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Meshgeroya! The Beautiful Game. (Mandalorians)

Freynk Porkins

The man stepped off the old transport with his brown brief case and grey three piece suit. He had never actually set foot on Mandalore in his time as an Imperial but he had seen the armor once or twice. His green eye checked his datapad as he followed the directions to the meeting location. Nearly everyone he passed on the street was wearing armor in as many shades as one might imagine. He was here to meet the Car'a'Carn of Mandalorians, the Mand'alor. Polished brown shoes tapped out a rythm on the duracrete as he meandered toward the meeting place. It took him nearly 15 minutes from the starport to the big wooden building stuffed between the other larger structures, but he was finally there, The Oyu'baat.

Freynk walked in and removed his old newsboy hat and made his way to the bar. Any people you did business in a bar had to be alright, if anyone asked him. He walked to the bar and ignored to looks from nearly everyone. he set his briefcase down and placed a credit chip on the table.

"Whatever is strongest, please." he said with a nod as he sat on the barstool, "I'm here to speak with Mand'alor [member="Gilamar Skirata"]."
Preliat was the first to sit down in the booth. He gently placed his helmet on the table, blinking several times. He first removed his gauntlets, setting them under his helmet, and he scooched both to the side of the table. He leaned forward, raising a brow. He snarled at first, before speaking.

"Business and name."

[member="Freynk Porkins"]

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
A heavy metal hand clapped on the armor of the younger Mandalorian. He was a good soldier, but he tended to make rash decisions when anything was concerned. <Calm. He's business with me.> the old man known as Gilamar Skirata muttered, his voice rough and solid. Looking from Preliat to the larger man sitting at the booth, the grim frown on his face curled into a smile. "Freynk. Gilamar Skirata, a pleasure." The man didn't look much like he had thought he would considering what he had been told. Despite that he could barley contain his excitement. The prospect of what this man wanted to do...Well he knew it would do good for his people to finally have what they've always wanted.

A home Galactic Bolo-ball team.
[member="Freynk Porkins"]
Arla relaxed in the corner, but the man in the suit, and shoes walked in she nearly spit her drink. Was he lost? And who was he. She peered around looking, her buyce rested on the table her long red hair fell around her shoulders. Others had already begun to take notice of the stranger.

This man he looked....soft. She hoped no one hit him as he'd probably bruise. Arla took another sip. She wondered if Verz would join her.

[member="Verz Horak"]

Freynk Porkins

[member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Gilamar Skirata"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Verz Horak"]

"Meshgeroya." he said to the young Mando as he stood and held out a hand to Mand'alor Skirata.

He wasn't a trooper anymore he had to remember that while dealing with these people he was just a businessman now. As much as he wanted to return to his glory days of Repeater rifles and grenades. He had bills to pay and people relied on him for a paycheck now.

"Thank you for seeing me so soon." He said as he noticed the red head off to one side looking ready to spit. "Parden my clothes I just came from a meeting with the SSB CO and my armor is a bit old and out of place for Mandalore."

After clasping forarms Porkins sat down, pulled out his datapad, and sat it on the table beside his hat. he pulled up several ideas for discussion as well as numbers and options for teams. He just hoped they loved Bolo-ball as much as he did.
[member="Freynk Porkins"] [member="Gilamar Skirata"] [member="Arla Balor"]

The soft man who looked worse for wear had something Preliat loved on the table, in letters. He didn't need to read the exact details, the widening of his eyes was a signal of his excitement over the deal. He opened his mouth to speak, but didn't say anything. He was slightly embarrassed for harassing the man, but at this point, he didn't really care that much.

"Gil. I personally volunteer some funding for this."
[member="Arla Balor"]

Verz returned to the table he shared with Arla holding a mug of nectre'gal, one of his favorite drinks. The holoscreens around the tables showed the opening commentary of a game of bolo ball as well as several other sports on various planets. He didn't fail to notice the meeting though. Gilamar, he saw, though did not approach. Verz's place was no longer in such affairs. He probably wouldn't be here, except Arla had asked him to. He knew the Oyu'baat well. He knew it was the unofficial meeting place for the Mand'alor and the heads of Clans. Verz sat down next to Arla, while sipping his drink.
[member="Verz Horak"]

Arla looked over at Verz she knew he could hold his own, "so bolo-ball" Arla knew she was going to regret this, she felt it in the tips of her toes, "what's bolo ball?" She looked at Verz waiting for his reaction, and yes she had lived under a rock, under twin suns with rocks and sand. What did she know of such things.

