Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Misery Never Calls Ahead || Silver Jedi Concord



Location: Silver Rest, Kashyyyk.
Tagging: Eloi Graix Eloi Graix ~ Sakadi Marathi Sinvala ~ Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri ~ Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron


There was no warning. No omen or bad feeling that could alert any but the most capable and watchful of what lurked in the shadows of Kashyyyk, for it was silent and it hid well - even if its very being seemed to be at war with the life that buzzed around him.

This was a realm of the Light, and he could feel it. The presence of those whom he had so often hunted, killed. There was more Jedi blood on his hands than any else, the Darkness hung around him like a million chains. He was tired, always tired. Always waiting. Another prey, another heart stopped, another shade of the Darkness he knew so well. It had become all of him. Every single second since his birth, it had been all he had known, and loved, and abused. In the end it had claimed as much of him as he had of it. Absolute corruption, this had been the price.

And the Seeker had not minded paying it, not for a long time.

The Force, however, often worked in strange ways. Something had changed in the creature of Darkness, driving him away from the bastions of shadows and into the territory of his sworn enemies. Every step was a struggle, his body refusing to spend energy if it was not fueling the rage he could summon so easily. He moved slowly, steadily, under the cover of the trees and in the company of nothing but the whispers of the Dark.

The closer he got, the more it stirred. His hands itched to reach for the handles of his lightsabers. To tear the place he was moving towards apart together with everyone in it, until only the reign of the Darkside remained. No. The thought of putting down what had become an instinct, a need, was enough to make the permanent weight on his shoulders feel a thousand times heavier. His journey to the Silver Rest would be a sluggish one.

As it began, Darth Misios pulled on the Force. His Darkness unravelled around him before it was brought to heel within him, erasing his presence until there was no trace of it to follow. The hulking mass of darkness melded into his surroundings, wading through the tethers of the Force so seamlessly that even a creature that walked right by him wouldn't have paid him any mind. He was there, and yet he was so hard to see, hear, or feel. Concealment was one of his primordial gifts, it had been useful when chasing or approaching elusive prey.

After all, he had been a Hunter.

The defenses and security of the Concord's Jedi bastion were no small obstacle to sort through, but he had the power and the skills necessary to slide by unnoticed - at least long enough to reach his destination. More importantly, he had the element of surprise. The more he neared the concentration of light-siders, the more the shadows that plagued the Sith Lord turned and coiled, demanding and violent. His fists clenched closed, the black leather of the gloves straining over powerful hands. He was here, and then his hold on the Force was released.

As the Sith crossed the tree line and abadonned the cover of the foliage and the Force to walk into the very heart of the Silver Rest, pure and terrible darkness would advance like a tidal wave crashing against all that was before it. A raging void in the middle of so much brightness. The Light suffocated him, a rage he knew too well attempting to rouse to challenge it. To destroy it. The beast closed its eyes, hidden behind a black mask as he fought to restrain himself. Hold on.

The atmosphere became sharp and dangerous as two forces that were never supposed to mix, met. His breathing grew heavy, chest rising and falling while the ire within him raged and burned in retaliation for being ignored. The Sith Lord still advanced slowly but surely towards the main entrance of the Temple, several pairs of terrorized eyes settling on the hulking shape of the Seeker, paralyzed by the deathly threat of corruption that sprouted out of his cursed soul.

An unwanted guest had arrived. Misery never called ahead.

Misery Never Calls Ahead

Peace, knowledge, serenity, harmony, the force the terms cycled through the old Chagrian Master's mind as he meditated by the very end of the chamber he was in. facing him was a group of younglings, all having been tasked to do what he did. It was important that they learned to centre themselves and find their core. Meditation was not something all would enjoy, naturally - but it was good to at least having tried it and experienced it first-hand.

For some reason, this day seemed different than many others. Something was off and Eloi had a hard time telling what it was - for while it was harder to centre himself, there was no obvious tell of what was wrong. Eventually, it seemed like the younglings had reached the point they had set out to reach for the day. That in itself was mysterious, seeing as they did not appear to have the same hardships as Eloi did.

