Flannigan Mcnash
Mr. Roboto
War, war never changes..
Until Now
We at the Hutt Cartel, are here with a special offer, instead of sending your men to die for you leaving their wives widow and in an unending cycle where they end it all, leaving their three kids orphaned growing up into a life of crime until they are thrown in prison.
Just Have Us Do It
We here at the Hutt Cartel are literally throwing soldiers at war, so why don't we have our men thrown at your wars, hire our legions of mercenary or covert stealth teams, or maybe heavy machinery! You decide!
-Where you come in-
The Hutts are looking for factions to fight for, soldiers of fortune. Just discuss a contract from the list and you'll be on your way to a military fighting force.
-What's for offer-
Covert Stealth Team, need spying maybe someone needs a good garotting, with the Hutt Cartels Covert Stealth Team consider that information yours, or that pesky individual plucked.
Single War Front, consider the battle already won, need backup or a push at the front lines well we're your men, calvary and artillery.
Multiples War Fronts, need us longer than once, got a bug that needs more than one step on, with multiple war fronts we could be that boot, crushing your enemies multiple times.
Campaign, need us to be devoted to a cause to see it through to the end, build up a relationship bonds of fellowship and maybe even love, than the campaign is for you. May cost ridiculous amounts of credits..
Unkown, maybe you got something else in mind maybe your the man with the plan, and we're cool with that we like someone with a bit of control, so throw it our way.
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Role-play Transmission(message, it can be sent privately if preferred):