Mira Albion
"My name is Mira Albion, this is my diary."
"Begin recording.
Once upon a time, there once was a rogue Sith Marauder who fell in love with a rogue Jedi Knight. Each tried to convert the other, but they ended up getting married instead. Within a few months, they were expectant of a child. But like every story, there were a few complications.
The father had no want of a baby, and demanded the mother abort. She refused, fought the father off, bore the child and died in childbirth. The father then broke into the hospital to see his wife. Upon discovering her dead, he murdered the staff and stole the baby. Taking the child, he hid himself away on a remote corner of Ruusan to drown himself in grief.
He didn't blame the child, at least not at first. The second she was old enough to walk, he forced a training saber into her clumsy infant hands. At first it was cute when she'd burn herself accidentally, eventually it evolved into annoying, then soon after it was enraging. By the time she turned six, she would be beat everytime she made a mistake and hurt herself. Often were her mistakes.
By the time she was eleven, she was stronger in the ways of the blade than most adult padawans. In addition, she possessed more scars than a war veteran. There was not a night that went by without the girl wanting to murder her father. However, nothing was so terribly bad as to warrant her actually gaining the courage to do something.
Until her twelfth birthday. Once more, the girl made a mistake. Unable to see very well using only the Force, she could not dodge her father's flurry of attacks and was consistently struck by his brutal fists. After one particularly bad dodge, a loud CRACK resounded throughout their training room. He had broken one of her ribs.
Enraged at her foolishness, he hoisted her up by her own hair and held her high above the ground. Igniting his blade, he made sure that she'd never rely on her eyes ever again. He burned her eyes out. Kicking, screaming, flailing, all was vanity against the overwhelming strength of her father. Before he even finished, she passed out from the pain. Completing his work, he tossed his only child across the room like a rag doll and left her there to rot.
She laid there in agony for a full day, occasionally letting out a scream as the pain and rage became too difficult to bear. Deaf to her pain, her father ignored his failure of a child and drank away his troubles. The second night, wordlessly, the girl rose from her corner and made her way to her father's room. Rage encompassed her entire being, absolutely nothing got through the blinding red mist that clouded her Force Sight. Taking her father's double bladed saber staff from his beside, she beheaded him in one swift movement.
She hates herself. She wants to die. She despises her very existence. However, rather than throwing herself off a bridge, the girl decided to take a flight off world. Stowing away on a freighter and utilizing the Force to make doubly sure no one would find her, she made her way to-
Where do I even go? What, what can I do? "
*sobbing noises, the recording ends*
NAME: Mira Albion
AGE: Twelve
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 90lbs
EYES: None, wears a blindfold.
HAIR: Silvery white
SKIN: Pale White
SCARS: Mira's body is covered in scars from both training sabers, lightsaber, and blunt force trauma.
STRENGTHS: Mira is exceptionally fast and a master of saberstaff combat. She utilizes the style of Juyo to out maneuver her opponent and brutally cut them down. Her control over the Force is limited, as she is but a child, but she has superior ability in controlling her own body and extending her focus around her (telekinesis, sense, ect.). Her Force Sight is average, but is far more heavily relied on given her lack of vision. She possesses a great amount of skill in the hand to hand combat art of Echani, as well as the lifestyle attached. Mira was raised by her father to be an Echani, though much of their 'honor' within their society was never taught her.
WEAKNESSES: Small, weak, untrusting and violent are all adjectives able to describe Mira, and none of these is she proud of. A mere child, she is frightfully small and can easily be overpowered. Her lack of knowledge of the greater world is yet another major weakness, as she knows nothing of basic knowledge. While she can read and count, both of these skills are severely underdeveloped and, given her newfound lack of eyes, she does not know how to use the force to read or 'see' very well yet.