His eyes opened to gaze out over the class "... and now, open your eyes" his voice, still leaving hints of his his calm state echoed out over the chamber. His wrinkled features formed a kind smile as the learners returned from their meditation. He was a very different person from when he had been living in seclusion from the Order. It was good to interact with students once more.

Despite being on a meditation cushion, Eloi still rested his hand on the nearby desk to support himself as he got back up on his feet. "That will be all for today. Go find Instructor Nyan on the third level." he said - and so his pupils slowly started to trickle out of the chamber to climb the stairs.

Suddenly, a displeased sigh escaped him. The subtle feeling that something was off suddenly warped in nature, becoming clear and abundantly obvious. It was the darkness from a powerful force practitioner crashing down upon the elder like a wave. Something was off, seriously off. With hurried steps, he ushered the younglings out of the room "Get to Nyan in this instant" his tone was suddenly sharp, as if the Master had just woken up from a deep slumber, ready to put out a fire.

The chamber he was in was close to the entrance where he walked with rushed steps "Raise the intruder alerts" he said, speaking into a comms unit. The peaceful temple still projected an image of calmness but now, it was suddenly bustling with activity as numerous sensors and other security systems turned online. Some sought safety while others prepared themselves for what they hoped not to see at the Silver Rest again anytime soon - an attack. This was done through stealth - for a number of their outer defences seemed to have been bypassed completely. It was something which would have to be looked over after this incident.

Eloi was the first person to arrive by the entrance. His robes were fluttering in the wind as he pushed onwards. The scene of a lonesome figure standing tall in dark robes, surrounded by four temple guards at a few metres distance, all with unsheathed lightsabres could be seen. More were surely rushing to the scene - a few squadrons of fighters had launched into the skies above - not to watch the stranger but to defend against potential threats from above.

Carefully eyeing the individual as he walked closer, the elder allowed his lightsabre to remain sheathed. He walked down the grand steps onto the area below where the dark sider stood. His back was straight and his chin raised high as he scrutinised the stranger "I am Jedi Master Eloi Graix. State your intent." his words were sharp, strong - but not hostile. Whether this man was bringing an army or coming alone remained to be seen, but if it was at all possible, a peaceful solution to whatever was happening was clearly preferable.

Zeren Zeren



Location: Silver Rest
Conservator and Vanguard 2.0 (Lightsabers)
Comm-link, Rebreather, Custom Robes
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Desbre Gensan, Milya Vondar (if they want to be involved, up to them)
Eloi Graix Eloi Graix Zeren Zeren

The thing about Wroshyr trees, their branches extend and extend and extend. Caltin was high above the Silver Rest on a tree branch when he sensed the presence of the dark side. It was a part of the "old him" that the big guy would not let go, tense? Maybe. Paranoid? Probably. However, the mindset seemed to enhance his Force Sense at times and he could sense the presence as it came closer and closer, descending onto the planet. He did not want to worry the Wookiees that he was with though, so Caltin let it play out a little longer. When the presence was on the ground though, things had come to a head.

There are issues on the ground I must attend to. You're safe, you all are but stay here. I"ll be back in a little bit.

[Don't worry, brother. Arnof and I will keep the young ones safe.]

With an appreciative smile, Caltin leaped off of the branch and down to the next one, and the next one and the next one. He felt the presence, and the emotions behind it, he felt something... different... about the being. That did not slow the massive Jedi Master's descent though, Caltin could tell that there was more to this than simply a potential Sith showing up, but it could be a ruse as well, you just never know. One thing was certain. As he stood on the branch over the entrance, Master Graix was standing on the steps as the Sith Lord was at the base of them, Caltin was not going to jump down behind the individual, no matter what anomaly he felt, the big guy was not going to throw a wrench into everything that could happen here.

So he jumped onto the center spire above the main doorway.

This should be interesting.

