Captain Larraq
Thread: Breaking the Law
Planet: Obredaan
Population Description: “””“Obredaan was the mining world of the Jin'ha armorers; it played host to the facility where they attempted to synthesize cortosis ore for use in their weapons.
the Jin'ha had been illegally synthesizing cortosis ore in order to battle the Jedi.
The Jin'ha were a mysterious species famous for their work on the lightsaber-resistant cortosis ore. The Jin'ha also sold some of their cortosis ore to the Trade Federation, which crafted it for their experimental assassin droids. The common weapons the Jin'ha used were pikes, maces and blasters.
The Jin'ha was a mysterious species from the planet of Obredaan. The Jin'ha produced weapons from refined lightsaber-resistant cortosis ore that they shipped to various gangs such as the Black Heth and the Trade Federation.
The common weapons the Jin'ha used were pikes, maces and blasters. ””””
Theme of Thread: Large Scale Mining Operation
1x Concordance-class Mining Barge
-2x HCE-778 Planetary Survey Craft
-2x Jo'henry Rare Mineral Mining Vessel
---40x MandalMotors E4-GLE Scouting Droid
---4x MandalMotors KKT-74 “Cricket” Construction Vehicle
-4x Akuze Mining Vessel
---48x AT-MP Mining Vehicle
---40x Scouting Droid
-20x Shantual-class Cargo Shuttle
-80x AT-MP Mining Vehicle
-2,500x Ogre II Mining Droids
-800x MGL Droids
-500x MTX Loader Droids
-200x VCE Droids
1x Skira-class Battleship
-18x Purudii Fighters
-12x Cabur Fighters
-6x Kandosii Bombers
-6x Naast Missile Boats
-2x MMG-84S Gunships
-5x Galaar Heavy Shuttles
-128x Drop Pods
The general outline of the thread is very structured and must be adhered to.
Only Mandal Hypernautics personnel may post in thread
Others must request permission to join thread and must specify that they are one of the following
-Private Contractor working for Hyperion Security
-Private Contractor working with Hyperion Mining
-”NPC” writing on behalf of the local population
5-10 posts covering Mandal Hypernautics ships arriving in system, including general crew outlook and introductions. Only two ships will arrive in system. A Concordance-class Mining Barge and a Skira that is cloaked and hiding in the shadow of the Concordance.
5-10 posts covering getting in contact with local government officials and organizing a business meeting. As well as traveling to the surface of the planet and arriving for said meeting.
5-10 posts covering a business meeting with the local government in which Mandal Hypernautics obtains a legally binding contract to acquire ownership of a sizable plot of land and mining rights to all minerals under said plot of land. Contract will be worded specifically to allow Hyperion Mining to use any mining methods they see fit.
5-10 posts covering scouting and surveying over a few days to locate 'the perfect spot' to begin mining operations (Can be done during business meetings). Then send in ground crews using specialized scanning equipment to find 8 anchor sites that are geologically stable.
5-10 posts covering the deployment of men and resources that break into groups and begin drilling anchor points into the selected sites. Drilling will take a little over a week. Once complete, 8 massive durasteel rods will be lowered into the drilled holes and secured in place. This will take a few days as well.
5-10 posts covering the deployment of seismic charges around the perimeter of the desired plot of land. The Concordance is brought into a low orbit over the site and positioned exactly over the anchor points. Gravity Tethers are lowered down and secured to the anchor points. Takes a few days overall.
5-10 posts covering the detonation of the explosives and the slow and careful extraction of the landmass from the planet. This will take a few hours to a few days to pull off without the landmass breaking apart.
5-10 posts covering the deployment of mining equipment from the ship to begin drilling through and harvesting the minerals of the landmass once it is in a secure orbit.
5-15 posts covering the initial harvesting and transfer of ores back to the ship as well refinement and storage in the massive cargo bays of the Concordance.
Unlimited Posts – The border of the land must be patrolled and secured from the local population. Locals and government officials will 'be in an uproar' once they realize that Hyperion Mining plans to 'crack the planet' to do their mining operations. They will try to convince us and force us to stop. We will wave the terms of the contract and legal guidelines in the faces of government, legal, and humanitarian representatives as we continue our mining operations. We will 'subdue' local populations if they get too aggressive with their attempts at stopping us.
Skira-class Battleship and launch craft will be available for fire support missions should large scale combat become necessary. “Peacekeeping” operations will be the priority though.
Thread will finish with a legal agreement with the government of the planet to not 'crack the planet' again if they agree to become a part of the Mandalorian Territories.
