Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Midvinter in Midsummer [Coci]

Every year for a precious few months' time the snowfalls cease and the weather clears, allowing the sun to bring some small amount of warmth to the world of Midvinter. White plains turn to rolling hills of every shade of green one could imagine in stark contrast to the blue skies above, again contrasted by the yellow sun shining proudly. The height of this time of year is thus rightly celebrated as the brightest and hottest day on the Valkyri calendar, as well as its most important holiday; even more so in recent time, with the ascension of the late great High King granting him dominion of the powers of the sun itself. Statues and idols depicting the Dawnbringer are greatly adorned each year with wreathes of flowers and offerings placed at their feet, serving both as a way to thank him for this period of respite and bounty as well as a way to remember his sacrifice.

To a few number of people, it is a far more personal event.

In Fridheim, preparations for the celebration were in full swing and had for the last week, with people from all reaches of the Westmark gathering in the capital in the thousands. Lodgings become fully booked in a matter of days, with many spending their nights sleeping in tents outside the city walls. Bands of jesters can be found at every junction in town spreading merriment while others partake in games focused around great feats of strength, be it through contest or organised brawls. Market stalls work overtime to provide for everyone, supplied by the bountiful harvests provided by the fairer weather.

Today is the main event, when the entire population join in mass prayer before the Sun God, in which each individual offer their personal prayer to the Lord of Sunlight. It is an incredibly sacred ritual as entire cities fall silent, with only the ringing of bells in the distance providing ambiance. Once completed, then the great feast begins as the city erupts into merriment once more, and does not stop until late into the night as the midnight sun sits on the horizon, only to rise once more with the coming of a new day. Needless to say, the following day is one spent recuperating, before the city is eventually brought back to normal as people embark on their long journey home.

"You would think I'd be better at this by now," he glanced over at Coci working on her own flower wreath with dexterous fingers. "These big sausage fingers of mine are terrible for such delicate work. I won't begrudge you for not wishing it wear it," he pouted in frustration. Certainly didn't help having just the one eye, either. He always felt bad having Coci wear his crappy one while he got to wear her much finer work. They'd made it tradition in their household to make wreathes for one another to wear for the Midsummer Festival.

As they sat together in the living room couch with several small piles of various flowers to choose from, Thurion placed his unfinished product on the table, giving it a rest for the time being. He watched Coci while she worked, focusing more so on her face than on what her hands were doing. He wanted to partake in the joyful mood of the city, but this particular day each year would always bring back hurtful memories. So he quietly fell onto his side, gently placing his head in her lap to rest.

"I miss him."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
The years they had spent on Midvinter after they left the Silver Jedi, had been a change greatly and most of it for the best. Their lives were more relaxed, considering the only the day to day activities that needed their attention, but even here on Midvinter, life was not simple by any means. Thurion had the Westmark to run and that was a large duty alone, she had the Dawnguard with the responsibilities that entailed and then there was those events that thrown them all into a state of upheaval the evidence of which could be seen on her husbands face. Life here was just as amazing and dangerous as anywhere in the galaxy.

Coci was all but done with her wreathe she was making for Thurion, a smile crossed her lips as she chose one more flower for it which she had kept it to choices of a more masculine kind. When he placed his head in her lap, she raised her arms so he would not damage her fine work and placed it to the side. It was to hard on himself, the wreathe he was working on for her was very good and lovely, the years had improved his work and besides, no matter what he would create she would wear it. It was not about how good it looked, it was about taking pride in something created for another and with love.

She looked down into his face as he rested on her lap, one hand pushing back his hair tucking it behind his ear, and the other placed a yellow flower there. "Thora would think you pretty", she said and leaned back into the sofa.

Thrand had been gone for years now, gone from his mortal existence, but even though he resides in the sky .. it is not the same. It never is.

"I know. I miss him too", she said but of course it is much more deeper for Thrand's sons. Thurion knows well enough that the Sun rises each day and they could look upon this event as his father being with them but that is not what Thurion meant. There is nothing that can replace the physical presences of someone you love, to be able to speak with them or hold them and to show love and to receive it in return.