He was not hostile in his words either, but that can always change at the drop of a hat.


These kids were something else, a couple days ago they were sad she might have been kicked out of the order; now they were teasing her on her hair color. "You're demons, you realize... Little demons..." she responded, sitting in one of the open courtyards. A few younglings around her played, some sparred, and she just watched; she had a huge year ahead of her. Already receiving a sort of roadmap of the things that would occur in the near future. For one, Master llwynog was keen on giving her a chance to become a shadow. That was something she very dearly wanted; though there was more to it than that. A specter from her past seemed to haunt her all of a sudden, and even more Master Moric had requested her to accompany to the planet Dellalt later on in the week. Busy, busy, busy...

She popped an entire cracker in her mouth, munching away as she watched the younglings with interest. Wondering idly if all of what they did as an entity was worth it. Of course, on the surface, they were; but in the long run... Well, it wasn't her place to say, or question.

Aayla glanced to her left suddenly, in the direction of the entrance. It was slight at first, like remembering you never put out a fire in the forest. She slowly munched on that treat, then stood as her entire body started trembling.
"S-..Stop p-.. Stop! Everyone come with me!" she called out, taking what hands she could and walking at a brisk pace to the nearest turbolift.

' I feel really bad Aayla, what's happening? '
' Are we under attack? '
' Don't be silly, no one would attack us here! '

"Quiet..." she said idly, not intending to belittle the younglings, but aware their safety was a priority. The future of the Silver Jedi rested with them, and that was the most important thing. Once there, she got them onto the lift, and quickly observed the group... She needed the most capable for it. "Tamrii, get your classmates to the third floor... I don't know wh-.. Ahhh, Nyan, I think. Gather anyone else that's straggling on your way." she was brief, and admittedly should've ushered them personally, but her mind was elsewhere.

She did wait until those doors closed, then turned, breaking into a sprint towards the entrance. Within a few minutes, she would walk out of the open entrance, the wind and sun hitting her face immediately. The first person she spotted was Master Eloi Graix Eloi Graix , someone she remembered from their refugee mission on Rorak llll. She glanced around, if not for an odd shadow cast on the ground, she wouldn't have noticed Master Caltin up above, feeling a bit more secure about it all. Two Masters, most likely more were on the way here.

Good... Though, who was Master Graix talking too? She took a few cautious steps, until she could just see the head of the looming figure at the base of the steps. What did he want? She stood by, not interfering, but ready to die for this place if need be. For now, she remained there, observing, and listening. Learning even, how a Master of the Force carried themselves.
Darkness always seemed to want to extinguish the light, but all the light had to do to ward away the darkness was to exist.

In days gone by war would actually be declared by opposing sides. Now it seemed like the assailants just showed up. Such actions made sense with surprise assaults but when ALL of the attacks were surprise assaults one started to wonder. Still, learning and adaptation were required traits in the galaxy for both individuals and organizations. The Silver Jedi knew this well, having survived in one form or another against multiple Sith empires and other threats.

The Force could grant many types of concealment. Visual and mental were the most often used, and in a location like the Silver Rest concealment from Force senses was also seen. Visual concealment could take many forms: literally bending light, diverting attention, and erasing something from a being's sight were several of the most common. There was even concealment from technological means, though that tended to be more along the literal type or damage. It was why the Temple's security systems included both living beings and automated routines. Where an intruder might slip past someone watching holocam feeds the automated systems might catch them. More useful though was the ability of certain subroutines to analyze 'blanks' caused by Force-based interference and to raise flags based on that, or to judge when guards weren't following normal procedures.

So when Eloi Grax called for Intruder Alerts to be raised, the systems were already more than halfway there. Critical locations had gone onto alert and pre-combat subroutines had been brought online, both of which meant the alert by the Jedi Master resulted in near-instantaneous response on the system side.

