Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Message of The Arm | Tingel Arm Coalition




"Greetings. My name is... was Solarus Fynch. You don't know me yet, but I am willing to indulge you all with a story.

I was, at a time, the democratically elected official of Lothal and her people. Look back only a year and my Lothal Protectorate stood thousands strong, their hearts set on independence and freedom from the tyranny of our past. We only got a hundred years of this dream we held so dear. Months ago, the Empire of the Lost set my home ablaze, brutally conquering my people. Had I been a more fortunate man, I would have died on that day. I did not. Now I stand before you all, an individual who has seen the evil these despots have brought down upon our homes and our families. I speak for all civilized people in the Outer Rim when I say that we have had enough.

Today I stand on Sanctuary, a foundry world cut off from her Sister, Mon Cala, calling for your aid. Our space, our land, our home… it is up in flames. Those who claim to be cut from the Imperial cloth prove to be so, occupying our planets and draining them of all they can be wrung for. There is no love of man, nor security in the principles of civilization. These are states of fear, and one must suffer to establish fear. I am tired of my people suffering… as is the rest of the rim. This will change.

A slave revolt occurred on Zygerria only a short time ago. An established superpower did not propagate it, but the frustration of normal men and women, tired of their people being shackled by oppressors. I ensured that they found their way. Hundreds of free sentient beings now stand with me here on Sanctuary. This was the proof I needed that the common man could act...

The time of Empires is over, be they Dark, Lost, or anything in between. The movement of change has come to sweep them up. I stand under the mark of the Phoenix, an emblem that adorned those who freed my planet and countless others in an age long past from Imperial power. Our name… the Tingel Arm Coalition. I hope to evoke a name I heard once as a boy, one that inspires equal standing between planets and allows the desire for freedom and equality to well up within the hearts of those who hear it. I ask that you come and stand with me now. Not as a superior, but as a fellow sentient; humble in our weakness, powerful in our resilience. Take up arms if you are able! Come to Sanctuary, reclaim your homes! The time has come for us to rise and take action! There will be no more caution, nor silent prayer for our shackles to be broken by a distant hero of myth. We shall see the mark of freedom color the rim from the Tingel Arm to the Unknown Regions and Wild Space, and we shall not cease fire until the final banner of tyranny has been reduced to cinders. I have buried my people on foreign soil. I am going to see them return home."

"Empires have bitten the hand that feeds them. Now The Arm will rise to strike them back.”

This message was broadcast to trillions across the galaxy on the open airwaves of the holonet.

OOC: The first thread of the Tingel Arm Coalition will be live on Wednesday, June 19th. A discord link is live on our faction page for those who wish to join the preparation process. Thank you.
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Not interested in joining a faction just because my RP availability can be sporadic, but Pal could offer support for a forming rebellion (for the right price) as stories call for it.

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