Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So, I went back to update Dranok's threads today and it reached a grand total of 106 IC threads. At the moment, I am so proud for sticking with him for so long and seeing him progress from a lowly ship captain into a Sith Emperor. He's been through college, fought in wars, razed worlds, subjugated sectors, raised children, trained hundreds of soldiers and many apprentices, and now he's the Emperor.

If you don't call that character progression, then go introduce your face to a desk.​
I'm just a little prideful and feel like bragging about it since this is the most topics I've ever hit with a character. Thanks for being so great and giving me lots of ideas and opportunities to feed off of! I'll be doing something else after my Forgotten Blades campaign and I'll need some people to play as Dranok's parents.

Thanks for being great and reading this,

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