Awareness of the Force granted many gifts, including an enhanced awareness. Over the millennia ways had been found to circumvent that awareness, which then led to ways around the circumvention. Who knew how many iterations deep they were now? However many it was, these days it usually worked better to simply get a sense of what was missing, or when something wasn't right. Even those could theoretically be countered but when everything added up there was usually some way to detect something wrong.

Audren was not commonly on Kashyyyk, so his sense of what was missing from the surroundings was shot to the nether. He could still sense when something was wrong though, and it seemed that someone had forgotten to remove him from the active responder alert list. When the intruder alert was raised, his comm buzzed and he responded. He stepped out one of the lesser-used doorways, far less ostentatious than the main entrance. Temple Guards stood with lightsabers lit, weapons systems were online, and starfighters had even been launched to head of potential attacks from above. At least someone was thinking...if everyone was focused on this person here everywhere else was vulnerable. From his cross-angled perspective the elfin Master could see two other Masters present as well, both facing the pit of darkness in humanoid form that stood before Silver Rest. He did nothing to draw attention to himself or his position, but he was also here and prepared to assist.

Known: Zeren Zeren Eloi Graix Eloi Graix Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Unseen: Aayla Shan Aayla Shan
(Slow poster, feel free to bypass me)
Wearing: Suit
Equipment: Samhain, Whiskey flask
Tags: Zeren Zeren :|: Eloi Graix Eloi Graix :|: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor :|: Aayla Shan Aayla Shan :|: Audren Sykes Audren Sykes


Darlyn hadn't the foggiest idea why he had picked today to visit the Silver Rest. He'd set down his ship just fine, and negotiated for the past ten minutes with his security detail to go alone in peace and quiet. For what purpose? The small hope that not only did the Rest have holocrons, preferably those with rare secret insights, but that the Jedi would be willing to allow him to seek them out. Perhaps now that he had actively fought and worked alongside them in a more... direct manner, they would be able and willing to help.

He could feel something, however, nagging at the back of his head. An anxiety that wouldn't relent. In response dug into the inner pocket of his suit jacket and retrieved the small flask of whiskey stored there. Popping the top and taking a swig, he figured, would help to calm his nerves. Normally he would be correct too, a bit of liquid courage would calm his anxious mind... if only because he thought it would. This time however, it only got worse as he approached the Rest.

Even Jedi didn't make him this anxious, what gives?

Fortunately he did not have to wait long, as the commotion settled at the entrance itself. Big man in dark robes, temple guards on high alert, and he could see now that most of the security was on high alert around him. Positively wonderful, a brilliant way to get his business started today.

Still, the Jedi were his allies, and at least one somewhere was a friend, so for what appeared to be a Sith, what certainly felt like a Sith, to just walk righr on up? He didn't draw jis lightsaber, but he began to circle the man on approach, until the Rest was on his right and the man on his left. Perfect spot to observe, and get a closer look than those at the door pr up above.

And what did he observe? Corruption. Darlyn could practically taste it on his lips just being as close as he was. This man had been letting the Dark run him, he could feel the familiar ways the Force moved between them more intensely the closer he drew to him. The sheer weight of it only drew Darlyn's out in turn, pressing against the likly-Sith's presence in kind.

"I would be as truthful as possible, you've nothing to hide." If the Jedi were going to let him speak well, Darlyn was going to be as reassuring as possible. With luck this would end quickly and Darlyn could find a nice place to calm down, before the urge to test himself against a clearly strong opponent got the better of him..

Nico Kaidshau

Kade was here at Silver Rest. He was always here. Most just never bothered to see him. The younglings were always in need of guidance in some manner. A strong hand to pull themselves up with, a reminder to take a break, to ask for help, a snack even. It didn't matter the request. So long as they grew and learned. Became better than those before. Became the future garden he might not see bloom.

The alerts were sounded inside the temple, the rough lesson idea on display with the holo-pad shoved aside as he cleared his study in two strides. His chair clacked to the floor, shuffling feet from the turbolift ahead, a familiar face leading the troop of younglings headed for a safe place.

