FACTION: Eternal Empire
SPECIES: Crisporian (Human)
AGE: 22
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 80kg
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
+ Miles tends to give advice to others by considering different and relevant perspectives and uses his own experiences and knowledge to clarify the big picture
+ Miles is known to also persist toward my goals despite obstacles, discouragements, or disappointments.
+/- Miles will try to weigh all aspects objectively in making decisions, including arguments that are in conflict with my convictions unless it comes to jedi in which he tends to take a harder stance against.
- Miles is very vindictive towards the jedi who he believes wronged him and his family.
- Miles despite appearing to be a hard man is emotionally vulnerable and could easily give into people manipulating his hatred and anger to their own ends.
Standing 6 foot tall with brown eyes and black hair miles always has his hair short as he doesn’t like to deal with it when it does get long as he has seen too many incidents both in and out of the mines to do with long hair especially from visitors. He has scars all over his arms, face and back from a hard life among both the miners and also onboard the various shipps he has crewed for.
Born and raised within the mining colony on Crispor, Miles didn’t have a great upbringing to start out his life however his parents still tried to raise him right by teaching him to take everything into account when making decisions that affected himself or others. Given there wasn’t many other children on the base miles got to learn from all of the miners various things and perspectives on life. When he reached the age of 8 there happened to be a Jedi knight who was visiting to look for one of their missing ships that had supposedly crashed on-world. When the knight felt that Miles had force powers he tried convincing the boy to join him on his journey when he finished up his mission.
Miles refused on the grounds that his family needed him more than the knight. The knight tried to convince his parents that he should take the child however they disagreed with him and eventually it turned bloody with both parents being killed and the jedi eventually being attacked and killed by the security forces within the base. The rest of the miners tried their best to continue looking after the child but most felt he had unfortunately already lost his innocence due to this act even though no one was really sure who had started the bloody brawl.
By the time he was 16 miles booked passage on a ship off the base with most of the miners understanding it was either that or he becomes indentured to the company forever and he would never know another life that he deserved. The next six years he worked as part of the ship's crew doing various odd jobs from learning to pilot all the way to how to keep the ship together and also a medic if needed in a pinch. Finally hearing of a group who had been put down by the jedi just as much he went out to search for them hopefully finding his place amongst them so he would be able to hunt jedi.
Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).
Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.
Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.
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