The Lion King
Every year for a precious few months' time the snowfalls cease and the weather clears, allowing the sun to bring some small amount of warmth to the world of Midvinter. White plains turn to rolling hills of every shade of green one could imagine in stark contrast to the blue skies above, again contrasted by the yellow sun shining proudly. The height of this time of year is thus rightly celebrated as the brightest and hottest day on the Valkyri calendar, as well as its most important holiday; even more so in recent time, with the ascension of the late great High King granting him dominion of the powers of the sun itself. Statues and idols depicting the Dawnbringer are greatly adorned each year with wreathes of flowers and offerings placed at their feet, serving both as a way to thank him for this period of respite and bounty as well as a way to remember his sacrifice.
To a few number of people, it is a far more personal event.
In Fridheim, preparations for the celebration were in full swing and had for the last week, with people from all reaches of the Westmark gathering in the capital in the thousands. Lodgings become fully booked in a matter of days, with many spending their nights sleeping in tents outside the city walls. Bands of jesters can be found at every junction in town spreading merriment while others partake in games focused around great feats of strength, be it through contest or organised brawls. Market stalls work overtime to provide for everyone, supplied by the bountiful harvests provided by the fairer weather.
Today is the main event, when the entire population join in mass prayer before the Sun God, in which each individual offer their personal prayer to the Lord of Sunlight. It is an incredibly sacred ritual as entire cities fall silent, with only the ringing of bells in the distance providing ambiance. Once completed, then the great feast begins as the city erupts into merriment once more, and does not stop until late into the night as the midnight sun sits on the horizon, only to rise once more with the coming of a new day. Needless to say, the following day is one spent recuperating, before the city is eventually brought back to normal as people embark on their long journey home.
"You would think I'd be better at this by now," he glanced over at Coci working on her own flower wreath with dexterous fingers. "These big sausage fingers of mine are terrible for such delicate work. I won't begrudge you for not wishing it wear it," he pouted in frustration. Certainly didn't help having just the one eye, either. He always felt bad having Coci wear his crappy one while he got to wear her much finer work. They'd made it tradition in their household to make wreathes for one another to wear for the Midsummer Festival.
As they sat together in the living room couch with several small piles of various flowers to choose from, Thurion placed his unfinished product on the table, giving it a rest for the time being. He watched Coci while she worked, focusing more so on her face than on what her hands were doing. He wanted to partake in the joyful mood of the city, but this particular day each year would always bring back hurtful memories. So he quietly fell onto his side, gently placing his head in her lap to rest.
"I miss him."
To a few number of people, it is a far more personal event.
In Fridheim, preparations for the celebration were in full swing and had for the last week, with people from all reaches of the Westmark gathering in the capital in the thousands. Lodgings become fully booked in a matter of days, with many spending their nights sleeping in tents outside the city walls. Bands of jesters can be found at every junction in town spreading merriment while others partake in games focused around great feats of strength, be it through contest or organised brawls. Market stalls work overtime to provide for everyone, supplied by the bountiful harvests provided by the fairer weather.
Today is the main event, when the entire population join in mass prayer before the Sun God, in which each individual offer their personal prayer to the Lord of Sunlight. It is an incredibly sacred ritual as entire cities fall silent, with only the ringing of bells in the distance providing ambiance. Once completed, then the great feast begins as the city erupts into merriment once more, and does not stop until late into the night as the midnight sun sits on the horizon, only to rise once more with the coming of a new day. Needless to say, the following day is one spent recuperating, before the city is eventually brought back to normal as people embark on their long journey home.
"You would think I'd be better at this by now," he glanced over at Coci working on her own flower wreath with dexterous fingers. "These big sausage fingers of mine are terrible for such delicate work. I won't begrudge you for not wishing it wear it," he pouted in frustration. Certainly didn't help having just the one eye, either. He always felt bad having Coci wear his crappy one while he got to wear her much finer work. They'd made it tradition in their household to make wreathes for one another to wear for the Midsummer Festival.
As they sat together in the living room couch with several small piles of various flowers to choose from, Thurion placed his unfinished product on the table, giving it a rest for the time being. He watched Coci while she worked, focusing more so on her face than on what her hands were doing. He wanted to partake in the joyful mood of the city, but this particular day each year would always bring back hurtful memories. So he quietly fell onto his side, gently placing his head in her lap to rest.
"I miss him."
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]