Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Mevos
Faction: Nightbrothers
Rank: Nightbrother
Species: Dathomirian Zabrak
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Height: 6' 8"
Weight: 240 lbs.
Eyes: One eye is yellow and one eye is red
Hair: Horns that are 4 inches long
Skin: Orange with black tattoos
Force Sensitive: Yes
Strengths and Weaknesses: Highly skilled in use of a double-bladed lightsaber. Very bold, but can sometimes give in to sincerity and mercy. Can use Force Lightning but is only mediocre in the skill. Can but doesn't prefer to use hand-to-hand combat.
Appearance: Has a scar running across his left cheek. Has a utility belt with random supplies in its pouches. Has black cloth shorts that run to his knees and are slightly ripped and frayed at the ends. Wears heavy-duty combat boots. Has a black cloak but is usually shirtless.
Biography: Was born in the slums of Dathomir, but as he got older and moved out of his parents house, he found a job as a gun maker in a factory. He got okay pay so he later bought a house for his own. After one night after work, he was walking to his house, and a broad Zabrak man came up to him and asked Mevos to follow him. He was brought to a Nightbrother area and they tested if he was force-sensitive. They found out that he was and they asked him if he wanted to stay with them and wanted to train to be a Nightbrother, as a warrior, and that was his dream since being a young child, so he said sure. He was 18 at the time. He has trained with the Nightbrothers for 5 years, so far.
Ship: Rebel speeder
Weapons: Double-bladed lightsaber with 2 red crystals. Has ancient Dathomirian engravings down the hilt. Has a blade guard on each hilt section. The hilt sections are fused together. Can ignite one blade if needed. Has a Nightbrother vibro-sword.

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