"I would bet anything he misses you to". That was a certainty. "Just remember though that one day you will see him again and you will have eternity together and that is a very long time to catch up. But also remember that your time here with us is limited and that spending as much time with your family is more important because eternity may not be available for the rest of us". Coci caressed her husband's cheek with a smile as she found his eyes looking back at her.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Thurion let out a chuckle at the mention of Thora thinking him pretty with a flower in his hair. Their granddaughter had two parents who did not shy away from adventure and danger - albeit the father had mellowed some in recent years after settling down - and yet she was still very much a girl who greatly appreciates beauty when she sees it.

As he lay with his head in her lap, hanging on to every word she uttered, his brows furrowed and he placed his hand over hers caressing his cheek. "I do not wish for eternity if I don't have you to spend it with," he whispered and turned his head to place a kiss upon her palm. "You have told me many times how you would not survive should I be the first to fall. The same is true for me, Coci. Even should our bond when broken not end up killing me, I would not wish to go on. I would not know how to."

With his other hand he reached up caress her cheek in return, his thumb gently brushing against her lips. "We don't know what afterlife awaits us. In your case; does Beornskald even allow non-Valkyri into their halls? And in my case; will I become one with the Force and join the countless generations of Jedi before us, or will I see Father again? Am I destined to join him alongside the Gods, simply because I am his son?" His head shook lightly. "I decided long ago that it doesn't do any good to ponder these things. All will happen as it is supposed to. But know this..."

He sat back up beside her, his face mere inches away from hers while gazing deeply into her black eyes. "In the event that we are cruelly separated in the next life, I will break any barrier between us until our spirits reunite. I will strike down Odiir Allfather himself or any other god should they refuse my leaving." Leaning in closer, the tip of his nose touched hers. "Or perhaps it is all nonsense, and all that awaits everyone is merely an infinite, black void. Who gives a faen?" And he placed his lips upon hers, pouring every ounce of love and passion into his kiss as they lay together in the couch, him on top of her. This came at the cost of Coci's wreathe which was pushed off the couch and fell onto the floor, but was not damaged in any significant way.

However it would not take too long for the inevitable interruption to occur through a knock on their front door. Thurion at that point had half a mind to ignore it all and let festivities carry on without the two of them, but even so the moment was already ruined. He simply looked down into his wife's loving face with a look of humorous defeat, giving her a quick nibble on her neck before rising to answer the door. "Forgive me, my lord, my lady," the guardsman spoke, bowing his head to each of them. "Everything is ready to begin. The people await your arrival by His Grace's statue." Thurion's mood immediately shifted to that of the duty-bound, and simply offered a sharp nod in response before shutting the door.

Approaching Coci, he took her by the hand to place a kiss upon. "We'd best get ready."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Her fingers gently played in his hair, he still kept the back long just for her as she loved it that way so much. And as he spoke and caressed her cheek that overwhelming sense of fear started to return. “I never feared death before I met you and as we grow older that fear grows with it”. Of course, he was right when he spoke of what might happen in the afterlife, no one ever really knows until they go through it. Sure, there had been well documented evidence of entering the force and returning which she supposed would happen to her as well, but even that has its limits.

Thurion moved to sit in front of her and spoke the words she wished to hear, he would not be alone in the quest to find each other for she would move heaven and earth to find him if they were separated in the life after death. But in the back mind, and in her heart of hearts, she knew that would not be necessary, there was something between them that was just to strong, to powerful for even the force to throw asunder.

Coci let his love wash over her, and in a wave of love she returned it to him through her heart, the press of his body felt like a union that they always had between heaven and earth. Yet, the moment was short lived, they had duty to attend too which was, for once, a fun event. “I am already ready”, she threw her arms out to show him her traditional Valkyri dress for the celebration. “Oh!”, she took up his wreathe and fixed some of the wayward flowers before putting it on her head. “How do I look?”, she asked with a smile before taking up her creation and standing on the sofa she crowned him with her glory. “Pretty”, she teased in Thora’s way.

