Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mir Nehrahn

Name: Mir Nehrahn
Faction: a crewmember of Luck's Revenge
Rank: N/A
Species: Ithorian
Age: 41
Sex: Male
Height: 7'0" (2.1 m)
Weight: 240 lbs. (110 kg)
Eyes: Black
Hair: Brown, though not visible
Skin: Dark-red
Handiness: Ambidextrous, leaning left
Force Sensitive?: Nope
Text color: #E6F08A

Mir is an extremely intelligent individual. This brilliance is paired with an insatiable curiosity that he expresses through vast amounts of research regarding ecology, botany, biology, biochemistry, bioengineering, biotechnology, and genetics. While amongst others, if he isn't actively engaged in conversation (a rarity unless amongst his friends or concerning the odd things that pique his interest) he is aloof, mind elsewhere considering some detail, observation, or whatever strikes his whimsy. He often mumbles in Ithorese without realizing it, and has been known to hum as he works.

Mir does not concern himself with the moral implications of his research, believing that scientific progress comes first and foremost. While he recognizes societal concerns to his beliefs, he chooses to work in isolation as a way to avoid entanglements that would otherwise only seek to question his soul, not his science.

Because he has a tendency to shut himself away with his work for great amounts of time, he can come off as a recluse: independent and arrogant. His general refusal to wear a translation device, coupled with a slight difficulty in speaking Basic, doesn't help his outward persona. However, he has an odd loyalty to the three other misfits that became his friends that would seem to defy his smug attitude. Around them, while no charmer, he is far more light-hearted and endearing.

Strengths and Weaknesses:
Check out the Big Brains on Mir!: With a brilliant and creative mind and a thirst for greater scientific understanding, Mir has knowledge and wisdom on a wide variety of subjects, especially anything biological. His tireless and culminating efforts have yielded him great success, even if he chooses not to share what he has learned.

I Have a Cream for That: Mir has trained as a Field Medic after having needed to fill such a role on the Corusca and on Antecedent. Not known for his bedside manner, he still does exemplary work.

This Brain Ain't Big Enough for Another Dendron: Genius works in many ways. While some are equipped to remember vast amounts of information, Mir is instead intuitive and creative. While he is excellent at coming up with solutions on the spot, remembering those solutions for later use can be taxing. He has created many databases in an effort to combat this and is rarely seen without a datapad for jotting down information, but without these, he is likely to miss important details.

Quick Mind, but Slow Feet: While he may be a genius, Mir is not known for his swiftness. While most Ithorians are rather sturdily built, but their size and shape do not bode well for locomotion. Mir's lack of physical regimen has left his walking to a lumber and his running to a plod.

Lost in Translation: Due to having sustained a blow to the neck while he was still growing, Mir has great difficulty speaking Basic or any other language that isn't inherent to his physiology. He can croak out a few words, but only in a harsh tone and a deliberate manner. While he has a translation device, he is stubborn about using it, and many times his words fall on daft ears.

To other species, Mir may appear to be a typical Ithorian. He has no immediately recognizable outstanding features. For those unfamiliar, he'd appear to be a lumbering fellow with a long curved neck. That neck sports four throats and two mouths, which produces a language spoken in stereo, and often considered to be both melodic and harmonic in nature. Among a crowd of Ithorians, he would be considered of average height, leaner than most and his pigmentation would be considered unusual but not unheard of. However, these things would not be apparent to anyone not inherently familiar with the species.

Mir typically adorns himself in earth tone robes and rather loose fitting pants, both of some synthetic but grainy quality. He begrudgingly uses a translator when he deems it necessary to do so. The translator is placed on the back of his neck and slides over his mouths on either side of his throat.

Like most of his species, Mir was born aboard a herdship. There, his parents Elor and Fi Nehrahn raised him amongst a society of fellow Ithorians. Mir's upbringing was quite normal. He attended the communal gathering with other young ones to learn history and science while his parents taught him grammar and the beliefs that the Ithorians held dear. Though Mir was never very religious, he strongly respected nature and its beauty. As their herdship traveled from system to system, he would often disembark to bask in what Mir saw as the wonder of nature on each of the life-filled worlds he visited. Much of this, he did on his own, quickly developing an independent nature. As his schooling progressed, he demonstrated great affinities in the sciences.

