Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Merger Side Discussion (Newer Members Only): What Happens Next?

Well, the other thread has degenerated into grandstanding pretty quickly. I'm tossing this thread up because I want to get the opinions of the members that aren't oldtimers with tons of connections and such. I'm concerned that a few loud, experienced voices are drowning out the member base.

So I'd like to put the question to the newer members of the faction, mainly those who haven't spoken up yet -- what do you see happening as a result of the three options that have been suggested? Please, no novels or speeches -- try to be brief.

For reference, the options were:

-Merge with OP into the Galactic Alliance

-Go Minor, become a rebellion

-Keep doing what we're doing (stay Republic, keep our full territory, stay at war with the One Sith)

I haven't fully formed an opinion of my own on this, and I'd like to take the faction's temperature.

Torill Holgor

[member="Jorus Merrill"]

I am a new member of the Republic as well as this site. My opinions are those that I mentioned in the other thread.

Option 1 kills the theory of the Republic and only serves to bring more Old timers in to smother the newer base out of any hope of meaningful contribution.

Option 2 Kills the actual Republic giving us no place to RP our concepts without having to RETCON our characters to remove any trace of Republic ideals.

Option 3 comes at the price of having to actually work at making this faction a faction and not just an old timer's Alt club in a Jedi playground. A price I am more than willing to pay.
[member="Torill Holgor"]

I'd be interested, if you would, to hear about how option one kills the theory of the Republic. Most of the principles of the Republic would be upheld in this gestalt, if not all of them.

Torill Holgor

and I would be interested in how you qualify as a new member but then does it really matter.

The answer is simple and at it's core moves the Republic from a democratic type of government where everyone gets a say even if only IC through the Senate to a Triumvirate style where the IC leadership matches the OOC leadership of all of the power and decision making relies solely in the hands of three writers while the rest of us have to suck it up and deal with mindless drone type character concepts because that is all that would pass muster to participate in meaningful faction based rp.

Not too mention the structure looks oddly like an Imperial one where the Senate is dissolved in favor of a more Moff style in the Councilor concept. Whether you call them Councilor's, Moffs, or supreme poobah's of the everlasting Galactic Imperial Dawn the end result is the same.
[member="Torill Holgor"]

I'm not voting. I'm answering questions and asking my own concerning the merger.

And actually the Senate remains intact. A quote from the outline.

"The Galactic Senate will still be the primary legislative body within the Galactic Alliance. Senators will still be elected from each major star system that means the requirements for Senate representation."

When discussing this with Kiskla, I knew the Senate was a very popular aspect and not one I wanted to take away. For all its problems, it remains a cornerstone of the Republic and I wanted to keep it.

And as far as all the power being at the top, that's hardly a fair description. Even now, Faction Leaders are beholden to their members to make the right calls and do things in the interest of the faction. If a majority of the members believe this to no longer be true, they can (and have in the past) called for a vote to get a new faction leader.
I prefer either Option 1 or Option 3.

Both of those options give me the opportunity to remain with my naval officer concept far easier than a rebellion would. If Option 2 will take place, I will likely leave the Republic and join another faction where I could more easily fleet (though I'd prefer light-sided affiliation if I could help it).


Just to be clear, I know this is a divisive issue, which is why I was suggesting we incorporate elements of all of the options and see where it goes from there. I think that's ultimately the best way to go to promote group cohesion and unity.

Torill Holgor

[member="Torill Holgor"]

I'm not voting. I'm answering questions and asking my own concerning the merger.

And actually the Senate remains intact. A quote from the outline.

"The Galactic Senate will still be the primary legislative body within the Galactic Alliance. Senators will still be elected from each major star system that means the requirements for Senate representation."

When discussing this with Kiskla, I knew the Senate was a very popular aspect and not one I wanted to take away. For all its problems, it remains a cornerstone of the Republic and I wanted to keep it.

And as far as all the power being at the top, that's hardly a fair description. Even now, Faction Leaders are beholden to their members to make the right calls and do things in the interest of the faction. If a majority of the members believe this to no longer be true, they can (and have in the past) called for a vote to get a new faction leader.
Then you and I have different interpretations of how the application of the concept of option 1 would play out. Which is perfectly ok and bound to happen.

