Afraid, you are. Worried, I'm not.
NAME: Minch
RANK: Wanderer
SPECIES: Unknown
AGE: 127
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 2'3"
WEIGHT: 25 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Green
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Life Span: Minch's species can live long natural lives; sometimes up to a staggering length of 900 years.
+Natural Attunement: On average, his species has a potential stronger connection to the Force than most other known galactic species.
-Diminuitive: Without assistance or augmentation, Minch can be even slower than an Ugnaught. By his own physical power, he is quite weak.
-Innate Whimsy: Whether it stem from a neurological aspect born from his species or it's simply the way he prefers to be, Minch tends to speak his own subset of Galactic Basic. Most of the time, his words are a swip-swapped version of normal grammar and sentence structure. He also has a tendency to go on weird tangents when deep in thought.
-Passive: As Minch is older than most, yet still considered young for his species, Minch has had plenty of practice and chances to apply "the wisdom to know what you can and cannot change". Sometimes, he sticks to this too well. In most cases where someone disagrees with Minch and walk away, he tends to leave them be and accept that you can't win everyone over. Is this wise or could the greater good have been served if Minch had kept pushing the envelope to convince others? Sadly, we'll never always know.
724 ABY - Minch is born.
835 ABY - Minch is 111 years old. Omni's core is destroyed and a foolish Minch was pulled and evac'd from the rubble after the collapse wrecked a good portion of Coruscant's Lower City.
836 ABY - Following the media scare of undead rising, Minch finds it best to disengage from the familiar planetary megalopolis of Coruscant and explore the galaxy.
837 ABY - When the galaxy is invaded by an ancient force, Minch, his pride and confidence shattered by the Omni incident, finds himself running further and further to the edges of the galaxy. He is among many who hope to bide their time and wait for the end of the invasion to draw near.
838 ABY - Minch spends much of this year stuck in a refugee settlement. He resolves to help those around him and make life better for the settlement. Through his assistance, their pocket of the galaxy is a little bit nicer than most other folk had it.
844 ABY - Minch is 120 years old. He has found peace and comfort in remaining with what once was a mere dirty, refugee settlement. The town has become a place of peace and stability, where children can grow and learn; adults can work and become well provided. It wasn't always easy, but it was a good life and Minch was well respected.
On the eve of Taungsday, as the settlement came together to celebrate their united anniversary, Minch used the Force to levitate the Pillar of Unity into the air so that the younglings may decorate it and all may celebrate another year of good will unto each other. It all went horribly wrong. He had done this for many years prior. Today should not have been any different...but it was. The levitating pillar glowed a bright pink light arcing across and from its surface like a luminescent strain of ore. The villagers ooh'd and ah'd, but Minch became uncertain, afraid. The Pillar of Unity exploded outward, laying waste to the village center. Minch felt a sharp sting on his forehead and then experienced the sensation of falling.
He fell for hours down, down, down into the deep dark. He saw blurred faces pass him by as he plummeted, but he could sense who they were: the villagers, the younglings. He felt shame and grief unlike before. He had somehow managed to use his power irresponsibly and it had cost them all dearly. He had been taught that embracing the Light Side of the Force would allow you to become one with the galaxy upon your death, whereas embracing the Dark Side would leave you forever tormented in between the living and the dead. His heart broke and his senses slowly shut down.
Eventually, Minch would learn the true nature behind the events of Netherworld and that he was not to blame. It went a long way to help him forgive himself and move on, but he still struggles with the seed of doubt from time to time about whether his use of the Force is permissible and righteous.
845 to 849 ABY - Not being an accomplished warrior and sensing where the real need was sorely needed, Minch takes a back seat to the years of conflict between the numerous factions and concentrates on assisting refugees near and far; wherever they may be.
851 ABY - Minch is 127 years old. He has tried hard and long to alleviate the refugee situation, but more and more troubles only continue to arise as the war continues. The only thing that changes are the faction players. He resolves that it is time to become a more active part of bringing stability and peace to the galaxy. Yet, his foes are many and hold great power. It is time for him to take a new step to fulfilling his destiny.