The first time Mir's herdship visited planet Ithor, he found the societal bounds of his people frustrating. He wanted nothing more than to visit the Mother Jungle, to see its wonders with his own eyes, to revel in the life that the forest bore. But the Ithorian people's strict belief system prevented Mir from going, and he was caught more than once trying to sneak a shuttle off of the ship down to the surface. Mir couldn't see looking at the world from afar as a sign of respect or responsibility and he could not understand why his people would be willfully ignorant of their own world. As the ship left orbit and he stared back at Ithor, he vowed to touch the soil there at least once in his life.

It was not long after that his herdship came under attack. In the chaos of the galaxy, a pirate vessel sought to gain easy credits by attacking a mostly harmless craft. Herdships were not designed for warfare, even defensively, and were easy prey, though rarely attacked due to their neutral stance and often philanthropic nature. As the pirates ransacked the vessel, Mir, now in his late teen years, for the first time, was face to face with life that had an utter lack of respect for anything else alive. Wildlife was rounded up, tortured and put into cages, if not killed outright. Plants were ripped from the soil, tearing the organisms from their roots and any chance to be replanted. And around him, he saw his meager society cowering in fear. With only feeble attempts to stop the marauders from harming all of what they deemed precious.

Mir could not stomach the incident. In the confusion of the heist, he managed to grab a blaster from a passing pirate. He pointed it directly at the being and pulled the trigger. The pirate crumpled to the floor, two crates tumbling beside him. Mir set the blaster down, releasing the furred creatures that the crates contained and sighed in relief as the animals scurried off. The Ithorians around him watched in terror as one of their own kind took a life. Even out of defense, such a thing was seen as sacrilege. The shot was not unheard by the attackers and Mir was easily overpowered and restrained from doing further damage, taking a blow to the neck in the process. He would only later learn that the pistol had a stun setting.

Mir was brought before the Captain of the pirates and the Head Priest of the herdship. Apparently, the priest, a leader to his people, had been warned by the Captain of the impending raid. Instead of attempting to defend the lives aboard the ship that the Ithorians were sworn to protect, the priest was convinced that any resistance would only bring further harm to his people. So he had allowed the pirates their way onboard, sacrificing the lives of the plants and animals under his care, and in return, no Ithorian would be harmed. Then Mir, rash in his youth and rebellious nature, had stepped in to intervene. The Head Priest condemned Mir's actions, but asked the Captain of the pirate vessel to spare Mir's life. The Captain agreed. As reparations for taking the life of the crewman Mir had killed, Mir would take that crewman's place until such time as the Captain saw fit to see that Mir's debt had been paid.

And so, Mir was pressed into service aboard the Corusca and exiled from stepping aboard a herdship again. Without having many useful services to offer, he spent half of his time doing manual labor, and the other half learning to apply his knowledge of living science to medicine. He mostly abhorred the actions of the crew. He saw them as greedy and irresponsible. The only values they understood were of credits and of notoriety. But as he traveled on the Corusca, his own views of the galaxy began to mature. He saw chaos and order as one and the same. As much as one could revere life, it would inevitably be lost. The nutrients created from death awarded sustenance to new life, and so the cycle continued. If life did not have death, there would be neither. Had Mir stayed amongst his people, he later surmised he never would have come to this realization, and his frustrations of not understanding how the balance functioned would have only driven him further from the Ithorian society. Reality brought the Ithorian harsh truths.

While en route in hyperspace, Mir would shut himself away. Setting up a display plugged into holofiles, he dug through as much information on biology and its related fields as he could. He was still young, and had little purpose outside of simply understanding. Bound to the ship, as he wasn't permitted to leave, Mir would have bouts of depression where, instead of pouring over facts and details, he would instead look only at images, longing for exposure to something other than recycled air and metal surfaces. He began losing weight to the point of unhealthiness and was taken off of his manual labor duty. By then, however, Mir was in his mid-twenties and was far overqualified to be Corusca's chief medical officer. The bits of excitement in treating patients kept Mir's mood up, not to be treating patients, but rather the work kept his mind off of the outside world he so desperately wanted to see. Mir's brief moment of triumph came when the Captain requested the Ithorian to oversee all future handling of live cargo. He soon came to despise the work, knowing that anything living that came through their hold was seen as nothing more than property and profit.