"Tamrii! You're doing great, keep going!" He reinforced the move to safety, catching the door and hitching a ride back down as he wrapped himself in the force. Something was here, and enough of a threat to warrant sending the younglings upstairs. The doors opened with a tell tale hiss as he stepped out into the foyer, brow squinting as if to learn some terrible truth.

He felt the presence outside, waves rolling through as he felt the other light siders outside. He stayed put, producing his lightsaber and between his hands as he knelt. Entering a trance, he collected his thoughts and focused his energy as he began his vigil at the lift.

The younglings were upstairs. Nyan would see to them. There were others here, dealing with the thing outside. He was here, an obstacle at the very least to tire and weaken the enemy.

Waiting, listening, preparing.

Zeren Zeren Eloi Graix Eloi Graix Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Audren Sykes Audren Sykes Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron

Darkness had come forth, and the Light had answered.

The Sith Lord knew very well what his arrival would trigger. For days the master of the darkside had played out this moment in his mind, steeled himself to keep his reaction under his control. His feet stopped when the Temple Guards surrounded him, and the hulking shape that had come to ruin the peace of the Silver Rest did nothing but stand there, the promise of pain and shadows rolling off of him in fiery waves. From one second to the next the Jedi temple readied itself for an attack, the swooshing of star fighter rushing high above them interrupting the sepulchral silence that had taken over the training grounds for a second.

All that was deep and dark within him abhorred this place. It was an incessant demand, an instinct as painful as a large nail shoved into the back of his skull, the one that pushed him to grab a hold of the weapons that had taken countless lives - and letting them claim some more. The Jedi came to bare witness to the aura of terror that had been unleashed upon the Silver Rest, and soon they would all be met with the blazing gaze of corrupted eyes.

The chagrian was the first to walk through the temple doors, cautiousness plastered in his gaze. A Master. Not long after a second one would appear, a large man standing above the gates, watchful. The Seeker thought the third one was simply brave or perhaps too curious for her own good, a Padawan keeping her safe distance - perhaps relieved by the presence of the Masters. Two more appeared not long after, one of them remaining outside of his direct field of view although the blinding brilliance of their presence in the Force contrasting against his own darkness provided a rough idea of where they stood. The remaining one, however, was different. It was dark. The Sith Lord's curiosity was spiked, but it would not take precedence over another feeling forming within him.

He was surrounded. The Sith Lord had expected as much, yet found there was no battling the need to fight as it began to rear its head and attempt to gain command of his actions. His muscles grew tense, heartbeat heavier, and the darkness coiled around him in preparation. The Seeker's senses were on high alert, the slightest of movements picked up by what could only be described as a predator's gaze. A beastly instinct.

Then they spoke. A name, a demand to know his purpose, and advice. Such a Jedi like introduction, it was curious thing that the latter had come from the one who also seemed to have been touched by the Darkside. There was a long silence while the Sith Lord held his tongue, fighting down the answers that would push the Jedi into leaving behind their diplomacy in favor of action. Every second that passed in which he fought his rage, his body became heavier, and heavier. The need to give in to his dark calling threatened to win him over any second.

He wanted to give an answer, he had chosen the words to be said long before stepping on Kashyyyk. He had come here with the intention of remaining passive. But he would not be able to ward off his Darkness for much longer. Not when he was circled by Jedi temple guards with weapons at the ready, a cornered beast. Vulnerability, and the need to destroy those who dared threaten him - he could not stand it. The voice that would come from the Sith was low and gravely, as though the words were formed by an injured throat and laced with a violent severity that would not be removed no matter his attempts. The struggle to keep his composure was reflected in the tension of his tone.

It sounded more fitting of a monster than it did of any kind of humanoid.

"Call down your guards."

Misery Never Calls Ahead

Fast movements could be felt through the force. Guards scrambling to their stations, younglings and Padawans rushing to the third floor where Instructor Nyan was, combat ready Knights and Masters bolstering their perimeter or forming rapid response teams. And then, a number of Jedi came to the entrance - not all were easy to detect but the old Chagrian knew that he was far from alone. It was good - for he believed that the Jedi would always be better when they could lean on each other.

