Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mirax Eygan

~ Mirax Eygan ~

NAME: Mirax Eygan

ALIAS: Sparrow

FACTION: TBA (to be announced - or added, later)

RANK: Healer

SPECIES: Lorrdian



AGE: Appears to be in her early 20s

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5'3"

WEIGHT: 109 lbs

EYES: Stormy blue

HAIR: Varies (currently blonde/brown)

SKIN: White, though often teased by the sun (lightly tanned)

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes | Neutral (alignment)


  1. (S) Wonderful sense of observation and attention to detail - Mirax can pick out minute differences in her surroundings, and she notices things about people that others may miss. For this reason, she loves to people watch. People-watching allows her to study human nature without having to actually interact with others.
  2. (S) Natural empath - Mirax is very good at empathizing with others even if she has never directly experienced what the other person is going through. This is because she can put herself in other people’s shoes and view things through their lens.
  3. (S) Extremely creative lifelong learner - Whether it’s related to the arts, literature, or music, or even something like creating an engaging lesson plan for students, Mirax is never short on ideas. She is alwas seeking out new information and experiences, whether it’s picking up a new holo-book, people watching, or even doing something completely out of her comfort zone. Mirax also possesses an adventurous side that pushes her curiosity to do and try new things.
  4. (W) Sensitive – When someone challenges or criticizes her principles or values, Mirax is likely to receive an alarmingly strong response. She is highly vulnerable to criticism and conflict, and questioning her motives is the quickest way to her bad side.
  5. (W) Always Needs to Have a Cause – Mirax often gets so caught up in the passion of her pursuits that any of the cumbersome administrative or maintenance work that comes between her and the ideal she sees on the horizon is deeply unwelcome. Mirax likes to know that she is taking concrete steps towards her goals, and if routine tasks feel like they are getting in the way, or worse yet, there is no goal at all, she will feel restless and disappointed.
  6. (W) Perfectionist – Mirax is all but defined by her pursuit of ideals. While this is a wonderful quality in many ways, an ideal situation is not always possible – in politics, in business, in romance – and she too often drops or ignores healthy and productive situations (or relationships), always believing there might be a better option down the road.
  7. (W) Extremely Private – Although she possesses some very strongly held beliefs, Mirax often has difficulty revealing her true identity and values, which leads to trust issues. She is a very deep, complex person. Because she is a natural at interacting with and understanding others, Mirax may appear “chameleon-like” in her interactions with others - instead of revealing her true self.

Innocence abounds, captured in the wake of exquisitely chiseled features. She possesses a refreshing quality and life seems to flow through her like a torrent of fire. Always the observer, she tends to watch rather than partake, calculating while listening; thus collectively utilizing shreds of information. Most people generally categorize her quiet manner as being arrogant or aloof -a misconception she secretly adores. Always maintaining a sense of calm and control, she is capable of sustaining disinterest even in the most grievous situations. Few have witnessed her temper. To provoke as much is a task hard to accomplish for she firmly believes what goes around comes around ... be it by fate or her own hand. Often times she will offer a warm smile and a compassionate word, yet kindness should never be mistaken for weakness for strong are the barriers that surround her dubious domain.
Bewitching the awareness that speaks of many sorrows and triumphs. Angelic features predominate a non-defective yet strikingly human semblance. A visage embraced by profuse wisps of sun-kissed gold; rapturous shades of honeyed luster whose damp cling splashes over slender set shoulders to rest upon a salient frame of feline grace. Exotic the rise of cheekbones that paint the smooth slope of her jaw, even the curve of her lips. Narrow rib cage and small waist emphasizing the fullness of her bosom; skin flawless. The breeze only adds to the bewitching guise, tugging at her mane of sinuous of silk so that it shifts about her like a veil, one moment hiding the temptation of her, the next revealing it. Small, delicate bones mark her classically beautiful, though feminine curves lie tamed within inconspicuous civilian garb, while allowing a glimpse of effortless elegance to the casual observer.

Orphaned at the tender age of three (after her parents died of an uncommon strain of Afficeria), she was adopted by her mother's eldest brother named Jonas Kross - a merchant smuggler operating out of Eriadu in the Outer Rim. Since Jonas was a sworn bachelor, young Mirax was raised by a small army of household droids. She had taught herself to read by the time she was four, and it was then that she first began to exhibit signs of eidetic memory. Able to cite entire (favorite) chapters of all the holo-books she had devoured, young Mirax was soon hauled off to school where she continued to absorb everything that was being taught with unnatural fervor.

When she was nine years old, Jonas told her what happened to her parents. Soon after, Mirax had made up her mind to be a doctor - to her uncle's veiled disappointment (as he had hopes for Mirax following in his own footsteps). The next few years passed on without incident. At 16, Mirax had passed early entrance exams to enter the Medical faculty at the local university. Although she was an exceptional student, her curiosity often led her off the 'well-beaten path'. Two years into her studies, Jonas Kross died of pulmonary disease (emphysema) which he largely ignored - until it was too late. Mirax inherited everything. Soon after, her introverted manner took a turn for the worse. Most attributed it to her uncle's passing, but in truth, her grief seemed to exhibit as an all-too-perfect indifference that eschewed all passionate attachments. Whatever the cause, Mirax never acquired her medical degree and left the university rather abruptly - before finishing her final year of studies.

In the next two years, she seemed to have vanished from the face of the planet. The next time an acquaintance had laid eyes on her, Mirax was seen in the company of two hefty blaster pistols and a rather worn (yet noticeable) rucksack - ascending a boarding ramp of a rather distinctive, obsidian-hued Corellian freighter. After that, she would make random and infrequent appearances on Eriadu - but never to remain longer than a fortnight - the ship having become her new and more permanent, home. Seemingly addicted to motion, she would now travel the Galaxy in pursuit of some clandestine goal known to no one but her own self. Yet, as gossip knows no bounds - certain rumors would soon begin to circulate her home base - but which were actually true and which simply idle chatter - still remains to be seen.

  • Kicked out of university for practicing 'unconventional' medicine
  • Dabbles in sales of illegal pharmaceuticals and smuggling of fresh organs (for transplant purposes)

  • Is a brilliant surgeon; her work is always performed swiftly and efficiently - often helping those who may not afford the necessary medical treatment

  • Tends to exhibit signs of undue suspicion and other paranoia in any circumstances she cannot control to her due satisfaction

SHIP: CEC (modified) Light Freighter 'Fenix'

EQUIPMENT (visible on her person):
  1. Bantha-hide rucksack
  2. Heavy blaster pistols (2)
  3. Phrik-coated vibroblade
VOICE | FACE CLAIM: Yvonne Strahovski (pending availability)

KILLS: Unknown




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