For all I know it could go swimmingly for all involved but it does nothing to ease my apprehension at such an idea being put into action.
Ayden Cater said:
[member="Gir Quee"]

Do you have any questions or misgivings about Option 1?
I haven't been here long enough to have much of an opinion on the Omega Protectorate, which accounts for my ambivalence. From what I've managed to read so far this morning, the two factions seem to already be working together on some things (ex, the reinvasion of Alderaan), so they would seem to be closer than I already thought, which dropped my explicit opposition to Option 1 for realism's sake.

So short answer, no. ;)
I'm a newer member that just came off hiatus a few weeks ago. Haven't seen much action in the war ICIly, aside from the unpleasant experience of facing off against a pair of Sith godawans and an Ezio wannabe in the 'junior' counter-invasion thread of Alderaan. Just going off the current map of the Republic, I didn't realize that things were so dire after only losing few planets. I've been bothered by this way that the One Sith have been able to rise out of the Republic's backyard with no warning. Did they start out as a rebellion faction or something? Anyway, I would like the opportunity to keeping fighting as part of the current Republic while still working together with the OP (and I guess Mandalorians now?) as separate entities. The ground game seems to be a real sore spot in these invasions threads, so I'm going to get together with any other willing parties (OP included) to improve our performance in that realm.

[member="Ayden Cater"]: I'm lurking the fleeting debate (Fleeting Should Be Nerfed) on the warmonger's board. When drawing up conditions for an invasion, is there anything stopping someone from saying that the fleeting bit should count for more? Fleeting seems to be a real strength of the Republic and OP.

Not really. It's not uncommon for one side to have a slight advantage in calling objectives and then the other side gets their turn with round two. I know the Republic demonstrated this during the first invasion of Alderaan and the Republic invasion of Empress Teta.
Not sure if my word counts here, been on site for over half a year now, but aside from partially taking place in one invasion with a field hospital (and having to leave it due to RL stress) I haven't done much.

I did try making more ships, but never got dev threads for serious stuff going because no one was up for it, and even though they were cleared for Republic use they were never added to the manifest which also bummed me out.

As for this stuff. I personally do not see why the two governments would merge instead of just allying, it really doesn't make sense to me. So I don't much like option 1, plus the logistical issues have been brought up before. Option 2 puts IC risks on my characters homeworld and its shipyards which are her primary drives to act, going Rebellion is a cool concept, but I feel like we're not far enough to devolve into that yet. I'd say we'd have to lose another 3-5 invasions before that happens likely for IC reasons. (Maybe if it was a major faction called the Republic in Hiding and it was based on-shot before self promotion begins-

So I mostly support option 3 because the faction would stand a solid chance if it weren't losing members and everyone could operate to get the same results the OS have in their enthusiasm. I wouldn't know how to do it, but I've been trying to get Wraith Squadron up and running at the very least to try.
[member="Camellia Swift"] In another thread, I likened the situation to the UK/British Empire/Commonwealth (Republic) at their lowest point in WW2. In my opinion they were in much worse shape than the Republic is now but I'm pretty sure they would have flat out refused to merge with the US (OP). As you stated, the logistical hurdles of undertaking such a feat as a merger between to supra-planetary entities in the middle of waging total war is too much ICily. I think we're far from the point of, and we're making too much of fuss out of losing a few core planets. Honestly though, I'd rather go the rebellion route anyway if push came to shove.

I would be happy to do some dev threads with you. I have a lot of ideas for starships and technology in general to help out the NFU guys, including my future pilot guy. I'm free all weekend.

Already got a substantial number with my Imperial Remnant Gal, not to mention Crina which I am developing a little still.

I also already got Quee to agree to help me with the new Light Destroyer design. Hopefully it will be something to challenge the Darkblade class and such similar ships I've seen come up recently.

I have been wanting to figure out some way to turn a few existing Rendili Fighters in elite class. Specifically the Aurek Tactical Strike Interceptor and R-Fighter. We could work on that maybe soon.

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