An uncomfortable silence seemed to have erupted after he asked for the stranger's intent. Naturally, it was broken by minor noises such as the fighters patrolling the skies, the birds chirping distressed tunes - the dark aura of the new arrival didn't spare them. And in truth, it did not spare Eloi Graix either - he felt the stranger's dark presence slam down on him. For now, however, the light would still prevail and with so many masters present he had a certain confidence that they would have the capacity to stand tall against the darkness.

Another thing which broke the awkward silence was a voice. Darlyn Excron, the man who had gone to Affavan during their recent operation in Hutt space, had arrived on Kashyyyk. He offered a few words, mentioning how the dark sider had nothing to hide. The elderly Master certainly hoped that he was correct. For if so, a peaceful resolution did not seem too far out of reach. Whether Darlyn was indeed correct or not, however, remained to be seen.

Getting a good sense of the person whom stood before him was hard and so was reading his intents. The refusal to answer did little to help clarify anything. It was odd to see how someone in the dark sider's position make demands. Did he not realise that his presence had raised the Jedi's guard? What would the reason for such a request be? Did he not find it more relevant to answer the question first? The answer to these questions mattered but without the capacity to figure out the answer in the moment, he would have to make his decision based upon something else.

With so many keen senses honed and so many sensors activated along with the fighters up in the skies, it seemed unlikely that the stranger had brought friends. Figuring that the overall risk might not be as severe as he had first feared and that taking another step towards dialogue could allow for a peaceful solution arrived at his conclusion. "They can give you some more room to breathe" he said, nodding to the four guards who then took a couple steps back. With a wave of his hand, the Chagrian indicated that they should refrain from sheathing their already drawn sabres "But before we lower our guard, we would like to have some answers and for you to lower your own by relinquishing your arms. So, please state your intent."

Zeren Zeren Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Audren Sykes Audren Sykes Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Nico Kaidshau



Location: Name here (Optional)
Conservator and Vanguard 2.0 (Lightsabers)
Comm-link, Rebreather, Custom Robes
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Zeren Zeren Eloi Graix Eloi Graix Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Audren Sykes Audren Sykes Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Nico Kaidshau

Caltin could appreciate Master Graix's approach. It was the same as he himself would take. Sure, there was some understandable uncertainty as to how this individual would act, but it was reasonable to take a calmer approach to this, after all, there were at least two Jedi, and now a Mandalorian would take down the Sith if need-be, that is if he had gotten past the Temple Guards...

... and that was a big "IF".

They're a bunch of BAMFs.

Caltin was within eyesight of one of the Wookiee Scouts and his hand-signals meant that all was indeed okay, just as he had told Llabruf, but they could use some spare backup if necessary. He was not looking for something that would spook the individual but would be there in case the protection of their tribe was less than possible by the Jedi, at least for the time being. When the guard backed off, the massive Jedi Master gave the Sith another moment or two to answer, before it was time to play his part in the game of "Good Jedi/Bad Jedi".

Leaping down from the spire, Caltin was now at chest level to the Dark Lord (Misios eyes, to Caltin's chest) as he stood, arms folded. The Temple Guard, still at the ready, moving to either side of him as if forming a picket line. No, Caltin was not taking control of this, but he always worked and sparred with them, he considered many to be "friends" even to the point where some had taken their helmets off in front of him. It was a sign of respect to both ends.
Either way, Caltin would watch their backs, and they, realizing that they were not cannon fodder (not that they had this to believe, to begin with) would watch his.

Answer the question. No speaking in circles. No vague choices in wording, just answer the question.


