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Approved Species Miacix soleii - 'Grass stalkers'

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Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

  • Name: Miacix soleii - known as 'grass stalkers' due to their hunting habits
  • Designation: Non-sentient
  • Origins: Enthenium
  • Average Lifespan: 10-20 years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: Looking like a hybrid between a panther, a wolf, and a vulture, grass stalkers are found on all continents of Enthenium; minor physiological elements vary depending on the local climates.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: 100-120 cm high at the shoulders
  • Average Length of Adults: 2-3 meters long (including tail)
  • Average Weight of Adults: 200-350 kg
  • Skin color: Varies; ranges from light tan and brown, to dark brown/green, to eggshell white
  • Hair color: Very thin fur over the entire body; hair color is translucent but usually mimics the skin color beneath
  • Distinctions: Female members of the species usually range on the larger end of height, length, and weight. Male members are smaller but usually more muscular and faster. Most notable is the large beak-like armored skull; males usually have thinner but longer beaks proportional to their face, and females have broader and shorter beaks.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: High
  • High Force sensitivity is integral to pack cohesion, pack societal communication, and hunting.
  • Large physical size combined with extremely lethal pack dynamics make them the apex predator on the planet.
  • Physiology makes them unable to challenge the dominant sentient species of the planet on their turf, relegating the grass stalkers to the plains, jungles, and taiga.
  • Large body mass requires a lot of nutrition; if the prey species suffers population decline, the grass stalkers will feel that decline far more severely.
  • Diet: Obligate carnivore
  • Communication: Primarily through vocalizations, usually purring, chirruping, and soft squawking; there is also a semblance of near-telepathic communication due to this species' larger than average Force sensitivity.
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: Grass stalkers are very pack-oriented. Usually a matriarchal leader will dictate the requirements of the pack, whether that is hunting patterns or pack size. This leader may change depending on pack requirements, but will usually maintain dominance for life. This leader will often be the one tending to the injured, the sickly, those members of the pack who might be expecting, etc. Usually the leader will have a few cubs of her own before taking a leadership role. Consisting of anywhere from 5-25 members at a time, these packs may be stationary in a territory or may migrate depending on climate and food sources. Hunting parties are usually 3-6 members, comprised of 1 female and the remainder male. The female will coordinate the hunting party while the males use their superior speed and slighter size to effectively bring down larger prey. If you can see a lone female but no males near her, that usually means that there is a hunt in progress.
A native of Enthenium for as long as the Keesers have kept record. Much like the nexu in both size and ferocity, the grass stalkers are far more lethal by way of their pack dynamics allowing for quick and precise takedowns. Preferring ambush and hit & run tactics, grass stalkers will use their Force sensitivity to keep their prey docile and unaware until they can strike. A gentle but crude blanket of Force presence that emanates from the stalkers will keep their targets sluggish and happy even while watching other members of the herd being picked off one after the other. After a time, the blanket of Force 'Calm' will drop due to the grass stalkers giving into their hunger, allowing the remaining members of the herd of prey animals to finally panic and make their escape.

In environments like grassy plains and windswept tundra, grass stalkers will travel in smaller packs (5-15) with larger hunting groups (5-7), with the hunt leader usually striking as fast and coordinated as possible. In environments like the jungle, grass stalkers will have larger packs (10-25) with smaller hunting groups (3-5); smaller hunting groups allow for increased hit-and-run tactics in dense and complex undergrowth.
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