Valiens Nantaris
Head Admin
As we know from the rules, minor factions can have unique, PC captained ships up to 1000m, and individuals may have unique ships up to 400m in length.
My proposal is something which I had actually assumed for over a year (dangers of assumptions); that minor factions have no restrictions on ships under 400 metres, and that ships from 401-1000m can only be unique, PC captained vessels.
To me this makes much more sense. As it is now, what possible reason is there for a minor faction to have anything less than a heavy cruiser each for their members? If they can have those uniquely, they should be able to have frigates and below more easily.
Let’s not forget that yes, minor factions don’t own planets like majors, but the rules allow them to own heavy cruisers. So why not allow them to have some frigates and corvettes too? We’re soon going to allow companies to have this, and they don’t own planets either, remember.
My proposal is something which I had actually assumed for over a year (dangers of assumptions); that minor factions have no restrictions on ships under 400 metres, and that ships from 401-1000m can only be unique, PC captained vessels.
To me this makes much more sense. As it is now, what possible reason is there for a minor faction to have anything less than a heavy cruiser each for their members? If they can have those uniquely, they should be able to have frigates and below more easily.
Let’s not forget that yes, minor factions don’t own planets like majors, but the rules allow them to own heavy cruisers. So why not allow them to have some frigates and corvettes too? We’re soon going to allow companies to have this, and they don’t own planets either, remember.