Sadal Vas
New Member

Intent: Want to add a race that allows to play as a piece-loving non-jedi force users.
Image Credit: sadly, I don't know.
Canon: yes
Links: N/A
Name: Miraluka.
Designation: Sentient.
Language: Miralukese, basic.
Average Lifespan: 85 years.
Estimated Population: Rare (A few groups, often limited to a single world).
Breathes: like humans
Average height of adults: 1.8 meters.
Skin color: pale.
Hair color: varies from dark to blonde.
Distinctions: Black stokes instead of physical eyes and inherent Force sight.
Races: N/A
- Every member of this species naturally possesses the ability to see through the force.
- Majority of the members of this species are naturally gifted force users.
- Most members of this species are pacifists.
- Every Miraluka is blind.
Diet: Varies.
Communication: Holonet.
Technology level: Standard for the Era.
Religion/Beliefs: Most of the Miralukas believe in two gods: Ashla and Bogan. Both of these gods represent light and dark sides of the force respectively.
General behavior: Generally Miralukas are piece-loving and tolerant. They have little interest in personal gain or glory. For social reasons, Miraluka hide their appearance by wearing a headband, a mask, or similar concealing headwear. In addition all Miraluka are very united by race. They call themselves "brothers" and considered as members of a great family.
Original homeworld of this race was rendered uninhabitable, so Miralukas were forced to migrate to Alpheridies and inhabit a couple of colonies. Later on most of this species were killed by Darth Nihilus, leading to Miralukas near extinction. Many years after that the race almost returned to its previous quantity and most of the the Miralukas joined the jedi order and participated in many wars, despite their pacifistic approach. During great jedi purge during the times of the Galactic Empire this race was endangered once again. Even now, many years after that, Miralukas are still pretty rare species.