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Approved Location Military Academy "St. Tiberius"

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~Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory.~
Name : Military Academy "St. Tiberius"
Location : Outskirts of Stefania, Crina
Classification : Military Academy / Military Base / Structure
Affiliation : Royal Army of Crina
Leadership : The Royal Family of Crina
Date of establishment : 808 ABY

Defense Force / Population :
  • Nine (9) Standard Model Manned Anti-Personnel / Anti-Armor Turrets. Outdated
  • Thirteen (13) Standard Model Manned Anti-Air Turrets. Outdated
  • Two Hundred Forty-Seven (247) Enlisted Soldiers
  • Twenty-One (21) Enlisted Officers
  • Thirty-Three (33) Total Educators
  • Several Hundred Students. No Combat Experience.
  • Thirteen (13) Janitorial Staff
  • Fourteen (14) Secretarial Staff
  • Thirty-Six (36) Mechanical Staff
  • Twenty (20) Kitchen Staff

Points of Interest :
  • Central Plaza (1)
  • Mechanical Workshop (2)
  • Average Classroom (3)
  • Student Lodgings (4)
  • Supply Depot (5)
  • Generator Room (6)
  • Fortifications (7)








History : During the rebel attack on Stefania in the year 765 ABY, the vast majority of the western and northern portions of the city had been obliterated in the heavy fighting between the Royalist and Revolutionary forces. The Royal Academy, located in the western quadrant of the city, was one of the first targets to be destroyed by the invading Revolutionists as a means to booster the moral of their forces through the destruction of the enemies Headquarters for military affairs and strategies. Alongside the Academy, a large swath of civilian sectors fell due to the siege. As the Revolutionaries began fortifying their positions within the city, the state required a way to deal with the large influx of refugees and homeless they now found themselves with. As such, they approved the hasty construction of refugee sectors on the outskirts of Stefania, cutting corners wherever possible, and ignoring health and safety regulations in order to conserve time and resources.

Following the expulsion of the Revolutionary forces from Stefania due to the efforts of the army, the population began to be relocated back to their previous homes, as quickly as the state was able to rebuild and repair the damaged buildings. Due to this, the newly constructed sectors became deserted of all life, ignored by the state, inspectors, and investors alike. In order to salvage what little possible out of the entire ordeal, the Royal Family agreed to rebuild the military academy in the outskirts of Stefania and the desolate sectors, where it would be easier to defend and fortify, and where it would be possible to boggle down enemy troops due to the threat of liberal use of explosive traps and ambushes. Due to the availability of living space and it's relatively safe position, it was decided that several military bases and stockpiles would also be built into the general area.

The Academy itself is named after the late Lord Tiberius, a renowned military man who served as a general on the side of the Royalists, meeting his end nearly a century and a half prior. Tiberius had been nicknamed "The Saint" by the rank and file soldier on either side of the conflict, a title he carried proudly on his sleeve. He was most well known for his stubbornness in military matters, and his uncanny ability to arrive at the most opportune moment to relieve allied positions and push his men towards victory despite the odds. He met his end in an ambush organized by the Revolutionary forces, and became knighted postmortem for his deeds in the civil war. His family received a hefty dowry and parcel of land for the mans servitude and loyalty to the crown. During the past half a century, the Royal Family had begun sponsoring civilians who wished to participate in the curriculum of the Academy and enroll into the military.

Description : There exists only a single entrance onto campus grounds for students and visitors alike into the Academy. Found within the northern tip of the land under it's jurisdiction, the path leads directly to one of the major roads found within the abandoned sectors, a pair of arcs connected to each other, and the walls building walls surrounding the Academy, delegating where the campus grounds begin and where it ends. In the center of the arc, there is a small, metal plaque on which the motto of the Academy is written, a quote by an officer of ages past. Once past the arcs, visitors are greeted by a stone path that shall lead them to a moderately sized stand, serving as the center of the plaza and campus grounds. From here, pathways diverge and split into multiple directions, all leading to major points of focus within the Academy, and all converging back into this same spot.

A large building sits opposite to the entrance, several dozen feet away. Reaching eight stories in length, it serves as the focal point of the academy, hosting the majority of classes and workshops, as well as maintaining the server rooms and a good portion of faculty offices. Several other buildings are spread in a circular fashion around the property, between either one or three stories in length, and are more seldom used. They are mainly used for a few lessons a week here and there, and to hold several faculty offices. An entire building for the generators and main power source to the Academy is found right only a few feet away from the main building, on it's southern side, guarded day and night by a handful of military personnel. Marble statues are found near the main entrance to campus grounds, while busts and paintings of renowned officers, soldiers, or royalty, are spread through the buildings. At half an hour walk away from the Academy are the student dorms, composed entirely out of small, one room apartments with communal baths and toilets, meant to accommodate between one to three students per room in as little space as possible.

Right outside campus grounds, one can easily find several barracks and makeshift training fields, in use by the Royal Army. The personnel using this facilities are tasked with the security of the sector, and maintenance of the fortifications surrounding it. Anti-Personnel / Anti-Armor turrets are found outside of campus grounds, organized in packs of two or four, several hundred meters distance between them, alongside Anti-Air guns.

Purpose (1) : To create an educational institution through which to train various military personnel that will serve under the Royal Army of Crina or be employed by The Imperial Remnants.
Purpose (2) : To create a centralized location for the purpose of hosting and maintaining military affairs.
Purpose (3) : To create a last line of defense in the capital of Crina, Stefania.
Purpose (4) : To bring the world of Crina to life.

Image Sources : Google
Links : Crina, Development Thread
Addendum : First time doing this kind of stuff, so I'm expecting a LOT of things wrong with it, as well as needing to do a development thread or two. Tried to stick to the format as best as possible, screwing around with it a bit here and there so I would end up somewhat pleased with the formatting. If it's that large of an issue, I'll just revert it completely to the standard one posted by Tef.


[member="Alexander Nester"] I'm going to address you addendum first. This is actually a great and detailed submission, don't be harsh on yourself when it comes to submitting stuff, were here to help you and make your dream come true...May have sold that too much.

Anyway, this sub is actually perfect. The only thing is like you stated, its a military instillation and its been common practice that places with defense arrays and such have a small dev thread. Just 10 posts of...something related to this. The instillation of the weapons, a tour of the facility, someone getting trained, anything at all related to the location :)
[member="Darth Mierin"]

Alright, that's good to hear. I'll tag you again when I have one up and done and edit it into the submission. As well, I will probably edit a few things here and there at history and description before that. Nothing major mind you, just fiddling with the wording a bit once I got a clearer mind.

[member="Darth Mierin"]

I apologize for the double post. I have edited the History and Descriptions parts of the submission in order to word them more properly, as well as introduce some new information that came to surface due to the development thread. I have also added the development thread into the links section of the submission, and I shall link it again here.

The thread is currently at 11 total posts, but I somehow feel that it may not be enough for this, as I have attempted to kill two stones with one bird in the story of that thread. If that is the case, am I allowed to make a blog post pertaining entirely to the Academy from an IC perspective, or do I absolutely need to make it in a thread on the private role-playing section. Also, I would like to add that the dev thread is not complete, as a fair portion of the facility must still be toured, and the story line completed.


[member="Alexander Nester"] I stated you only needed 10 posts and i read the thread, It's fine. Again you're not building a Death Star or something as heavily defended as the Imperial Palace or something like that. This is a military Academy with only minor defenses. As for the two birds with one stone, for the second thing you're using it for, simply expand on the thread.

Were here to help you have fun and keep things fair. You've done more than enough work for this to be approved.

Approved Pending Secondary.
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