Vulpesen had been resting in the branches of a worshyr tree, his tail hanging below him and swaying in the breeze as he enjoyed what rays of sunshine had filtered through the dense canopy. On break during another good will mission to help teach the order about what other sects existed beyond their own, the Archwilder was enjoying a bit of peace after one of his lessons to the younger generation. Of course a few masters had sat in to ensure that there was no poaching going on. He couldn't really blame them. After all, not all of his doctrines were light side friendly. Most... but not all, and jedi could certainly be an impressionable bunch in their younger ages. Musing quietly on this fact, Vulpesen's ears pricked as the ironic sense of such conflicting doctrines as a commotion happened below him. A visitor.

Rolling to his right, the Zorren simply let gravity do the work for him, focusing his efforts on hiding himself in the force and dodging any large branches that might cause too much noise or pain should they collide with his body. As he reached the end of his descent, Vulpesen drifted himself back towards the trunk of the mighty greenery, extending his claws and using the force to slow his descent enough that he could sink in and find purchase, sticking to the side of the tree like an oversized gecko... or a fly on the wall of the confrontation below. A hundred feet above the jedi and their guest, Vulpesen called on the force once more to enhance his senses, making his ears grow and warp to something more canine to catch what was being said. Should things go south, he would be happy to lend a hand. But for now, this was a matter for his hosts to handle as they saw fit.

Clinging to the tree, Vulpesen felt a strange sense of de ja vu roll over him. He remembered a sith coming in similar fashion back when he had joined the jedi as a boy. Young and inexperienced, he had left that situation to his betters, only able to watch with amazed interest from the far away windows of the Coruscanti temple. How strange it seemed... the stage may change as well as the actors... but the play remains as it was first written. Or so he hoped. Speaking of new players, Vulpesen's golden eyes wandered to the newcomer to the circle. Master Vanagor. A fanged grin spread across the Zorren's features. Their last meeting had been less that pleasant with the master's dismissal of Veradune as a worthy ally. Still, there was respect to be had for a man simply wanting to protect his home. Perhaps this would be a golden opportunity to learn more about the man, or at the very least, those he stood beside.

Zeren Zeren Eloi Graix Eloi Graix Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Audren Sykes Audren Sykes Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Nico Kaidshau Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Call down their guards? Was he insane? Didn't he know the pure terror he was leaking into the usual tranquil flow of the Force in this place? Aayla began to pace, lightly. Idly, she noted more and more Jedi had arrived to defend this place, and in the back of her mind, she wished they just... Got rid of it. And she said that with purpose... It was difficult to stand so close without feeling tainted herself. Like there was a ball of grief, and misery stuck just in her throat. It made her groan lightly, like she wanted to spit but nothing would come. His presence here wasn't only disruptive, and threatening... It was insulting. It wasn't the Jedi way, but she assumed the worst. Though there was no distant, or near sounds of combat, and it probably wasn't an attack, she didn't want that thing in, or near the temple. Master Graix couldn't allow it. It was sickening... It w-...

Why was she holding her saber... Aayla looked down at her own fist, the death-grip it held on her weapon. The flesh of her fingers had turned pink, and even a light red in some places from how tightly she held it. She didn't remember take it from its clip. It was apparent then, she needed to get away from him. She wasn't afraid, but her presence could very soon become more hindering that anything else. She exhaled shakily, and took hesitant steps back. Maybe she didn't need to go all the way away, but she didn't want to be in sight of it. As such, when she reached the door, she folded her arms and moved back to the turbo-lift, the Masters could handle this... And quite frankly she had never been in the presence of something so terrible. Such unbridled rage, that seemed to permeate their very fabric of existence. Something that seemed intent on defiling everything they stood for.

She needed to move away from that. However, all was not dire... As she neared the turbo-lift, and away from the entrance, she felt more tranquil... More at ease, finally laying eyes on Nico Kaidshau. She said nothing, but moved to kneel across the hall from him. In turn, she closed her eyes, and began to meditate herself, not entering a trance as he did, but clearing her mind of the negativity that had so suddenly clouded her, extinguishing those emotions that were so hard to ignore in such close proximity to what was, if not now, most likely up until very recently, and enemy. In her musings she would note, she still had very much to learn... So much more.

