Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Minor Change: Curfew Hours

Well-Known Member
[member="Akuma"] Neither do I really, I'm a night owl at heart, but unfortunately I have to abandon my poor poor computer in the cold unforgiving upstairs, or so says the lord and lady of teh house.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] *quavers* but but but!
Well-Known Member
[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"], not sure I can stay awake without it honestly, and I can't hardly get up in the morning let alone "2" in the morning lol

[member="Sabena Shai"], I'm hoping it'll improve it's mood during the day

[member="Akuma"], Not not actually grounded. It was a long standing rule that fell out of enforcement once I started doing better in school. I'm still actually doing great in school, but I've getting up too groggy for them so they think it's a sleeping problem now. Which I guess it kinda is.

[member="Hal Terrano"], Aight

[member="Ali Hadrix"], :p
Real, very much it is.

Do you know how hard it is to sneak out of your room with creaky floors, a dirty room, and a dog that barks when it sees you?

I swear, if I keep this up, I will become a Master Assassin by the time I'm 20.

Run this:

It'll put you to sleep ;)
In all seriousness it dims/warms the light with the natural sun, so your computer isn't acting as an artificial sun, so you naturally get tired. Great for preventing eyestrain too. It also looks better when you are used to it - personal opinion anyway.

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