As they made for the door, “This year you do not get out of dancing around the pole, you have run out of excuses”. She teased some more. “For children and old people, I believe you say?!, well guess what. We are old people now”. Coci laughed and trotted with pace down the garden path, knowing her husbands most likely responses to this.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
"Beautiful," he replied, looking upon her as if in the presence of an angel. Suddenly his shoddy work on her wreathe no longer mattered, and he could not help but find it quite adorable how she had to stand on the sofa in order to put them on the same eye level. And as she crowned him with her own work, Thurion straightened his back as if undergoing the actual ceremony, all on instinct, without even noticing.

Before heading out he put on a beautiful cloak of shimmering blue, depicting an embroidered golden lion; it, along with the fine set of clothes he wore, would serve as his formal attire this most cherished of holidays. "Oh, come on," he let out as she made mention of dancing around the Midsummer pole. "It just looks so... silly." Then again, she had a point. Signs of their advancing age had marked them both in recent years, with more and more grey in their hair along with new wrinkles seemingly each time they caught themselves in the mirror. It was perhaps a bit more evident on Coci, as long dark locks were suddenly showing shades of lighter colours.

Even so, they had lots more to give before their time was done. His strength had hardly lessened with age, and he knew the same was true about his wife.

Catching up to her, Thurion swooped her off her feet to hold in his arms, her legs dangling on one side. With the immense crowd just up ahead, he slipped into a nearby alleyway where they could have one last moment of privacy. Only now did he gently put her down, pushing her up against the wall for another kiss of heartfelt passion. "Just felt like kissing you again," he confessed in that childlike fashion. "I love you," he whispered, just in time for a horn to blare from within the crowd, signalling the start of the ceremony and silencing the entire city. With her hand in his, Lord and Lady Heavenshield strode through the sea of people, many of which were from out-of-town and had never laid eyes on the two in person til now. The sea parted before their every step, until they found themselves at the very centre when suddenly those standing in their way instead lowered themselves to their knees.

"No, please," he told them. "You don't have to..." Looking around, more and more joined in the bowing until the entire city, as far as the eye could see, all paid their respects to the two people who had fought and bled for them so many times, seen them through each and every crisis since the Rebellion of Dawn. Thurion was overtaken with emotion by this act of honouring their lord and lady, clutching Coci's hand tightly just so he would not break down completely right there and then. When husband and wife then proceeded towards the platform at the far end, where the statue of their Great Father stood surrounded by offerings and adorned with a flower wreathe of his own, people would reach out to touch the two as if seeking to receive some holy blessing. It was a slow process, but finally they found themselves stood atop the platform overlooking the crowd.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
She turned along the path to look over her husband, “Silly huh?”, she said looking him over again all dressed up in his finest with flowers in his hair. They entered Fridheim through the open gates and entered a world of colour and festival, the people all around busy with moving toward the main area of the city to begin the proceedings.

Suddenly she was pulled into a small street and pushed up against the wall, her husband taking her into an embrace with all his passion which was returned to him tenfold. It seemed the pair was taking on the celebrations of Midsummer to the fullest allowing the ritual event to enter their spirits. “I love you too, so very much”, she whispered with a shortness of breath.

But when the re-joined the people, it was then the atmosphere changed and the two of them became to centre of attention. It is always unnerving, and something never searched for by either of them, but it was humbling to be admired by so many. No matter how many times you would speak to them of duty and it was a duty that did not warrant reward, the Valkyri and those good people of Fridheim would give to them a sense of respect without any needs in return. It was the adoration that unnerved Coci the most.

She looked out over the sea of faces that had gone quiet as if expecting Thurion to speak. Coci squeezed his hand not only for reassurance for him, but for herself too. Many a time both of them had addressed gatherings whether it was Valkyri or Jedi and never did she feel so self-conscious. She would let Thurion speak for the simply reason she did not know what to say. For once in her life she was overwhelmed by them all.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
"Th-thank you," his voice wavered with emotion, prompting a clearing of his throat before continuing.

