Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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mineral raids

Find someone to assist you, then follow the requirements set: completing a mining thread is sufficient, otherwise there are some fun tasks out there. What specifically are you after?


Well-Known Member
Phrik ore, to help create armour weave later, when I have established my character properly.
It`s kinda been my go to metal, so I can get shot with out dying, and get slashed without been dismembered.
It`s one the reason I don`t mind loosing a fight, as I get to run away.

Then grab a friend or two and do the following:

[SIZE=10pt]Phrik (( [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Objective[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]: Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain phrikite ore from any of the following planets: Gromas 16[/SIZE], Alderaan, Arkania, Rendili, Bastion, Wayland, Roche Asteroids, Seltos, Demonsgate [SIZE=10pt]–OR—[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]suffer a devastating defeat at the hands of a Non-Force User. ))[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]I'd say the mining operation would be the best idea.[/SIZE]

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