Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mesa Back!

Hey, everyone. Member me?

I'm the girl who was behind the characters Elvira, [member="Carona Totsari"], and @Nellja. I have found myself missing the forums, so I decided to come back and see how it works out. So... here I am!

As for RPing business, I won't be bringing any of my old characters back. I will be creating a single, new one to play with. She is going to be a bit of a merge between Carona and Elvira, particularly Carona, so yeah...

So, hi. xD

Connor Harrison

[member="Elvira Congelo"]

Hey you, welcome back! Hope you're well and life has been good to you?

I am sure you'll have loads of offer but I'd love to RP with you - new character or not, I enjoyed meeting you with Connor and thought Elvira rocked so look forward to seeing your new creation.

Just shout if you want to cause some trouble out there. :)

My apologies, but I don't remember you. But that's okay! I don't remember a lot of things.
Nonetheless, I find your return to be pleasing. I like having more writers on the site.


Welcome back~~~
[member="Elvira Congelo"]

Interesting... I think you left right after I joined the board...

Anyway, I have plenty of fun little alts. Just tell me which one to use, and let's go!

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