Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Minor Faction Request

My faction, the Tygaran Alliance, is looking to do an ad and recruitment campaign soon.

For that we need some art, but since all of us are as artistically skilled as a paint spill, we need some help.

So looking for someone to assist us with this. There's a fair few things we need done including:
  • Faction banner.
  • Finding and preparing suitable art for the ad.
  • Artistic headers.

If you're OK to assist, let me know and I'll PM those who reply with the ideas and work out the details.

Yeah sure, I'm no artist but I'm a steady hand with photoshop, I know how to use illustrator, and can do a fair amount with In Design. I'm junior Graphic Designer, currently my still putting together some of my online portfolio, if you'd like I could show you and discuss it over skype.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
I'd be more than willing to help, I have a few years experience with GIMP (It isn't great, but it's free, and has a lot of features) and doing faction art is usually pretty easy and fun to do. If you want something, we can talk it over skype or PM and I can make it. [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

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