"But we are not here to pay homage to the two of us this day. This day belongs to the great man depicted in this work of art behind me. My father lived for Midvinter. For his people. And paid the ultimate price for his devotion." Thurion swallowed hard. "We know Him today as the Lord of Sunlight - the Bringer of Dawn. But let us not forget that He was once just like each and every one of us, born and raised on Midvinter soil. He lived, loved, and lost in equal measure. Like anyone of us living with terrible regret, He had demons of his own constantly hounding him. But they did not stop Him from staying true to Himself, and His higher calling to serve Midvinter. When He passed away, He did so without regrets."

He turned towards the statue of his father, looking up into its cold, lifeless face. No mere object could ever do him justice. "Before He was a god, He was a king. Before He was a king, He was a man. A testament to all Mankind and what we can achieve in life." With a subtle nod to his wife, the two proceeded to kneel before their father, thus signalling the rest of the city to follow suit. It was time to offer personal prayers, and so a plethora of murmurs overtook the deafening silence from eariler. Some people said nothing, others wept openly. All to the sound of ringing bells in the distance.

"Father. I will offer no prayer for myself, for you have already given me so much. My prayer is for you. I hope you are well, wherever you are. Hope it's not too boring for you, just sitting up there in the sky all day. I hope... that you and Mother are happy, being together again." By this point he could no longer hold back his tears. "I hope I am worthy of being your son."

Thurion's tears fell upon the smooth stone as he then leaned forward to place a lasting kiss upon his father's feet. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you, Dad..."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
As Thurion spoke to the people of Fridheim, Coci watched their faces moving from one to another and each of them gave her husband their full attention, even the little children would stop their play to listen. There was something in their eyes, each and everyone of them believed in his words taking them all in and their respect shown there which made Coci very proud of Thurion. He is their leader not just as their lord but as a person they all look up to for guidance, just as the Jedi did many years ago.

When the time came to turn their attention to the occasion that gathered them all, she kneeled next to Thurion and continued to hold his hand throughout. She said a silent prayer, as her head lowered, and eyes closed to focus on her thoughts.

Not a day goes by that we don’t think of you, not a day goes by that we don’t miss you, and not a day goes by that we don’t love you. This is how we will be until the day we can rejoice in each other’s arms once more. You are father to us all.

And on a more direct and personal note, Please look over my children and make sure they are always safe and if harm threatens them send them your love and warmth to guide them to through.

It was then she heard the last words spoken by Thurion to his father and her head turned to look at his down cast face and just as the final word was spoke, the clouds parted and a ray of sun light shone on the stone statue before them, illuminating it and the glare was so strong Coci had to shield her black eyes from the sting. She cared little for that, her face broke into a smile as she squeezed her husband’s hand to gain his attention and for him to look up into his father’s face.

A trick of the light maybe? But the statue of Thrand appeared to be looking down at his son with light in his eyes and a small smile on his lips.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Sobbing at his father's feet, he felt Coci's squeeze of his hand and was able to pull himself together enough to follow her gaze towards the face of the statue. The light of the sun shone so bright upon the white stone that it was blinding to stand so close, but just as his wife had noted he felt as if his father was smiling down at the two, where otherwise his face was etched in a grim, almost mournful state. He was always so jovial around his grandchildren, but when alone with his sons he would sometimes let this side of him out in the open. But it was not how Thurion wished to remember him.

He couldn't help but smile back at his old man, and standing back up at his full height he could just reach his father's hand gripping his sword. Perhaps it was just the focused sunlight which made it so, but for a moment it felt as if blood flowed underneath its stone skin. And he realised then, that their Great Father was still very much alive in the other realm. He already knew this to be true of course, having met him in his divine form after waking up in Averlorn, but it was just comforting to know he was still with them.

His tears wiped from his face, he turned to Coci and wrapped his arms around her, paying no heed to an entire city's worth of people watching them as he placed his lips upon hers for all to see. It was a long-lasting kiss, not unlike a wedding kiss, and only when it ended did the crowd erupt in loud cheering. "Praise be to the Dawnbringer! Long live the Lion," they shouted, referring to House Heavenshield as a whole, as now with the solemn ritual completed all that awaited was joyous celebration until they could no longer stand. Banners depicting either gryphon or lion fluttered in the wind, the former of the two being the official city arms for the capital of Westmark. "Let the celebrations begin!"

