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Approved Tech Mirdimorut Droid Brain

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King of Pumpkins

  • Intent: To provide a droid brain for Mirdirmorut projects

  • Image Source: N/A

  • Canon Link: N/A

  • Restricted Missions: N/A

  • Primary Source: Droid Brain


  • Manufacturer: Mirdirmorut

  • Model: Mirdimorut Droid Brain

  • Affiliation: Mirdimorut, Closed Market

  • Modularity: No

  • Production: Mass-Produced

  • Material: Duraplast casing, Battery pack, data crystals, integrated HUSH-98 comlink, micronized copper conduction fibers

  • Integrated HUSH-98 comlink: This comlink is hardwired to the droid brain, allowing it to transmit and receive data streams from other droid units and communication devices, including personal comlinks. These comm devices have a 100km range, so the transmissions will be restricted to that range.

  • Micronized Copper conduction fibres: These fibres allow the droid brain to help power itself as well as to make sure that an ion blast doesn't instantly destroy it.

  • Smart and learns quick - It is a quick learner and is smart enough to be accurate in hitting things.

  • Behind some walls - This droid brain can't be hacked easily.

  • We Have been jammed sir - It is susceptible to having it's communications jammed

  • I have been programmed - Once it has been programmed with something it can't be reprogrammed
Rex was looking at droid brains and realised it would be a good idea to build one specifically for his company. So he went about making it happen. He made it in a similar way to how he made the new material for his droids. He made it smart and learns quickly so that it would have a increased accuracy when hitting things when on the battle field or in the mines. It can't be easily hacked and doesn't like water at all. However once it has been programmed to be a certain degree of droid it can't be undone.
hello, I'll be judging your submission this evening!

Rex Taff said:
Integrated HUSH-98 comlink: This comlink is hardwired to the droid brain, allowing it to transmit and receive data streams from other droid units and communication devices, including personal comlinks.
These comm devices have a 100km range, so the transmissions will be restricted to that range.

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