Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

NAME: Mirien Eyna Valdier
FACTION: Atrisian Empire
RANK: Chief Inquisitor / Dark Jedi Knight... something along those lines. I haven't figured it out quite yet. But I am transferring her Sith Knight status from that guys craft shop.
AGE: 28
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'5"
WEIGHT: 110 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Fair
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, dark side aligned.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strengths: Lightsaber Combat, Hand to Hand Combat, .. pretty much if it shoots a bolt, a bullet or holds an edge she has some rating with it. Piloting, Slicing, and picks up new languages quickly.
Weaknesses: Lost memory - In an accident on Atrisia being chased by authorities while still a Sith, she took a nearly three story fall. The force protected her, mostly. In the process the blow to the head left her with no memories of her own. With her lost memories, she will do anything, give damn near anything up for a taste of her past, to learn of who she was.
The Force - With her lack of memories, her training has been forgotten in the process. She knows she can use the force on some level but what she does use is purely on instincts alone. Perhaps down the road she may receive training and regain her knowledge of the force but for now her use of it is limited to sporadic uses on instinct alone or in the case of desperate times.
Men - Given the nature of abuse in her childhood, she is untrusting of them. Even if she cannot remember this, she is still just as untrusting. They only have a couple uses for her, one information, and two pleasure.
SHIP: TIE Phantom - "Lex"
BIOGRAPHY: Mirien was born into a middle class family on Alderaan. She was the only child. Her family did everything they could to see that she had the best possible education, spending nearly everything they had to pay for best schooling. So she could learn diplomacy and the finer points of life. Not that it did her much good.
Mirien started learning that she was different when she was about twelve. Things would happen when she was angry, or hurting. Vases would shatter, things would fly across the room. More than anything this frightened her, so she did the best she could to hide it from everyone.
For the most part her family was loving, kind and caring. Except for one person, an uncle who saw fit to use her as his own personal play thing. Abusing her on so many levels. Being as young and naive she had no idea if this was normal or not so for many years she endured the abuse. Before one day she snapped and strangled him with the force, murdering him. Not that anyone would blame her for such. At that time Mirien was seventeen and she took off after it happened. Having no clue where to go or what to do, just simply knowing she was not going to go to prison for murdering someone who rightly deserved it.
She managed to steal a shuttle that day, and having been taught how to fly by her father. It was a simple task to escape. She spent next two years wandering from planet to planet mostly working on star ships to get by. A meager living as it was, but at least it put food on the table and kept her moving.
Life became rougher for her after she was taken in by the Sith and trained to knighthood. Her anger with men grew worse, to a driving need to kill. So, she went to Coruscant and there she began a killing spree in the manner of a serial killer. There was a specific way that she left her victims disemboweled, and castrated with little other clues left behind that left the security forces at a loss as to who had done the killings or why.
Soon the killing wasn't enough. There was a pressing need to gain more power, and learn more as quickly as she could. This brought her to Atrisia. A tablet of power was rumored to be hidden there behind layers of riddles in the ancient Sith language. A good thing that it was a language she had taken the time to learn inside and out. So there she had snuck past security on the planet and worked her way into the woods to the temple. Inside, she managed to get her hands on the tablet and was quite pleased with her progress.
However nothing could ever be so simple. The Atrisian military intervened, and hunted her down within the maze like temple. Having taken a wrong turn, she ended up on a crumbling set of stairs as she raced down, deeper into the temple. And soon enough she made a fatal mistake, with her force enhanced speed, the crumbling stairs gave way in one place beneath her and Mirien tumbled down a good three stories to the stone floor below.
By a small miracle the force had been able to protect her enough to keep her breathing, but she was badly wounded. Many broken bones, a collapsed lung, a miracle indeed that she survived at all. The blow to her head, likely the worst of her injuries. When she woke a few days later, much to her shock, no matter what she tried she could not remember a thing of her past. Not even her own name.
The Empire took her in from there, and used her to their advantage, always promising to let her know more of her past if she earned it from them. So Mirien played the game and followed them always hoping for some answer that might unlock those memories lost so many years before. Over time though, she quickly rose through the ranks of the Inquisition to become Chief Inquisitor.
Training threads from TSC:
What Leaves You Broken Makes You Better
Our Lady of Sorrows
I'll dig up her other old threads at another time. I don't feel like doing it tonight. Those two just show her progress from Apprentice to Knight, which I figured were the most important to show right now.