Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Codex Denied Metagene

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  • Intent: To create a new species that will create strife in my characters backstory.
  • Image Credit: No Image
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Breathes: Type 1
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.6 Meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: White, Black, Brown, Yellow, Blue, Grey, Red
  • Hair color: Varies. Many have brown, blonde, white, red, or black hair.
  • Distinctions: Varies. Because each mutant can have a different mutation they sometimes will look physically different. For example one may have wings, or another may have blue skin. There is no standard as the mutation is different in every person.
  • Force Sensitivity: [ , All


    • Whatever their mutated Force power is.
    • Slightly longer lifespan

    • They are extremely emotional so they lose control quickly.
    • Their powers are difficult to control. Outburst and screw ups are common
    • They ONLY have whatever Force power mutated inside them. So for example if they can control ice that is ALL they can do. They cannot use telekinesis to summon a lightsaber or use any other Force power.
  • Diet: Omnivore
  • Communication: Galactic Basic
  • Technology level: Galactic Standard.
  • Religion/Beliefs: None
  • General behavior: Metagene come from all over the galaxy so their behaviors can be very diverse. Typically they are all emotional creatures who tend to be drawn towards what makes them happy. They struggle in religions that seek to suppress emotions. Generally all Metagene are family oriented and often insist their children have arranged marriages. They enjoy music and dancing as well as art.
It all started in a secret lab on the ice planet Hoth. During the days of the Empire, a secret company called Metagenetix was working on creating a new weapon that could be used for the war. They were trying to imbu non-Force users with the abilities of the Force so that the Empire could have complete control over all beings connected to the Force. This process lead to many tests on unwilling test subjects. Eventually the company found success in creating a genetic alteration that would give non-Force users the ability to use the Force. Unfortunately these Force users were not as useful as typical Jedi or Sith. The powers the new beings had were volitile and uncontrolable. The test subjects themselves were also emotional and often gave in to fits of anger or depression. Eventually all of the test subjects died from the mutations. The Empire scrapped this project and deemed it a failure.

The main scientist in charge of the project however would not let his work go to waste so easily. He continued to experiment on beings he captured until eventually he created a substance called "serum x." This substance could be injected into non-Force users and give them abilities in the Force. These abilities would only appear after a great emotional trauma was experienced. These abilities were highly temperamental and not easy to control, but the test subjects lived after injection. Determined to test his serum on a large population, the doctor got a job at a Corellian hospital and started injecting patients with the serum. The unsuspecting patients had their genes altered by the serum and went on to live their lives, creating children and spreading the effects of the serum. This species is now called Metagene.
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
This needs to be filled out. If there is nothing to link, just put N/A.

That aside, we shall move to more substantial matters.

This species is essentially X-Men in space. Now being inspired by other stories is fine. Star Wars is essentially a kitchen sink of scifi and fantasy elements. But it must be recognisably yours. Taking inspiration from other settings is OK. Crossovers are not, as said here.
  • No cross overs. All submissions need to conform to the general idea of Star Wars. No Gundams, no Transformers, no Pokemon etc.

Moreover, per Codex rules, completely Force-Sensitive species may not start off with fully developed Force powers. So edits need to be made to reflect this, such as in strengths and weaknesses.
  • Completely Force-sensitive species may not start off with fully developed Force Powers. That is a matter of the individual, not the race. They are born force sensitive, but that is a potential, rather than an absolute. All Force-sensitive species may have passive abilities that do not require training (improved reflexes, low grade pre-cog, etc), but are prohibited from having active abilities (force lightning, telekinesis, etc). Exceptions are made for artificially engineered species (Sithspawn, etc), if they have been tailored for specific abilities. Racial abilities that are not affiliated with the Force (Ex. Zeltron Empathy/Pheromones) are exempted from this. These species should include appropriate weaknesses, such as difficulties with Force Null fields.
This brings me to history. Artificially creating Force-Sensitives by empowering NFUs has precedent in both Legends (as seen by Galak Fyarr in the Jedi Outcast series) and on Chaos (I've used that plot hook myself a few times). Besides, the Mandos had a story about 'curing' FUs, so that aspect is fine.

However, the way these people were turned into FUs is vague. Fyarr used Artusian crystals empowered by the Valley of the Jedi. A fellow writer on Chaos subbed a drug in Factory. And Midichlorians are vague enough to probably do it via some form of Midichlorian manipulation. No one is asking for a science paper (and that would be silly in a setting that runs on rule of cool), but this needs to be clarified.

This leads me to my final point. Based on history, physical distinctions etc.....these people aren't exactly a species. I mean, Imperial scientists grabbed various NFU people and experimented on them until they got Force powers. You call them mutants but it is unclear who or what they mutated from, aside from all being NFUs. Like, would they even automatically have the same language?

Honestly, I think the species template may be the wrong template for this. I propose the following alternatives, which can be combined:

1. Sub the serum in the Factory because this is less a species and more a serum that gives ordinary people powers. The Consumables and Substances template in Technology is probably the best fit.

2. Do a Media submission in the Codex Lore forum. This could be an entry of documents from the experiments.

3. Do an Organisation submission in the Codex Lore Forum. In that case, you'd basically be detailing these people as a group. Maybe it's the patients as a whole, maybe a group of them that has broken free from the corporation that made them what they are.

Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan thank you! That actually makes a lot of sense. I guess I didn't think it would be an option to just submit the serum. That would be so much easier and better to describe my story though.

You can archive or delete this or whatever needs to be done. I'm going to either do a lore submission or a drug submission
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