Mir never really paid much attention to the crew. Some died, most not under Mir's care, and replacements came and went as jobs came and went. He had such low respect for them that he rarely learned faces or names. This changed while a Duros was residing in his infirmary while recovering from a bone fracture. Mir was looking at images of extinct trees on his display while the Duros was resting. The patient was the only other being in the room, and Mir was surprised to hear his voice call out the name of a tree. Mir dismissed him the first time with a slight nod before moving on to other images. The Duros called out a few more before Mir finally acknowledged him. The Duros introduced himself as Kur Brile. Unlike many of his people, this Duros was one who had a great respect for nature, mostly as a result of what his people did to ruin the ecosystem of his homeworld more than a thousand years before.

The Ithorian had never met anyone outside of his species to have a perceivable respect for living things. Granted, the rest of the crew of Corusca wasn't a great pool to pick from in that regard. Mir started talking to Kur mostly because it was something different. It helped to break the monotony of work and hours of depression floating through hyperspace. Both were rather awkward, neither being verbose conversationalists. Kur was in a like state of indentured servitude, tied to the ship until he paid off a debt, though his debt was in credits due to an accident in a criminally run starport, as opposed to a life. He served as part of a rotating crew of helmsman and astronavigators, for which he had a natural talent and a passionate yearning.

For a few years, they shared a quiet friendship before a third companion came along, also with a debt to pay, one that only ever seemed to grow. Tel Taro, a pudgy, blue Ortolan, was caught as a free loader aboard the Corusca, eating through the food stores. Luckily for the carefree oaf, it was Kur and Mir that found him. According to Tel, all while stuffing his mouth, Tel had been kicked out of his residence near where Corusca had recently made port for not paying rent. He couldn't pay rent because he spent all of his money on more food. He made money by cooking food, a job from which he had been fired for eating nearly everything intended for customers. The Captain's initial response was to toss the blue ball out the airlock, but a merciful Mir convinced the aging Captain to let the Ortolan stay on as a chef under the same circumstances that Mir and Kur both faced.

As more time passed, and Mir became more involved with the ways of the ship looking after Tel and conversing with Kur, the Ithorian began noticing a change of the guard. The Captain's long standing crew were aging. Many of them retired from their long lives of plundering. The veterans that remained became more and more lax in how they ran the Corusca. A few replacements were brought in to fill out the posts left empty, but they were mostly young, cocky showboats that often got themselves injured or killed after a job or two. The Corusca started taking less demanding jobs and the requests that came in were fewer and fewer.

As the ship's fame began to wane, the Captain allowed Mir's chains to loosen. He was granted his first shore leave just over fifteen years after joining the Corusca's crew. At first, Mir was ecstatic, happier than he had been in all the time he had spent aboard the Corusca. He was immediately disappointed when they stepped off the ship onto Antecedent. The scenery had replaced recycled air for polluted smog and metal walls for transparisteel skyscrapers. He said nothing of it at the time, with Kur leading he, Tel and their armed caretakers to a secluded and seemingly out of the way cantina. It was there that they met with a rather jolly proprietor named Shenn Rosham, an old contact of Kur's. Mir was egged on into drinking alcohol for the first time in his life, and due to his depression kicking in, he wasn't in the mood to argue. But Shenn stopped him, much to the chagrin of the Corusca's young crew that accompanied Kur, Tel, and Mir.

Tensions rose between Shenn's bar staff and the rowdy showboaters as the evening wore on. Mir and Kur remained mostly silent, not wanting to draw any more attention to themselves than they already had, nor did they want any conflict to erupt. Tel contented himself with eating everything brought before him without a care for anything happening around him. However the boisterous, young pirates could not keep themselves from going overboard the more they drank. They were persistent in trying to get the Ithorian to drink. They were unaware that, as an Ithorian, he had a physiological inability to ingest most types of alcoholic substances. A part of Mir, in his depression, didn't care. He wanted to drink, the idea of losing consciousness appealed to him. However, Shenn would return and insist that Mir not drink.

