post, I've had experience with this type of work on another RP board....That is to say, apart from any help I offer in any other staff position I've ever held on any RP board.
I can say, when applying for staff positions, time as a Mentor will be a huge ticket item in your history. This is a very important program, and it means a lot to me and the staff here at SWRP that you've volunteered, Hai. :)
Thank you for applying for a mentor position, Hai. I will make a judgement later, preferably after more people have expressed interest in this program.

To further explain the requirements for Mentors that I have in mind, they must:
  • Show that their posts are free of spelling and grammar mistakes beyond the occasional typo
  • Have flexibility in the length of their posts and understand that the necessary length of a role-play post is always situational
  • Can write a role-play post with clear action and dialogue and responds accordingly to other writers' posts
  • Are knowledgeable in Star Wars lore and know how to use Wookieepedia
  • Be a member of good standing with
Oy vey. A good idea taken in a bad direction.

Mandatory mentoring, whatever the skill level and "horrible" storytelling etc, is a horrible idea. I'm not gonna join up, but feel free to send people my way, if you wish. I may have the time to take a couple on (and I enjoy teaching). I like staying out of the staff, anyway.

For a viable replacement of mandatory mentoring for those weaker in their writing areas, however, simply suggest they take on a mentor. Most will take you up on the offer as they obviously enjoy writing and want to get better. Those who do not may learn better on their own or will simply leave the RP altogether, which isn't a bad thing. *shrug*

Frankly, you'll lose more members from the prospect of "mandatory" mentoring than you would in any other solution. Even good writers who don't think that highly of themselves will think twice about joining or continuing to RP if they realize they are being "judged".
Just to reiterate @[member="Darth Apparatus"]'s points, the only mandatory prospect of this entire venture is) 1. A person who is so unskilled that they face possible repercussions must be assigned a Mentor. Everything else is completely voluntary. I don't view this as a failing, as we would possibly lose that member anyways.

This won't get out of hand because most people write just fine, even if the styles differ. We're looking to maintain an age 15-16 writing level around here, though we understand some people will fall below that age quota who join. Hence, this program. As you told me yourself in chat, Artemis, a certain level of quality should be maintained at a roleplay board.

I hope this resolves your concerns.
Teferi is right in the intention I have for who would be mandated to have a mentor. Nearly everyone will not be mandated to have a mentor. Yet, there will be people that join that do not know how to effectively write and/or role-play. These people may cause disruptions to the role-playing environment to the point that other writers will not find role-playing enjoyable. This will then require staff and Role-Play Judges to act. If we do not mandate mentoring in order to better their writing and role-play skills, then our only alternative would be to warn them and subsequently remove them from the community if they continue to be disruptive with their writing skills.


Disney's Princess
Teferi Efreet said:
We're looking to maintain an age 15-16 writing level around here
* This is new. But I think I can try for it. I'll try to use smaller words and avoid literary prose. Hmm.


Suggestion: Matching and Mirroring:

* Communication is a key social ingredient in happy people. We want to communicate, be understood, and build something together. But often times we notice a gap between skill levels. A difference in ability or experience. This is not uncommon and is present in just about all of our human endeavors. From sports to cooking. Some people are faster, stronger, and more experienced than others. In these situations it is best to seek for a meeting point. Find a middle ground. Sometimes that means the younger player must step up. But more often, it means that the older player must step down. The older generation must lead the younger.

Most often the older player will, Lead By Example. And that is a wonderful gift. Very familiar to us all. But I would like to compliment that technique by showing another one that is just as fun to do. Learning to Match and Mirror.

Matching and Mirroring is a social technique that allows an older, more experienced player the opportunity to step down to the younger players perspective. It requires them to speak in the younger players language. To see the world from the younger players perspective. To engage with the younger player in exactly their same tone, atmosphere, and cadence. To match, and mirror their level of communication. To run at their same speed. Alongside them. Then, and only then. When running together, at the same speed, can they 'both' move forward. Build as a team.

This method is difficult for many older players. Most often an older player wants to push the younger player. Wants them to run faster. Wants them to see the world from their older perspective. Wants them to grow, right now. To stop being young. And start being old. And sometimes that can lead to missing key steps in the growing process. Sometimes we miss out our childhood by wanting to just be an adult. And that is a sorrowful thing indeed.