Second-story windows were flung open as flower petals sailed down unto the people in the streets below, and music was played at every street corner. A wide circle at the centre of the town square where the Sun God's statue stood vigil was cleared of people for a Midsummer pole to be raised, adorned from top to toe with leafwork and flowers. Musicians armed with lutes and pipes marched forth to play their merry tunes at its feet, and already people were joining hands for the dance around the pole. Toddlers who thought themselves having broken free from their parents' watchful gaze stumbled about inside the circle, giggling with excitement while utterly enamoured with all the festivities before eventually being playfully snatched up in their mothers' arms.

Thurion turned to Coci after having stepped off the platform. "May I have this dance, my lady," he asked her, and before she herself could step off the platform he instead swooped her off her feet and into his arms once more. He grinned with the utmost joy as he pressed his forehead against hers while they twirled in a circle of their own, and the two shared yet another kiss. "Oh I love you so!"

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
A strange warmth radiated from the stone statue of Thrand, he was always going to be Thrand to her, no matter what title or entity he was. The warmth set joy in their hearts, not just Thurion and Coci, but the sense of good spread throughout the whole gathering. As the official part of the celebrations came to a close, the people of Fridheim forgot their worries and sadness and took up the sense of fun and relished in the summer day.

Thurion took her feet out from under her, as they both left the platform, her arms thrown around his shoulders and they embraced and kissed once more. A smile on her face showed him victory, as he had surrender to the fact, he would dance with her around the pole. It looked so wonderful and grand in the centre of the city , and the children already took up position to start they dance, they had been practicing for weeks and finally their day had come.

Coci stood watching them, clapping her hands with the rhythm of the music as the pattern formed on the pole with the ribbons. People had been busy all-night cooking and roasting and baking and finally all the fare was brought out for all to partake and it smelt so good, her stomach rumbled.

It was their turn now. Coci clasped Thurion hand and led him to the centre and the pole stood ready, she was giggling all the way, not because of the joyous event but the look on his face spoke more words to her than anything he could say aloud. And the dance began, in a whirling circle around the beautifully decorated pole. The onlookers were equally happy about their lord taking part and clapped their hands to encourage him further.

Finally, the music came to a stop and so too, the dance. She turned in her place, to look back at Thurion with a wide smile before throwing her arms about his shoulders, kissing him once more to the delight of the crowd. “Honestly, I did not think you would do it”, she nuzzled his nose. “I love you so much my Thurion”.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
He was surprised at how easy the steps were, having only observed them every previous celebration prior. That being said, he did not possess the same lightfootedness as his wife and would occasionally trip up or hesitate, but her reassuring smile would always spur him on to see it through. The music had long since faded away in his mind, as following a beat, however steady, was not his forte. Instead he just focused solely on Coci, taking in her every already-familiar facial feature. In all their years together, she'd never ceased in taking his breath away. Each morning they wake huddled together under the warm covers he consider himself the most fortunate being in the universe, and each moment they spend together each day is forever treasured in his heart.

But then, just as the dance came to an end as she placed her lips on his, he felt that same exhaustion he'd first experienced during his first time looking after his granddaughter, and would return to him seemingly at random; shortness of breath, heartache, blurred vision all at once struck him, and he was forced to steady himself on Coci. Looking around in confusion, the faces of some of his adoring crowd became twisted and deformed, and he clutched his chest over his heart. A sense of panic spread throughout his being, the only source of comfort found in his wife he knew was right there in front of him. "It's happening again," he uttered under laboured breath. "I can hear her whispers in my head...!"

With her help they were able to sneak away from the celebrations and find a quiet spot to sit him down. Thurion gasped for air and found plenty, as already the symptoms were beginning to fade. "Mama," he threw his arms around her and held on for dear life, feeling his own heartbeat relax and sync up with hers. "I'm scared," he cried into her shoulder. It wasn't the first time this had occurred, but each attack was more intense than the last, and there was no set period of time between them. Sometimes it was months, other times weeks. Only thing Thurion knew was he didn't know how to stop it.