RANK: Wanderer
SPECIES: Unknown
AGE: 127
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 2'3"
WEIGHT: 25 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Green
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Life Span: Minch's species can live long natural lives; sometimes up to a staggering length of 900 years.
+Natural Attunement: On average, his species has a potential stronger connection to the Force than most other known galactic species.
-Diminuitive: Without assistance or augmentation, Minch can be even slower than an Ugnaught. By his own physical power, he is quite weak.
-Innate Whimsy: Whether it stem from a neurological aspect born from his species or it's simply the way he prefers to be, Minch tends to speak his own subset of Galactic Basic. Most of the time, his words are a swip-swapped version of normal grammar and sentence structure. He also has a tendency to go on weird tangents when deep in thought.
-Passive: As Minch is older than most, yet still considered young for his species, Minch has had plenty of practice and chances to apply "the wisdom to know what you can and cannot change". Sometimes, he sticks to this too well. In most cases where someone disagrees with Minch and walk away, he tends to leave them be and accept that you can't win everyone over. Is this wise or could the greater good have been served if Minch had kept pushing the envelope to convince others? Sadly, we'll never always know.
724 ABY - Minch is born.
835 ABY - Minch is 111 years old. Omni's core is destroyed and a foolish Minch was pulled and evac'd from the rubble after the collapse wrecked a good portion of Coruscant's Lower City.
836 ABY - Following the media scare of undead rising, Minch finds it best to disengage from the familiar planetary megalopolis of Coruscant and explore the galaxy.
837 ABY - When the galaxy is invaded by an ancient force, Minch, his pride and confidence shattered by the Omni incident, finds himself running further and further to the edges of the galaxy. He is among many who hope to bide their time and wait for the end of the invasion to draw near.
838 ABY - Minch spends much of this year stuck in a refugee settlement. He resolves to help those around him and make life better for the settlement. Through his assistance, their pocket of the galaxy is a little bit nicer than most other folk had it.
844 ABY - Minch is 120 years old. He has found peace and comfort in remaining with what once was a mere dirty, refugee settlement. The town has become a place of peace and stability, where children can grow and learn; adults can work and become well provided. It wasn't always easy, but it was a good life and Minch was well respected.
On the eve of Taungsday, as the settlement came together to celebrate their united anniversary, Minch used the Force to levitate the Pillar of Unity into the air so that the younglings may decorate it and all may celebrate another year of good will unto each other. It all went horribly wrong. He had done this for many years prior. Today should not have been any different...but it was. The levitating pillar glowed a bright pink light arcing across and from its surface like a luminescent strain of ore. The villagers ooh'd and ah'd, but Minch became uncertain, afraid. The Pillar of Unity exploded outward, laying waste to the village center. Minch felt a sharp sting on his forehead and then experienced the sensation of falling.
He fell for hours down, down, down into the deep dark. He saw blurred faces pass him by as he plummeted, but he could sense who they were: the villagers, the younglings. He felt shame and grief unlike before. He had somehow managed to use his power irresponsibly and it had cost them all dearly. He had been taught that embracing the Light Side of the Force would allow you to become one with the galaxy upon your death, whereas embracing the Dark Side would leave you forever tormented in between the living and the dead. His heart broke and his senses slowly shut down.
Eventually, Minch would learn the true nature behind the events of Netherworld and that he was not to blame. It went a long way to help him forgive himself and move on, but he still struggles with the seed of doubt from time to time about whether his use of the Force is permissible and righteous.
845 to 849 ABY - Not being an accomplished warrior and sensing where the real need was sorely needed, Minch takes a back seat to the years of conflict between the numerous factions and concentrates on assisting refugees near and far; wherever they may be.
851 ABY - Minch is 127 years old. He has tried hard and long to alleviate the refugee situation, but more and more troubles only continue to arise as the war continues. The only thing that changes are the faction players. He resolves that it is time to become a more active part of bringing stability and peace to the galaxy. Yet, his foes are many and hold great power. It is time for him to take a new step to fulfilling his destiny.
Two For Flinching (Silver Jedi versus Sith Empire)
Needed Rest (Skirmish Aftermath, Finding Peace, Socialization)
Let's Get Down To Business, To Defeat, The Training Remotes (Form 1 lightsaber training, Socialization)