Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Meridine Proxima

Meridine Proxima


Name: Meridine Proxima

Age: 21

Species: Sith Pureblood

Faction: Brotherhood of the Maw, Sith

Homeworld: N/A

Force Sensitive: Yes

Bio: Meridine never knew who her parents were. She never knew where she was born either, but in the grand scheme of things that part felt less important. She was born into one of the Spice fleets running the backward trade routes of the galaxy. Smugglers, pirates and other dregs of society banded together on whatever ships they could acquire. They rarely had hyperdrives equipped, and even the ones that did took months to get from destination to destination. Ships of these fleets would occasionally mingle in deep space, such events often leading to the birth of many children in the following months. Entire generations were born and raised on these ships that only ever saw a handful of planets at most, despite their constant travels. Each individual served the Captain of their ship as little more than a slave, and Meridine was no different.

Well, she knew she was different. A quick glance in a shinier than average bulkhead let her know that from a young age, but she was treated the same as the rest of the crew on her ship. Such was here life for twenty years before her ship decided to make an unfortunate stop to Csilla, deep in Chiss space. They had made such a run twice in Meridine's life, and she did not expect this one to be any different. Security was hardly a problem when spice could be offered as leverage to land, and they were halfway through unloading their cargo at one of the planets black market ports when the First Order arrived above Csilla.

Then the Brotherhood of the Maw arrived.

Her ship made an attempt to flee the combat zone that had become Csilla, but their antiquated hyperdrive failed just as they were about to escape the system. A Maw warship detected them and launched a boarding party towards their ship. The spicers stood no chance against the furious assault, and in less than ten minutes the entire ship had been pacified. All except for Meridine. When the rest of the people she had known for her entire life were being rounded up for execution, she was able to escape, killing dozens of Maw soldiers using Force abilities she had never known she had until her life had been put on the line. She was even able to sneak aboard the Maw vessel before she was finally caught and cornered by members of the New Sith Order.

She did not die immediately in the ensuing fight, and they deemed that a decent enough test for an untrained individual. Having suffered casualties during the destruction of Csilla, the two Sith offered her a chance to join the New Sith Order. The offer was made at the end of an ignited lightsaber, so her acceptance was never in doubt. She was taken back to the Brotherhood of the Maw, where she has begun her new life among monsters, murderers, and chain breakers.

In this den of darkness, she has finally found freedom.

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