Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mind helping me flesh out an NPC?

I am creating an NPC that will play a big role in Valdra's life. The only thing is the Star Wars Wiki doesn't go much into the Diathim, so this leaves me with a few questions:

1) Were they an all female race? All the Wiki talks about are females, but doesn't directly say all female.

2) During the Clone Wars a big majority of the race were chased off their planet, would it be logical a few even joined the Sith?

3) Are they Force Sensitive?

Basically I want to make a NPC male Diathim that rose to the ranks to become a Sith Lord and rose an army of some kind (that somehow logically would become Valdra's army) The Diathim Sith Lord would have rose in deep with the Dark Side that when he was killed his spirit resided in the Dark Side of the Force. After a near death experience leaving Valdra stranded he will come into the tomb to find the spirit of the Sith Lord which will seduce Valdra to drop his guard and possess him. Before I go further on, let me make it clear that this will NOT make Valdra stronger. The purpose of this is to dive my character into the Dark Side, but since he isn't directly falling to the Dark Side I can make Hakora go back to the Light if I change my mind down the road. It will also give Valdra flight and a single black wing, Sephiroth style.

So anyone have constructive, positive thoughts?


Disney's Princess
Diathim are generally thought of as sex-less energy constructs. Their "appearance" is different for anyone who "perceives" them. AKA Space Unicorns.

As for your idea? I strongly recommend any other species. Diathim work are better in the genre as "mythical creatures" rather than actual personalities. If you're just looking to fill the void of something angelic? I recommend Arkarian, Echani, Hapan, or a custom species such as Valkyri. :D
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

I see where you are coming from. He is already half Echani and Eldorai. This spieces choice was merely for the rarity and the cosmetics of having wings. Plus when I think possession I think demonic, but there aren't any demon like spieces I believe fit.

Research is key here.


[member="Darth Valdra"]

I'm gonna go with a custom species oddity, but there is a hybrid of two species which'll look a lot like a demon. That's a hybrid of Ulki and Nàrran. Yet the chances such a species could come into existence are rather care, considering one must be a huge dragon-like creature, the other one a primitive little orc.
[member="Lilin Imperieuse"]

Ya, that does look problematic and slightly impossible.

This is the effect I am looking for:

Since the dawn of this character I had forming him into a Star Wars version of Sephiroth always in mind. A young solider who only trained for combat and was known for that being betray by the very people he held dear. Thus falling to the Dark Side and becoming a Sith in the process. Only logical way for someone to weild a sword like a masamune is using the speed of Vaapad to compensate for the length of the blade. While Hakora/Valdra isn't Sephiroth and is his own character, doesn't mean I didn't get inspiration from that story. :p


Hmm... You thought of something like that... It's really angelic, just with dark wings. Doesn't look very Star Wars-y, though.

However, I think I have encountered a winged near-human species somewhere in Wookieepedia, so you should research a little bit and see if it is possible. ;)

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