Shadow Hand
Hello TSE!
This is something that hasn't been brought up lightly, it's been discussed extensively by the staff team its important that we pose it to you, the community in order to get a sense on how everyone that calls the Sith Empire home feels. There is a path for the Sith Empire to merge with the Sith Eternal. The sides of this are as follows:
This is something that hasn't been brought up lightly, it's been discussed extensively by the staff team its important that we pose it to you, the community in order to get a sense on how everyone that calls the Sith Empire home feels. There is a path for the Sith Empire to merge with the Sith Eternal. The sides of this are as follows:
- We would become a sub faction under the umbrella of the Sith Eternal. We would retain our identity, community.
- For a location of writing and enriching our lore we would retain Dromund Kaas for us.
- If we do not merge we would get to retain our independence as a major faction.
- We would retain our full major faction cloud on the map.