Childhood is a blessing. Even in writing. And we must learn to enjoy ourselves, no matter where we are in skill, or age, or writing level. Even if that means that sometimes an adult must kneel down and play 'house' with a child. Using the child's rules, speaking in the child's language, and playing a silly game. A game that the child loves to play. And a game that will build the child's trust in the adult. Playing together.

Matching and Mirroring means writing at the lowest persons skill level. Like playing 'house' with a child. If someone can only write a single sentence and a few words? Then the older player must aim to do the same. Communicate using only a few simple sentences. Avoiding cultural terms and slang. Building slowly and easily. Matching the younger players rhythm and mirroring their pace. Running at the same speed and enjoying the hike together.


Question: But I want them to grow, I don't want to slow down:

* I understand. And that is your privilege. If you don't want to slow down, then don't. This method is mostly for parents and teachers anyway. But it will come in handy should even the fastest Olympic runner want to trying jogging along once-and-a-while with the larger groups of Weekend Jogging Clubs. Haha. Bigger, faster, stronger doesn't matter here. We are all just trying to be happy humans. One day at a time.


Challenge: I want you to play 'house' with a younger player:

* Find a less skillful player and play at their speed. Just, slow down. Take yourself less seriously. Haha. You might learn something. And you might just make a new friend.


Disney's Princess
Notation: Avoiding Abuse:

Some players, no matter their skill level, are abusive. They are God-Modders and they are cheaters. They don't share and they don't respect you. And it doesn't matter if they write a single sentence or a whole bible in High Elven. Do not play with these players.

I know we might try to help everybody. Help them learn and help them grow. But even as mentors, admins, or players? Avoid abusive writers. Please. And thank you.
Karen Roberts said:
* This is new. But I think I can try for it. I'll try to use smaller words and avoid literary prose. Hmm.
Go ahead and write with what detail and words you wish to. Just know who the likely audience is. Plus, teenagers should know how to read prose as English class has begun to focus more on the artistic side of the language instead of learning grammar and spelling. The staff of are also aware of the difference between abusive members and those that need guidance.

Also, your suggestions are very insightful and shows that you might have had a mentoring position before, Karen. Would you be interested in applying as a mentor?


Disney's Princess
Thank you so much for the invitation Apparatus. Sadly, I must decline. I am currently just hoping to enjoy my free time as a silly little writer here on the boards. But again. Thank you and best wishes in all your endeavors. :D
Don't get me wrong: I like the idea of helping others out. But the PROSPECT of being judged and the "embarrassment" of possibly being put in mandatory mentoring, however slim a chance it may actually be, can send many people away even if they are otherwise excellent writers.

I generally don't join boards that institute a system like this. When I was younger, it was self-conscious issues. Now I just don't agree with the practice. It should be optional for everyone or no mentoring at all. Like you said, my queen, we'd probably lose those people anyway, but those truly interested WILL take you up on the offer and probably stay. Possibly even be thankful for the help. Maybe.

I'm not even mentioning how much of a slippery slope this can become. Not a big worry, maybe, but such fallacies are tricky, sneaky things.

I know what you guys are trying to do, I just don't agree with the mandatory part, even for those with horrendous RP/writing ability.

I've said my peace. Do what you will. You don't need to convince me of what you're doing. I'm simply sharing my misgivings over this well-intentioned, but possibly hindsighted idea.


Disney's Princess
I'd like to step up again and agree with Artemis.

Abusive Writers: Banned by Admins please
Disruptive Writers: Warned or Disciplined by Admins please
Less Skillful Writers in Apparatus' Perspective: Given an invitation for tutoring by Apparatus himself
Very Skillful Writers in Apparatus' Perspective: Given a pat on the back by Apparatus himself

That is what I think should be done. Ban us, let us help ourselves, and just generally leave your writing community alone. Artemis is right. And my challenge still stands for any 'high-minded' individuals to relax and try to actually RP with some of their 'perceived' less talented peers.
Mandate removed.

Any other topics of discussion for the mentor program? Any volunteers to become a mentor?

And if anyone desires a mentor, they do not have to let others know that they are being mentoring. Those that seek a mentor can be assigned one through personal messages.

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