Coci was the only one who knew about his condition.

As things calmed down he settled in her embrace, clinging to her like a child would his mother. "I'm sorry, Coci. I'm sorry," he said to her again and again. "I've ruined it," he referred to the day as a whole.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
As soon as his hand grabbed at his heart, Coci knew what was about to happen, their force bond thickened with it. It was overwhelming even for her, and more so that these attacks effected him so badly. It was like a knife to the heart for her. The day of the battle with the hag had change Thurion so much, it was heart breaking, and she could do nothing about it, expect be there for him. There were many applications through the force that might help to lessen it.

"Let me help you", she whispered as he clung to her. "Let me at least try".

There seemed to be some sort of connection between her husband and this evil hag that the force could no sever and knowing what she did now, about the Gods, most likely it would only be them that could remove it. Would they though? Was this some sort of test of him that only he could remove the connection? the frustration in her mind was causing through her body.

Coci held him tight, close to her to give him all the comfort and support she could only give and she would not let him go until he was ready. He was the only thing in the galaxy that mattered, the celebration forgotten. "You haven't ruined anything my love", she assured him. As he lay against her body, slowly but surely the pain in his mind going, her heart turned to anger. The image of the Hag in the forefront of her mind and by the Gods, if she ever has the chance to confront her again, Coci will rip out her heart through her chest. Her anger was also a product of that fact, she felt useless for him now.

Her hand raised and cradled his head against her shoulder as she turned and placed a kiss on the top of his head, they would sit here for as long as he needed. "No matter what, through the good times and the bad, I will love you now and beyond this life". And I also vow to you, that one day you will have your vengeance.

Somehow she would find a way for him to take it. If that failed, she would take it for him.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
As the panic attack slowly passed, Thurion held onto the woman who meant everything to him until his grip softened and he found peace in her embrace. "You already do so much to help," he whispered with newfound peace of mind while nuzzling into her shoulder as she cradled him. "This is nice..." Already his mood changed to the better, smiling as he lifted his head to meet her gaze. "You are so beautiful," he said with complete adoration for the woman he worshipped. A gentle hand caressed her cheek before leaning for a kiss of the truest love. There was no telling how long they sat there, away from the festivities simply loving one another as husband and wife for many years.

While the city was busy feasting on all the delicious food prepared over the course of the week, their lord and lady were doing celebrations of their own away from all the hustle and bustle. By now his fears had been laid to rest, and taking their place were intense sensations of passion and lust slowly built up the entire day and now allowed to blossom, the excitement only furthered by the fact that they could be caught at any time. No doubt it would make for great gossip across the whole of Midvinter.

At some point during their lovemaking they'd made their way into a nearby stables devoid of animals for the time being, and by the time it was over they found themselves up on the hayloft. All around them lay articles of clothes, with their wreathes of flowers carefully set aside to avoid being ruined during the ravaging. Now they lay together basking in the aftermath with heavy breathing, their hair all messed up and littered with strands of fresh hay. Thurion looked down at Coci where she lay resting upon his chest, and as she looked up at him he placed a kiss upon the tip of her nose. "Well... This is certainly one way of celebrating," he grinned, completely rid of any troubles for the time being.

"Not exactly what I had in mind, but I'll take it."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
It was probably the combination of heightened emotions that led them both to this, although the day had started off relatively calm, but by the time that got to this point here in the hayloft, there had been a strong sense of sadness and loss on two levels, and couple with the celebrations of the day and all that involved, she supposed it could only have come to this.

“Well we could always go for another dance”, she teased, knowing full well she was pressing her luck for a second one. But she was feeling hunger pull at her stomach, however, nothing would make her move from this place in his arms. Coci picked up a piece of straw from his long hair and gently inserted it up his nose to tickle him.

