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Approved Lore Mindflow Diversion Technique

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She Left Behind A Legacy


"True strength lies not in resisting the force probing your mind, but in embracing it, guiding it, and leading it astray. Mindflow Diversion is really just a dance of thoughts, a symphony of falsehoods, and a shield of illusion. Master this, and you will become an enigma to those who seek to unravel your secrets."
― Romi Jade​


  • Media Name: The Mindflow Diversion Technique
  • Format: Pages (Book)
  • Distribution: Rare (also backed up to a memory crystal in her possession which only a select people know exist)
  • Length: Medium
  • Description: A page of notes detailing Jade's path to creating the Mindflow Diversion technique, and how to go about learning it.

  • Author: Jedi Master Romi Jade Romi Jade
  • Publisher: Self
  • Reception: These are thoughts, observations, experiences, and lessons that Romi has learned over time. She decided to muse and document in her private time with the intention of it helping those who wanted to learn more about aspects of telepathy. It's not widely known or available anywhere else for there to be tons of reception. Beyond the pages she authored and spare memory crystal she keeps, this is flying under the radar.


To be included in a larger book Romi is authoring, this reads from left to right on two pages. Handwritten notes and marks that outline her experiences and her reflections on them, along with pointers, and tips for the studier. The information contained in the crystal could only be accessed when placed in a holocron which, in turn, could only be opened with the Force. Once opened, the three-dimensional appearance and cognitive networks of Master Jade, that could sense the ability and level of a Jedi, would appear to begin explaining the Mindflow Diversion techniques.


Mindflow Diversion is a sophisticated telepathic technique developed by Jedi Master Romi Jade. This technique is designed to protect a Jedi's mind from Force-sensitive probes by generating false thoughts and images, essentially leading the intruder on a wild goose chase. The technique allows the Jedi to create a continuous flow of misleading information, making it nearly impossible for the intruder to penetrate deeper into their true thoughts and intentions.

Mindflow Diversion involves the user blending their thoughts with the probing Force, creating a seamless stream of false memories, emotions, and images that match what the intruder expects to find. This not only confuses the intruder but also exhausts their mental energy, making them more likely to abandon their efforts. The technique requires a high level of mental discipline and creativity, as the false imagery must be coherent and convincing enough to distract the intruder.

Step-by-Step Guide
  1. Initial Contact: When you sense an intruder probing your mind, acknowledge their presence without resistance.
  2. Blend and Flow: Seamlessly merge your thoughts with the probing Force. Allow your mind to flow with the intruder's energy.
  3. Generate False Imagery: Begin creating false memories, emotions, and images. Focus on making these as realistic and relevant as possible.
  4. Maintain Consistency: Ensure the false thoughts are coherent and continuous, avoiding any breaks that might alert the intruder to the deception.
  5. Inundate with Complexity: Increase the complexity and emotional intensity of the false imagery, overwhelming the intruder with information.
  6. Sustain the Diversion: Continue the diversion until you sense the intruder withdrawing, exhausted and confused.
  7. Reclaim Control: Gradually withdraw the false imagery and reassert your mental control, ensuring no residual connection remains.


Romi Jade has always been somewhat of an anomaly when it comes to the Jedi Path. Between 830-840s ABY, In her youth, padawanship to Knighthood, Romi chose the unorthodox in every approach to her training, and highly emphasized overall preparedness for any situation. These traits stuck with her well into her Mastership when she began to take on apprentices of her own. With the structure listed above in mind, she was a hardy and tough Master who ran an intense program that often proved extremely difficult for her students to withstand in the beginning stages.

She went on to open her own Enclave on Jakku that adopted similar practices and used a harsh environment to instruct students in the ways of the Jedi. These practices were still in place when she moved to be Headmaster of the Ossus Jedi Praxeum. Her methodology has always been to provide students with what she believed they needed to start and maintain a Jedi career with longevity in a Galaxy engulfed in constant war.

It wasn't until recently that she decided to document and record her personal history, experiences, and new discoveries. Becoming Headmaster of an Enclave and then a Praxeum, and a bunch of near-death experiences made her want to author some sort of tome and record data for her Holocron one day. The tome once complete will be used to teach the next generations.

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