This put Corusca's crew over the edge in their drunken stupor. They each pulled a pistol on the bar's owner. In response the staff of the Blue Flame and a good number of the patrons pulled their own weapons. Shenn stood patiently, pleasant smile still as his disposition. He asked the drunkards to leave politely. As gone as they were, with so many blasters pointed their way, even such inexperienced kids knew better than to try their luck. As they got up to leave, Shenn, in as polite a tone as possible, demanded Mir, Kur, and Tel stay. The drunk kids couldn't have cared less at such a proposition. As they left the bunch they were supposed to be guarding behind, Mir asked Shenn, as best he could, why he would go so far for someone he didn't know. Shenn's response shocked him: "All life is worth protecting."

Shenn offered the three a place to stay while they got their feet on Antecedent. A few days later, Mir discovered that the Corusca had been impounded concerning undisclosed illegal activities. Apparently there had been an anonymous tip, but Mir never asked if it had been Shenn who put in the call.

Mir continued to evolve with his experiences. He began to see things in terms of spectrums. Good and evil were not absolutes: pulling a gun could be a good response as opposed to negligence. Life and death went through stages as well. His research, though it had never stopped, picked up with fervor, becoming a more insatiable need for understanding than Mir had ever felt before. His genius allowed him to breeze through vast amounts of material. To be able ti pay rent, Mir went to work at a local clinic, while Kur became a public speeder driver and Tel went to work in Blue Flame's kitchen.

A year and a half into the three of them being more or less stranded on Antecedent, Mir had a rather odd patient come through his clinic. A diminutive Tynnan was admitted with marginally serious but not irreparable burns. The little furball seemed to be terrified to be around most people and, with the Tynnan likely to be in some sort of shock as result of the burns, Mir had the patient moved to an isolated room in order to receive the appropriate bacta treatment. Every time Mir would enter the room, the Tynnan seemed to cringe. Mir, not being particularly keen on bedside manner, and always looking for other things to study, often interviewed his patients in case there was something unusual to be learned. The Tynnan, Stannon, continued demonstrating his extraordinarily shy behavior, but managed to answer Mir's questions with a very hurried voice despite plenty of nervous stammering. Mir's conclusion: burns resulted from overly dangerous work around machinery. Recommendation: be more careful, wear something protective. All around unremarkable.

Stannon was discharged later in the week with his burns healed and a salve applied to promote hair regeneration. Their interaction after the interview had been limited to Mir checking the progress of the bacta treatments, and so Mir had mostly put the case behind him. He left work as he always did, walked the few streets home, which he preferred to any sort of transportation despite Kur's protests for safety, and arrived home as he always did. Kur and Tel were waiting for him, but were surprised when Mir opened the door to find a little furball shivering behind the towering Ithorian. Mir hadn't even noticed, completely lost in thought. Tel's frst reaction was to start cooking some nerf steaks. Kur was the only one to even pipe up and ask what the short guy was doing.

Apparently, Stannon had also been abandoned on Antecedent in a way. He had been a stow away, his only purpose to get off his homeworld, a Tynnan colony continually raided by marauders. Growing up an orphan, his only solace as a child had been to fix broken down droids and other machinery scattered about the desolate village. When he got the opportunity to leave the planet, tucked away on a relief ship, he got off at their first destination: Antecedent. He stumbled around, rummaging for food. He found his way to a scrap heap where he tinkered on innumerable devices. One of them backfired, which was how he wound up in Mir's clinic, almost entirely anonymous. He ended up following Mir because, even in his own distant way, the Ithorian had been the only other being to care for Stannon in any way, and the pre-teenaged Tynnan had nowhere else to go.

The bunch of them decided to take in Stannon. Despite his agoraphobia, Stannon gradually grew comfortable around his new roommates. After a few years, he found work doing repairs on various equipment that Shenn sent to their meager accommodations. The four of them managed to scrape by neagerlyon Antecedent, while saving up as much as they could for a spaceship of their own. Working long hours, the crew frequented Blue Flame in their rare shared moments of downtime.

Mir, though his depression had faded considerably, was still discontent. His research had been growing more and more. The greater his knowledge became, the more he wanted to understand. He began running experiments with tools he borrowed from the clinic. But he was sorely lacking in direct contact with the nature he found so wondrous in his youth. Eight years after arriving on Antecedent that an opportunity through their old friend Shenn Rosham came his way.

