OOC Account
NAME: Mia Serenvale
FACTION: Eternal Empire
RANK: Warden Initiate
SPECIES: Human (mutated)
AGE: 21
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 170 lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blond
SKIN: Beige
Mia is a young women with quite an athletic build. Her blond hair is often tied into braids and she prefers to wear battle armour at almost all times. She has a charming personality, though she is haunted by ghosts of her past.
Mia Serenvale is a women born on Tygeria among a human family, she had a sister named Reyna who was merely 2 years younger than her. She had a happy childhood, mostly without her father due to his word, which he wouldn't disclose. Her mother was an aid for the Baron of Tygeria, and so their family was granted security to ensure their safety.
When Mia turned 12, she was in her room when she heard a crashing noise from the entrance. She snuck her way downstairs and found a cloaked figure with a strange device she almost recognised. Years later she realised it had been a lightsaber. The figure took off his mask revealing her father, badly injured. Her mother has just come home and screamed in shock at her husbands condition. He had begun frantically speaking, telling them they had to leave and that the 'Sith' were coming for them.
Next thing she knew they were packing and getting ready to leave. They were at the door when it burst open and cloaked figures, much like her dad, appeared. They spoke of him betraying them, and that he would pay. One of the men reached out their hand and Mia's father lifted into the air, as if being choked by the air itself. Reyna was screaming at the sight of her father in main, so Mia did the only logical thing. She tried to grabbed a sphere type object from one of his fathers bags but it didn't work, she reached and reached until it lifted, but not by her hands, the Force! Though while lifting it, she activated what she didn't know was a thermal detonator and she launched it at the cloaked figure. Then suddenly, everything disappeared.
She woke up to find her house in ruins and up in flames. She screamed for her mother and her father, getting up she hardly noticed the pain, and went to the bodies strewn across the floor... she creamed in horror as she saw 8 bodies. Her mother, her father, the 5 Sith, and... Reyna. She heard the sound of sirens a distance away, but she couldn't move. As the sound got closer, she made her decision and ran. From then on she lived on the streets, on her own. They had searched for her, but she never showed herself. She refused to be reminded of the horrors that took place that day. When she turned to the age of 20, she was found. She was taken to the Baron of Tygeria, Hi'los Krai, and when her force abilities were revealed, she joined the Wardens of the Shroud as an initiate. Though the overwhelming guilt never left her.
-Martial Practices
-No restraint
-Under trained