Militus Signifer Iella Sunscream
Originally from Canto Bight, Iella Sunscream lived most of her young life in relative comfort. More than well off, and yet thirsty for adventure. She desired purpose in the universe beyond having tea and cakes delivered at her behest. Some time during her tenure at high school, while already a star track athlete, she began leaning into martial classes, learning quickly how to fight, and defend herself. Eventually, this would turn into an obsession, and after some questionable purchases made with her parents credit (both of which rich and wealthy individuals) she had turned her already athletic body into a weapon, moonlighting as a Bounty Hunter, and at time Assassin depending on the amount of credits paid; and the nature of the job in question.
She learned quite a bit during this time, but still didn't feel that connection she wanted. Never actually feeling that connection with her own flesh and blood. It was only after crashing onto one of the worlds within The Expanse, and becoming at first a prisoner of the LSR (Legio Stella Regnum or Regnum Star Legion) that their treatment for each other spoke volumes to her. For a good while, she was little more than a prisoner, but treated well enough that she didn't grow resentment for her captors; who in turn did not fail to notice her potential use to the cause. It wasn't long before Stockholm syndrome saw the young Iella go from prisoner, to Militus. Picking up on what the others did, and following suit.
Her skills almost begged for the moniker of Signifer, as she often took the fight directly to the enemy with her cybernetic enhancements. Something of a frontline tank Iella has been with the RSL for roughly a year and just about a month since her crash landing... She has barely thought of her old life... There is so much more to explore within her new one.