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Approved NPC Milos and Eversa Farr

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Name: Milos

Loyalties: Husk Lizard Slavery Ring

Role: Bait

Development Threads: N/A

Age: 8

Species: Human

Appearance: Milos is an adorable 8 year old boy that stands at 4ft [~128cm] with a normal build, blonde hair, blue eyes, and puffy cheeks. Because his purpose is to lure targets in, he often wears clothes that are a little too big and a little too tattered to enhance the distressed image he’s trying to portray. He’s able to fake a good limp, cough or cry and is quite the little actor.

Personality: Like any typical 8 year old boy, Milos is full of energy and sometimes sass. While being clever, he’s good at getting into trouble and even better at getting out of it with a teary apology or sob story. Often underestimated, Milos knows how to play on someone’s heart and manipulate them to feel sorry for him—of course, being cute does help! Like any child, he’s sometimes fussy and uncooperative, and can be difficult to work with. He doesn’t seem to fully grasp what it is that he does for the Husk Lizards, but knows that they provide a warm bed, food, protection and a HoloStation.

Force Sensitivity: Unknown

Weapon of Choice: Big blue eyes, tiny fists

-Good at looking cute and gaining sympathy
-Skilled pickpocket
-Proficient in emotional manipulation for a kid

Wealth: None to speak of

Combat Function: N/A

Notable Possessions: N/A

History: Milos was born to a single mother in a poorer area of Nar Shaddaa. Seeing as how his mother was often working, Milos was neglected without much to do. Making ends meet was difficult, so Milos started begging on the streets of some of the more well-to do areas. Because of his cute face and innocent demeanor, Milos was often pitied and given spare credits and occasionally food by passers-by. One day he came across Adnan Saeed, a slaver looking to build his business. Adnan saw how easily the little boy reeled people in, and offered him a steady paycheck in exchange for working for him. All too eager to bring some financial stability into his and his mother’s life, Milos accepted and has been working for the Husk Lizards ever since, reeling in targets with his cuteness and luring them into the hands of slavers.


Name: Eversa Farr

Loyalties: Husk Lizard Slavery Ring

Role: Slaver, Seductress

Development Threads: N/A

Age: 22

Species: Zeltron

Appearance: Slightly taller than the average Zeltron female, Eversa retains an effortlessly slim body and curvaceous features common to her race. Her skin is bright pink and her long hair is a deep violet, along with her eyes. She often has impeccable makeup, and tends to wear tight, flashy clothes.

Personality: Mischievous and slightly aloof on the outside, Eversa is as manipulative as they come. She has no trouble using her looks and natural charm to get what she wants—from luring in targets to achieving personal goals. Though easily irritated and disgusted, Eversa is as good at maintaining face as she is at stringing others along. She finds any game of cat and mouse (sexual or romantic) to be entertaining, and knows how to bait most potential conquests and eventually trap them between her neatly manicured nails.

Force Sensitivity: None

Weapon of Choice: Pheromones, skin, blasters

-Disciplinary action on slaves
-Basic combat

Wealth: Barely breaking even but acquires money from Adnan as needed.

Combat Function: Armed and unarmed combat when necessary

Notable Possessions: N/A

History: Eversa was born into a wealthy Zeltron family who made their fortune in the entertainment industry that thrived on their home world of Zeltros. Growing up, she was taught to be a proper socialite with a bit of sexual flare as one would expect from a Zeltron woman. While her parents hoped that Eversa would one day shoulder the family’s business, Eversa herself found business to be boring and unfulfilling. As she entered her teenage years, she began a rebellious streak which included putting herself around dangerous people and situations in order to satisfy her thrill seeking behavior. Though Zeltrons did encourage indulgence, Eversa was considered to be out of line and was to be sent to a girl’s boring school on Naboo.

Ever the troublemaker, Eversa left home and ran into Adnan Sadiq, a charming slaver who initially intended to capture the young woman and sell her as a slave. After sleeping together, Eversa expressed her desire for a more exciting life and Adnan revealed his livelihood, offering her a choice. She could either work for him in the slave trade or fulfil the role of the slave herself. An easy choice to make, Eversa agreed to work for Adnan and relished in both luring targets in and exacting her own brand of discipline on them. Currently, she is the on/off lover of Adnan Sadiq.

Intent: To flesh out the Husk Lizard Slavers and create more npcs to use as opposition in dominions/faction threads.
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