“We will have to get back soon”, she said snuggling down further into the hay against his body, counter to what she voiced, “They will be looking for us .. you need to judge the children’s art competition and they would be very disappointed if you did not turn up”, she grinned.

It was not until this moment did she notice the two barn owls above them, looking down with wide eyes which did not seem to be pleased them both disturbing their sleep. She pointed a finger toward them for Thurion to follow her direction, “I think we might be in trouble”, she whispered as she enjoyed watching their heads move from side to side.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
"I think I've had enough exertion for one day," he looked down into her eyes with a knowing smirk. His own stomach would agree fully, chiming in with a rumble loud enough to almost cause the two barn owls to flee the scene. However, it would seem the two were quite adamant to see the intruders out. The sensation of his burrowing into his chest made him tingle with comfort and bliss, and he in return held onto her tighter. The straw she stuck up his nose had him toss his head about trying to escape it, until finally he raised a hand to rid Coci of her new toy. "Oh, you are just a handful, aren't you," he rolled them around in the hay, so much so that they got dangerously close to rolling clean over the edge of the hayloft.

Thankfully they stopped just inches away, with Thurion ending up on top and nuzzling her nose. "If I didn't know better I'd say you were using reverse psychology on me. Trying to make me shirk my duties, that is no way for a lady to behave. Tsk, tsk," he leaned in for a nibble of her neck before finally he got up on his feet, scanning the place for their discarded clothing and tossing those belonging to Coci her way. "And who would I be, if I did not sit down and judge every last piece of child art?" He got his pants back on and looked around for his shirt, only to find that his wife had beaten him to the punch. "Now, that thing does look a bit too big on you," he pointed and approached her.

"Also, I don't think you'd wanna see me try and squeeze into your dress. You're so tiny that it would only fit around my one leg," he boasted and grabbed hold of her playfully, picking her off the floor and sitting her down on top of a haybale, putting them at an equal height. Leaning in for yet another kiss, he simultaniously undid her buttons one by one until she was rid of the shirt, and Thurion had to physically hold himself back in order to avoid having 'seconds' right there and then. But then, rather than putting on his shirt straight away he instead put his arms around her for a firm embrace, holding her to his heart while burying his face in her shoulder. No words were uttered, letting the act speak for itself with only the hooting of the barn owls for ambiance. There was no telling how long they remained like this - all he knew was he did not care to find out.

It did take some time to get ready for face the outdoors once more. All their clothes were unharmed and they were able to get most of the straw out of their hair, however one could clearly tell the two appeared somewhat more... disheveled compared to earlier. Even so husband and wife braved the streets of Fridheim and the unending crowds, with the celebration having taken a plethora of activities during their time away. Many were in the middle of feasting, eating and drinking the day away until they could no longer stand. Others were playing games and entering contests in which to test their strength, and, of course, there was the annual children's art contest. A home-made banner had been made by all the contestants, signed with hundreds of little palm prints of every colour imaginable.

"Oh, that is just lovely," he told them as the lord and lady arrived at the scene. "But..." One thing that caught his attention more than any other was the fact that the banner clearly read: King Thurion's Annual Art Contest!

However, he did not have the heart to correct them and instead greeted each of them with a grin as little children flocked around him, tugging at his sleeves with excitement at showing off their hard work.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Apart from the unexpected episodes that plagued Thurion at the hands of the hag, it was lovely to spend the day away from everything. At least for her, he was on ‘duty’ as lord of the Westmark and it was fun to watch him at work even in these celebrations. It made for a welcome change. It was even more welcoming that they could steal away and find time for each other, and quite frankly she could easy stay right where they were owls and all.

She held onto him tightly as they snuggled in the barn at play with each other, and so she took her time to dress prolonging the moments as much as she could. From time to time she glanced toward him, hiding her looks of concern for his metal state of health. He was a stubborn man, denying her the chance to try and help him through her abilities in the force. Coci knew she could ease the pain, make it bearable but could never rid him of it, that was down to destiny and how knew what that had in store for them both.

