Darth Abyss
Korriban, Somewhere in the desert
The location of Karness Muur laboratory was a well guarded secret. So well guarded that neither broken bones nor broken minds had brought Abyss even a bit closer to finding it. In the end the only thing that enabled him to find it was a fortune, pay to a man that was so illusive that it even impressed Darth Abyss, leader of more than one shadow organization in the galaxy. And even that only gave him a set of unrelated clues that had to be pieced together with what he had already collected himself. In the end all he had was a set of coordinates, but without the right planet.
After traveling to all the common sith worlds, Malachor V, Dromund kaas, Ziost and all those around them until he finally ended up on Korriban. The ancient homeworld of the sith had been the obvious place to look, which had been the exact reason why Abyss decided to visit there first. If it was so easy, why had no one yet discovered the laboratory before?
Karness Muur was ancient, even for a sith lord. He had been one of the first to be considered a sith, not that species, but the order. And his most notorious feat had been the creation of an amulet in which he encased his spirit after his death. Other than many that practiced the art of essence transfer Muur spirit had not perished for a unbelievable long time, lingering millennia after his death around the charm he had forged.
Now Abyss seeked to understand how all of this had been possible, seeked to understand what had empowered the sith lord to go so far without fading back into the flow of the force. The coordinates he had found lead him deep into the desert, and yet when he reached them he was only surrounded by sand. There was nothing, only a darkness lingering far below the surface, so deep in the sands that Abyss struggled to even grasp it. Yet he could hear it calling for him, a faint whisper in his ear. But every time he focused on it, it was gone again, he simply lacked the strength to summon this darkness on his own.
The only option he had was to call for help, and he already had in mind who would aid him in this task. [member="Connor Harrison"], the fallen jedi master had not only formed a strong bond with the darkness, but he also owned Abyss a favor since their last meeting. Sure he could have called for a sith to aid him, but sith never did anything without something in return. Over the com of his starfighter he send out a simple message, including only his location and his name. He was sure that Connor would understand it.
[member="Aria Vale"]
The location of Karness Muur laboratory was a well guarded secret. So well guarded that neither broken bones nor broken minds had brought Abyss even a bit closer to finding it. In the end the only thing that enabled him to find it was a fortune, pay to a man that was so illusive that it even impressed Darth Abyss, leader of more than one shadow organization in the galaxy. And even that only gave him a set of unrelated clues that had to be pieced together with what he had already collected himself. In the end all he had was a set of coordinates, but without the right planet.
After traveling to all the common sith worlds, Malachor V, Dromund kaas, Ziost and all those around them until he finally ended up on Korriban. The ancient homeworld of the sith had been the obvious place to look, which had been the exact reason why Abyss decided to visit there first. If it was so easy, why had no one yet discovered the laboratory before?
Karness Muur was ancient, even for a sith lord. He had been one of the first to be considered a sith, not that species, but the order. And his most notorious feat had been the creation of an amulet in which he encased his spirit after his death. Other than many that practiced the art of essence transfer Muur spirit had not perished for a unbelievable long time, lingering millennia after his death around the charm he had forged.
Now Abyss seeked to understand how all of this had been possible, seeked to understand what had empowered the sith lord to go so far without fading back into the flow of the force. The coordinates he had found lead him deep into the desert, and yet when he reached them he was only surrounded by sand. There was nothing, only a darkness lingering far below the surface, so deep in the sands that Abyss struggled to even grasp it. Yet he could hear it calling for him, a faint whisper in his ear. But every time he focused on it, it was gone again, he simply lacked the strength to summon this darkness on his own.
The only option he had was to call for help, and he already had in mind who would aid him in this task. [member="Connor Harrison"], the fallen jedi master had not only formed a strong bond with the darkness, but he also owned Abyss a favor since their last meeting. Sure he could have called for a sith to aid him, but sith never did anything without something in return. Over the com of his starfighter he send out a simple message, including only his location and his name. He was sure that Connor would understand it.
[member="Aria Vale"]