Obviously, not much. She looked at the off worlder again, watching as other mandalorians greeted him. Business. Business was good for everyone, at some point.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
[member="Freynk Porkins"]

"Yes...." a big grin inched its way across the old man's face. "I think you know very well that MandalMotors, and many other Mandalorians would be willing to help fund this league of yours."

Freynk Porkins

[member="Gilamar Skirata"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Verz Horak"] [member="Arla Balor"]

The man in the gray suit smiled and nodded.

"Excellent!" He said pulling out his datapad and opening the registration process, "do you know the information for your team or teams? I need a name, colors, location of play, owner and players (PC only). Then we can get a contract signed and matches can be set up immediately."

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
With a chuckle he looked around at all the heads that had turned to the pair at the mention of a Mandalorian bolo-ball team. "I'll have to get back to you on that...However...I would love your input on something." Removing a datapad of his own he activated it, the screen showing a large plot of empty land, just outside of Keldabe.

"How would you like to design a sports complex, a grand stadium for your...Beautiful game?"
[member="Freynk Porkins"]

Freynk Porkins

[member="Gilamar Skirata"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Verz Horak"] [member="Arla Balor"]

Porkins looked at the older man and then his drink. He wasn't sure he had heard correctly but he hoped he did. He took another sip for good measure and looked at the Mand'alor.

"Do Banthas give blue milk?" He said happily, "I would love a stadium. We jave one on Ord Mantell but other than that the players have been using empty fields."

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
With a nod he activated on his datapad an image. Blueprints of the large training and event complex. Even concept images were available and it seemed Gilamar and the powers above had been working on this for at least two months prior. Handing the man the datapad with a smirk he asked, "What do you think of this?" before the man could answer Gil spoke again, "Before you get jolly, there are a few things I need from you..."
[member="Freynk Porkins"]
Did he just say stadium, "ohhh I think they are going to build something here or there.." Arla leaned back grabbing her drink and drawing on it hard. God it felt good going down, she had not eaten yet today and this was going straight to her head. She smiled a bit more than she should. Her hand grabbed Verz, squeezing playfully.

She looked at the Manda'lor, what was he up to. She looked at Verz her eyes beginning to glaze over. "oh cyar'ika, you're so cute you know that?"

[member="Verz Horak"]

Freynk Porkins

[member="Gilamar Skirata"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Verz Horak"] [member="Preliat Mantis"]

"Alright what can I do for Mand'alor Skirata." Freynk said as he sipped from his glass.

He leaned back and thought of what more he could possibly ask for. His mind sorted through his steps his company even Ord Mantell. There wasn't anything he could think of bit that didn't mean much. If he had things all figured out he would be paying child support and alimony. He might even have still had his old Job at the parts factory on Coruscant. He waited and hiped it wasn't for a shoe to drop.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
"I need you, to go back to your partners and tell them you have the Mandalorian's full support in your endeavor." He put out his hand and awaited for the shake. This was an amazing day for the Mandalorians and it would be the start of a wonderful sports sensation throughout the Galaxy. At least, he hopped it would. It needed traction and for that it needed something...More than just Limmie.
[member="Freynk Porkins"]
[member="Arla Balor"] [member="Gilamar Skirata"] [member="Freynk Porkins"]

Verz felt Arla squeeze his hand, and looked back at her from the screens with the game. One look at her eyes and the empty glass told him all he needed to know. Arla was drunk, or at the least, pretty damn close to being drunk. The realization made him smile, and then he roared with laughter. Many patrons of the bar would recognize the laugh as one they hadn't heard for a long time. When he finished laughing, he squeezed Arla's hand back.

"Thank you cyar'ika, and I must say, you don't look too bad yourself."
[member="Verz Horak"]

"Oooooo you think so" she whispered, or thought she whispered to him. She looked around and giggled again, "Do you want to dance or something?"

Dance, she might make it to the dance floor, but would it look like dancing or the death throws of killik. She held onto Verz tightly, seeking a bit of balance, and hoping she was not being foolish.

Freynk Porkins

[member="Gilamar Skirata"]

"You've got yourself a deal Mand'alor Skirata," Freynk said standing and grasping the man's forearm. "It's been a pleasure doing business with you. When can we add a Mandalorian team to the schedule?"

Freynk's cheeks had started to take a subtle glow from the strong drink of the Mando boys. He would stay and get drunk properly with the iron cased good ol'boys but he really couldn't miss his transport out. tickets weren't cheap and he kind of was. He plopped his news boy hat on his head and left the datacard with the contract on it for Skirata on the table, and waited for an answer.
[member="Arla Balor"]

Verz smiled at Arla. She was almost tripping over herselfjust trying to stand. He held her steady, considering the request.

"How about we dance elsewhere? The people here are trying to watch the game, and there isn't any music to dance to cyar'ika."

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