Her arms slide around his shoulders and pulled him close to her before she kissed him tenderly with all her love and devotion. “I love you Thurion, but boy you can be the worst sometimes”, she smiled to lighten the mood more. “And I am not sure if that was a compliment or not”, she looked down at his legs, “I am not that big, am I?”, she teased further.

The celebrations were in full swing, as the afternoon began to crawl upon them, the food smelled so good and called to her stomach. They approached the art stalls with all the craft from the children and she too noticed the sign with a smile, I supposed they did consider him the King in these parts, so the mistake was an honest and heart felt one.

“I shall go grab us some food”, she kissed his cheek before letting his hand go so he could get on with the judging. And she walked away with a giggle knowing he was out of his element. It was not long before she was set upon by the food vendors all wanting her to taste everything, and they would not be disappointed. Roasted meats, fish, breads and cheeses, all manner of fruit and baked goods and the mead from the Howlin’ Wolf was doing a roaring trade, Théo would be pleased. Coci just had to remember to save some for Thurion.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Despite his rumbling tummy Thurion soldiered on, taking time for each and every one of the countless works of art. It only seemed right that he should do so, for these children had all clearly put their all into their respective crafts, from as simple as a paper drawing by toddlers to ambitious young teens trying their hand at sculpturing. Granted these were divided into several age categories for the sake of fairness when judging, ranging from ages 3 to 15. He could decide which of the two extremes was the more difficult to judge; thankfully, due to a childlike imagination he had never fully shaken, he could figure out most early-year drawings without having to resort to inquire the parents of its contents.

The little ones, meanwhile, would more often than not occupy themselves trying to fit as many of them on his broad shoulders as possible, clinging and hanging on to anywhere they could, turning him into a walking playground. Many would wrap themselves around his legs, which certainly did not make his job easier, but he would not deny them their fun for the world. This was their special time with their lord and protector, and in many ways his favourite aspect of the very important role he played to his people. They were the future of Midvinter, not the aged and aging men and women currently in power.

By the time Coci found him, the judging had long been abandoned in favour of simply piling onto Thurion. Thankfully the older contestants were among the first categories to judge, and thus had already got their winners. The younger children were not as bothered by the interruption in judging, not when they could instead climb a giant!

Eventually he was rescued by mothers, fathers, and older siblings coming to gather up their respective little ones, giving their lord a much-needed respite. It was even more welcomed when he saw his wife carrying a large basket of food for the two of them, and as a disheveled Thurion got back on his feet he gave her a deep kiss to say thank you. "What took you so long," he teased with a smile as his forehead rested against hers for a time. With the art's contest taken care of, the two were free to sit down and participate in the feast itself.

Finding their reserved seats in the shadow of their Father's statue, they helped themselves to the many foods and dishes available. Thurion stacked on the meat, filling his plate within seconds, and was too busy devouring said meat to notice Coci scooping some sorely-lacking fruits and vegetables onto his plate as one-by-one the slabs of meat vanished.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
She had been standing alone just watching the play between the children and her husband before she was spotted with the basket of food. "I had to sample all the food before returning, now didn't I", she smiled as he approached and Coci could see in his eyes hunger was very much in them. Even though she had sampled much of the food, she was still hungry and as soon as they found a place to sit, she opened the basket for them both.

It was done through stealth, a kiss on his cheek as some of the fruit and vegies found their way to his plate, whether they would be eaten or not was another thing, but at least she tried. A habit of a life time was very hard to break. But the meats were so good, it was hard for her not to indulge in them as well, especially the fowl which she noticed was the first thing to go on his plate.

"One day you will grow feathers", she teased as all the bones were stripped of their flesh and now laid waste on his plate, and she bumped his shoulder with her own. Coci twisted on her spot and took up the bottle of soft drink, a fizzy drink the Howlin' Wolf had developed for those not wanting something stronger, and kids could drink. "Here try this, Théo's new brew", she passed it to Thurion. It was a sweet brown liquid with a unique flavour that tickled your nose with it's bubbles, it was very nice and went well with a handful of ice, which you could get lots of around here.

"He calls it Coci Coola", catchy name she thought and hoped it would take off.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

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