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  • Thread starter Scar Worlds Commscan Relay
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Scar Worlds Commscan Relay

"Klizzie dzeh d-ah tsah-as-zih a-kham," a guttural voice began in an obscure spacer language. "No-da-ih dah-nes-tsa toish-jeh no-da-ih d-ah than-zie klesh d-ah a-kha d-ah tse-gah ah-nah na-as-tso-si tse-nill gah jad-ho-loni dzeh d-ah gloe-ih wol-la-chee ah-losz chindi tlo-chin nesh-chee gloe-ih tkin be-la-sana dibeh-yazzie shi-da."

The voice chuckled.

"Gloe-ih ah-nah a-chin ah-jah dzeh be than-zie a-kha d-ah be-la-sana ah-jad klizzie-yazzie tse-nill toish-jeh tlo-chin no-da-ih a-woh tla-gin tse-nill a-chin tsah a-chi shush tse-nill ah-jad tkin besh-do-tliz tkin a-chin jeha d-ah lin ah-nah klesh a-chi than-zie tse-gah ah-nah tsin-tliti ne-zhoni yeh-hes ah-losz ah-nah."

A pause.

"Na-hash-chid dah-nes-tsa a-chi tsah ah-tad dibeh tsah wol-la-chee moasi klizzie-yazzie klesh."

OOC/ If you succeed in translating, please don't post the solution unless you do it inside spoiler tags.
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Getting too old for this
After a good few hits the speaker stopped emitting noise.

“What in the hell was that?”

Setting down his beer bottle he tried to figure out what sound just came from the device. Grabbing it with both hands he shook a couple of times. Since nothing rattled around inside he set it back down, confused.

Shrugging his shoulders, he walked back to his ship. Those repairs weren’t going to fix themselves.


To: Space Guild Comms Relay
From: Virou

Attachment: mandalorian_soul

Take care out there.

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