Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Might be returning

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
Hey all.

I'll likely be getting back into rping here in the near future.

My few ideas for the "time lapse" is some what cheesy but essentially my ISD III's Relativistic Shielding failed due to sabotage while en route to defend Crina.

While not crippling, it definitely made Caius late to the party and subsequently missed a ton.

I'm more keen and lean toward the political spectrum of things and would likely prefer to find a role in that aspect of a supporting character type around here.
Also I can't exactly be a regular active member so I don't want to commit to participating in more than one thread.

Otherwise I'll be making a return here soon.

Point in directions so I may catch up on fluff and what not!
[member="Caius Flavian"] you return is more then welcome, no matter what capacity you plan to offer us. We take It!

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
Right rather than making another topic. I'll be making a public thread here soon in the open roleplay forum.
It will be a bit of a casual thread and its central theme is this:

My fleet just as we went into hyperspace our systems had been sliced by some saboteur damaging my astronavigation computations along with the unintended side effect of damaging the relativistic shielding. So rather than a 20 minute jump into hyperspace I end up arriving SIX YEARS LATER.

Also I slightly changed the premise as to my intended destination. Rather than something dramatic such as heading to battle I was in the middle of picking up some of my original contracted vessels made by Krayt Industries through Darth Arcanix now [member="Taeli Raaf"] I guess (boy I have I missed a lot), and returning to Kalee prior to the events of the fall of our territories and what not.
Anywho this is more or less for my own comedic fun to get crack my fingers and get to typing away.

The rest of the thread will float about for a few weeks as I travel the galaxy looking for the Imperial Remnant and will eventually return back to the fleet.

What I hope to do is encounter various peeps along the way. Rub some shoulders, shoot some people, and enjoy a good mug of caffeinated tea every step of the way ;)

Shouldn't take to long to find everyone. Plus I'll be bringing us a variety of useful vessels for us to use, plus I'll be getting my company back into the fold IC. Any good empire needs to have food stuffs mwuahahaha eat my Stormy-O cereal!

A little later on I'll get back into the politicking of the Galactic Empire.

I'll be making a thread friday!

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