Chiz Ne Ordo
(Jawa) The Mad Tinker Gnome
[SIZE=12pt]~Devlopment Thread Two for Chiz’s Armor~[/SIZE]
Location Mirdir Ori Employee lounge
It was a meeting with Mirrdir Ori head researchers. Chiz Ne Ordo was there. Lodian Ordo the Rodian was there. Beman Ordo, he was the only human at the meeting. Then there was the super hot ‘n’ sexy Jyzia Lorion Ordo. Jyzia was not just a sexy female. She also happened to be a very talented Twi’lek Mandalorian scientist and engineer. The last person was a Man Calamarian by the name of Yos Ordo. He too was a scientist and engineer like the other assembled.The purpose for the meeting? It was a meeting of the top researchers to talk about making some technological magic. Mirrdir Ori was primarily a think tank of scientist and engineers for Mandalorian technology research and development. Today they were putting their collective eccentric minds together.
“O-day”, Chiz said then took a huge puff of spice. “We’a talk’s bout mi uew armor”, he said saying they were going to talk about his new armor today. “Ah esting is on atda adds in urunt of uo”, he countined saying the testing data is on a pad in front of them. “Big’a Id’aies”, big ideas he said, then past the joint over to Lodian.
“Tis allhaz my favs”, “Lodian took the join and took a drag…then passed it onto @Jyzia Ordo