Planet: Obredaan
Population Description: “””“Obredaan was the mining world of the Jin'ha armorers; it played host to the facility where they attempted to synthesize cortosis ore for use in their weapons.
the Jin'ha had been illegally synthesizing cortosis ore in order to battle the Jedi.
The Jin'ha were a mysterious species famous for their work on the lightsaber-resistant cortosis ore. The Jin'ha also sold some of their cortosis ore to the Trade Federation, which crafted it for their experimental assassin droids. The common weapons the Jin'ha used were pikes, maces and blasters.
The Jin'ha was a mysterious species from the planet of Obredaan. The Jin'ha produced weapons from refined lightsaber-resistant cortosis ore that they shipped to various gangs such as the Black Heth and the Trade Federation.
The common weapons the Jin'ha used were pikes, maces and blasters. ””””
Theme of Thread: Large Scale Mining Operation
1x Concordance-class Mining Barge
-2x HCE-778 Planetary Survey Craft
-2x Jo'henry Rare Mineral Mining Vessel
---40x MandalMotors E4-GLE Scouting Droid
---4x MandalMotors KKT-74 “Cricket” Construction Vehicle
-4x Akuze Mining Vessel
---48x AT-MP Mining Vehicle
---40x Scouting Droid
-20x Shantual-class Cargo Shuttle
-80x AT-MP Mining Vehicle
-2,500x Ogre II Mining Droids
-800x MGL Droids
-500x MTX Loader Droids
-200x VCE Droids
1x Skira-class Battleship
-18x Purudii Fighters
-12x Cabur Fighters
-6x Kandosii Bombers
-6x Naast Missile Boats
-2x MMG-84S Gunships
-5x Galaar Heavy Shuttles
-128x Drop Pods
The general outline of the thread is very structured and must be adhered to.
Only Mandal Hypernautics personnel may post in thread
Others must request permission to join thread and must specify that they are one of the following
-Private Contractor working for Hyperion Security
-Private Contractor working with Hyperion Mining
-”NPC” writing on behalf of the local population
5-10 posts covering Mandal Hypernautics ships arriving in system, including general crew outlook and introductions. Only two ships will arrive in system. A Concordance-class Mining Barge and a Skira that is cloaked and hiding in the shadow of the Concordance.
5-10 posts covering getting in contact with local government officials and organizing a business meeting. As well as traveling to the surface of the planet and arriving for said meeting.
5-10 posts covering a business meeting with the local government in which Mandal Hypernautics obtains a legally binding contract to acquire ownership of a sizable plot of land and mining rights to all minerals under said plot of land. Contract will be worded specifically to allow Hyperion Mining to use any mining methods they see fit.
5-10 posts covering scouting and surveying over a few days to locate 'the perfect spot' to begin mining operations (Can be done during business meetings). Then send in ground crews using specialized scanning equipment to find 8 anchor sites that are geologically stable.
5-10 posts covering the deployment of men and resources that break into groups and begin drilling anchor points into the selected sites. Drilling will take a little over a week. Once complete, 8 massive durasteel rods will be lowered into the drilled holes and secured in place. This will take a few days as well.
5-10 posts covering the deployment of seismic charges around the perimeter of the desired plot of land. The Concordance is brought into a low orbit over the site and positioned exactly over the anchor points. Gravity Tethers are lowered down and secured to the anchor points. Takes a few days overall.
5-10 posts covering the detonation of the explosives and the slow and careful extraction of the landmass from the planet. This will take a few hours to a few days to pull off without the landmass breaking apart.
5-10 posts covering the deployment of mining equipment from the ship to begin drilling through and harvesting the minerals of the landmass once it is in a secure orbit.
5-15 posts covering the initial harvesting and transfer of ores back to the ship as well refinement and storage in the massive cargo bays of the Concordance.
Unlimited Posts – The border of the land must be patrolled and secured from the local population. Locals and government officials will 'be in an uproar' once they realize that Hyperion Mining plans to 'crack the planet' to do their mining operations. They will try to convince us and force us to stop. We will wave the terms of the contract and legal guidelines in the faces of government, legal, and humanitarian representatives as we continue our mining operations. We will 'subdue' local populations if they get too aggressive with their attempts at stopping us.
Skira-class Battleship and launch craft will be available for fire support missions should large scale combat become necessary. “Peacekeeping” operations will be the priority though.
Thread will finish with a legal agreement with the government of the planet to not 'crack the planet' again if they agree to become a part of the Mandalorian Territories.