A young girl, the only underaged client of Shenn's bar, was in need of transport off of Antecedent. Mir was largely oblivious to her most of the time, though Shenn seemed to have a father-like fondness for the girl, and she for him. By that time, Mir and his friends had saved up enough for a ship. While they could have purchased something on Antecedent, they desired an original design and commissioned the shipyards over Nubia for something special. They paid their final check while the ship was nearing completion and were near to booking transport off of Antecedent to Nubia when Shenn approached Mir and company about the girl.

Due to circumstances outside of Mir's knowledge, something to do with pre-teen emotional baggage and the lack of speeder driving skills, the girl ended up arriving to Blue Flame with an extra companion. Refusing to let this boy go, though Mir identified him as Anzat, unsure of his age, the girl's Wookiee companion hastily decided to borrow the boy's spaceship in order to get them offworld. This rash decision seemed to pay off in the short term as whatever pursuers the girl had were unable to reach her outside of Antecedent's zone of control and the Anzati turned out to be a Jedi, a gracious enough one to allow them the use of his transport.

The bunch made a few stops along the way until arriving to Nubia. Mir and his friends parted ways with the Luck's Revenge, excited to get on with their own ship. However, they were interrupted by the Anzati Jedi and the Wookiee not long after boarding their vessel. Without so much as a warning the crew were whisked off of the ship. Moments later, they saw the vessel that Mir and his friends had spent so long endeavoring to design and pay off erupt in a fiery explosion. They blasted back off into space aboard the Luck's Revenge, confused and hurt over the loss of their freighter, but glad to be alive and out of harm's way. Mir and Kur decided it was best to remain with Daiya and Sor-Jan for the time being, and the lot began taking jobs to pay their way through the galaxy.



His three friends: Kur Brile (a male Duros), Stannon (a male Tynnan), and Tel Taro (a male Ortolan) His occasional employer, Shenn Rosham.

A translation device specifically designed for Ithorian physiology. Biological research equipment. Portable field medic equipment (bacta patches, laser sutures, et al).

None, currently.

Bounties Collected:

None, currently.
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[This character was previously used on the roleplaying forum: Star Wars: Threads of the Force. While this character had experience there, the writer changed a considerable amount of detail to better mesh this character to the current board's story. Any stories done elsewhere available on request of writer, though not entirely relevant for the purposes of current forum and have been retconned into the bio for ease of access.]

Dominion: Camping is the WORST: Red Ravens Dominion of Orrazerus: Luck's Revenge flies in for a rescue and then Mir returns later on his own to sample the wildlife.

[Public] Sanctuary: Be Bop a Daiya: Originally intended to be the introduction of the crew of Luck's Revenge to Chaos. {non-canon}

Denon: Stealing Stolen Stuff: Luck's Revenge: the reboot. The crew takes a job to recover a stolen Republic data crystal.

First Order Zarnathea Hex Dominion: Progenies of Asymmetric Warfare: Meet with PharmaTech and discuss the situation on Varunda IX, set up facilities, and discover the biological potential for reviving extinct species.

Strength Through Joy: First Order Trenwyth Hex Dominion: Now a consultant with PharmaTech, Mir joins Saffron in meeting the Supreme Commander and discusses terraforming prospects for Trenwyth.

After considerable break from this character, stories continued with Darkwire. Unclear whether prior stories are canonical.

Nanotripping: Darkwire Dominion of Parcellus Minor: Mir performs a startling experiment on his own brain to extricate himself from the control of a nanobot-virus. His experiment yields the key to saving Darkwire from similar fates.

On the Beach of Dreams, Another World: Mir, Kur and Stannon enjoy the beach while recovering from the events that took place on Parcellus Minor.

Part One: Looking in the Mirror: Mir may have inadvertently been hired to create significant biological components of the doppelgangers.

"Frego Circuit: No Rush Track" [Audience]: The three can't seem to catch much of a break on their vacations recently, but are hopeful that watching a race will prove relaxing and entertaining.

"Stealing the Seeds of Independence": Mir journeys to Surron where he meets a new mind and assists in the research of a biological marvel.

Further Pending
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