Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Merasyrr


Species Dusk Aetharian (Cultural Offshoot)
Height2 meters
Force SensitiveIYes this character is force sensitive


Merasyrr has long pink hair that she often keeps well maintained, Along her eyes she wears red eye makeup usually made out of a special paint. Merasyrr always usually wears an ornate armor made of purple and gold. But her armor suit often leaves alot of exposed skin. While lacking in pure armor defense, it is flexible and lightweight, allowing Merasyrr to be nimble and quick on her feet. She also wears a golden crown on her head to signify her status in her society Her body sports an athletic frame, showing the years of training she has under her belt.


Alchemical Daggers
Lightweight Ornate Armor
Bladed Alchemical Vibrowhip


Martial prowess, savagery, plunder and raid. One of the many things that Merasyrr has embraced like many of her corrupted kin. But while they do embody the ideals of every raider out in the galaxy, Merasyrr does not consider herself to be evil. She has a disdain for Hutts, often raiding their spice fleets and mines to weaken them. Merasyrr view the Sith, Jedi and Mandalorians as worthy battle combatants. To fight them, will be able to put on a dance death meant to entertain spectators for years to come.


Force Enhanced Natural Abilities- Utliizing her connection to the Force, she is able to enhance her speed and agility beyond her natural limits. This helps her be able to attack multiple people at once.

Blademistress- Proficient with her daggers and vibrowhip, Merasyrr is a deadly duelist in combat.

Poison Expert- Being an alchemical master, she is able to make poisons that she can coat her weapons with it.


Little Armor- Alot of Merasyrr's body is exposed and thus she can be wounded easily if somone landed a direct hit on her.

Physically weak- Speed and quickness comes at the cost of being physical strong. If someone caught her, they could easily pin her to the ground.


Merasyrr was just a young child, onboard an Aetharian colony ship. It was inbound for a paradise world within the Unknown Regions. But as the colonists went to cyro sleep for the journey, the navigation computer suffered a critical error. When the ship jumped to hyperspace, it didn't go to the paradise planet. Instead it went across the galaxy, constantly jumping from star system to star system. The crew that was designated to be awake couldn't fix the error. The ship would arrive to Felucia and began to hurl to the planet at incredible speeds. The crew however managed to pilot the ship enough to avoid a disasterous collapse, and save everyone on board.

Yet the ship was still destroyed. The colonists will have to make due on this very hostile and threatening world. A small settlement would be build amongst the ruins of the colony ship as they tried to survive. The hostile floral and fauna took many lives of the colonists, causing the Aetharians to adopt a more martial based society just to survive. With the planet being a dark side aligned, it started to corrupt the Force Sensitive Aetharians, slowly. Merasyrr first heard the dark whsipers of the planet, making her want to commit horrid acts to show dominance and strength over this planet.

Time went on an the Aetharians had begun to shift due to the corruption. Their skins got a bit more pale and some people's eyes were turning red. The more refined aristocratic culture had morphed into a cult based on prowess and savagery. These corrupted Aetharians began to tame parts of this world through sheer cunning and strength. Some of them even ride rancors, like the sisters of Dathomir. Some native Felucian villages became tributaries to new corrupted Aetharians and they began to capture ships that would land in their territory. Raider culture took hold as they became glorified pirates. However a raid on a Yuzhan Vong outpost caused a death of majority of the males, as the Vong had given the raiders a plague as a retaliatory strike. With reverse engineered Vong genetic technology that they took from the raid, the corrupted Aetharians were able to cure themselves.

However the settlement needed to recover. Under the guidance of the Cult Mother, society would continue. Renaming themselves to Dusk Aetharians, they continued their martial raider culture. Repopulation efforts were now all based on vat grown technology that was taken from the Vong.

Merasyrr by now had fully embraced the new culture and was an upcoming promising raider. She would then lead a couple of attacks onto Hutt spice trading fleets, constantly dealing blows to the spice trade underneath the Hutt control. As time went on, Merasyrr perfected her alchemical poisons to coat her weapons in. She would occassionally assassinate high ranking Hutt Cartel officers and even killed a minor Hutt by disguising herself as a dancer. In her downtime, Merasyrr continues her training and often performs in the gladiatorial arena for entertainment of her fellow Dusk Aetharians.

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