For now, the weapon she still held was set on the floor in front of her with a light clink of metal on stone. Exhaling, and waiting. Maybe... Maybe what was outside could be saved... Maybe there was no need for bloodshed today, that was more like it. His presence did not take away from the light, it only caused to stir, and his presence wouldn't cause her to lose herself, the moment that happened, she had failed herself, and the Concord.

Zeren Zeren Eloi Graix Eloi Graix Audren Sykes Audren Sykes Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Nico Kaidshau Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Wearing: Suit
Equipment: Samhain, Whiskey flask
Tags: Zeren Zeren :|: Eloi Graix Eloi Graix :|: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor :|: Aayla Shan Aayla Shan :|: Audren Sykes Audren Sykes :|: Nico Kaidshau :|: Vulpesen Vulpesen


He was fighting it.

The sith was echoing in the Dark, violent waves rolling off of him as though they were a threatening prelude to a tsunami. Darlyn wasn't sure how it felt to the others, Caltin and Eloi specifically, but for him it was a familiar comfort, almost. There was violence and rage, a primal nature to how the sith stood and talked and simply felt. Not to mention, of course, that Darlyn himself knew what it felt like to be the dark blot in the Force surrounded by Light, making Misios's behavior a curious reflection, like looking into an old mirror.

For that alone, and fighting against his nature, Darlyn had to help. He could fight later when everyone was calm.

"Hey, listen. It's alright. I know how it feels, I feel it too, right now. But you don't have to listen to it or feed it. Focus on why you're here, right now. We're not enemies here, alright? You're not going to be attacked. Please try to trust me on that. Can you manage the Jedi's question?"

Assuming he, at least, was the most familiar like presence to the Sith... Darlyn dared to take a few small steps closer. If only to try his best to make sure that Misios was calming, anyways. He hoped this could end without violence, but there waan't a way to tell. The sith was neck deep in darkness, and that wasn't easy to pull yourself out of when it started messing with your perception.

Nico Kaidshau

Zeren Zeren Eloi Graix Eloi Graix Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Audren Sykes Audren Sykes Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Vulpesen Vulpesen

Kade did not move at the approach of another. Another light sider, someone he had sensed before but not seen. The presence was recognized, but never acknowledged. His trance continued, senses alert for the sign that would snap his mind to the instinct of fighting, though he dearly hoped it would not come to such a need

Calm was already present in the room. His own trance setting him far and away as though sitting on a branch at twilight watching a lazy day come its finale. The mental image was of the fading light of day sprayed soft oranges, lavender purples, and a sliver of slate blue as the final warmth slipped away with the hint of cooler air settling behind it. His focus began to settle on a sharing his serenity, taking the brief moment between the greeting and action outside to perhaps show the culmination of practice and perseverance.

To share with them to the peaceful place he had allowed himself to slip away to instead of anxiously awaiting the worst. A chance to gather their own thoughts in the moment.

The tentative reach of his own mind through the force would tap on her conscious mind( Aayla Shan Aayla Shan ), and await there, waiting to be given permission to share. A focused telepathy, a teaching instrument he had used to explain things when words failed him. It would not be true serenity, as the pull of the force within it was muted by sharing. But it gave the mind a place to focus without demands. In his opinion, the ability to share courage and discipline in battle was a treasured feat among warriors.

The ability to share calm, and to gather peace was far more precious.

If she accepted, the link would be shared and she would find herself on her own branch, across from him in the failing light of day. No expectations to speak were made, but unlike in the real, his eyes here were open and a warm smile greeted her.
Others joined them, and still Audren did not speak. He was not the point of the defending team nor did he have any desire to be. In fact, as more people continued talking he started to get the feeling that there were too many people talking. Too many points to focus on instead of just one. This could be a tactic in and of itself but that tended to be better suited to action rather than talking someone down. Right now there were three active talkers: boss-cop, bad-cop, good-cop. Boss-cop could also been as good-cop (or at least reasonable) but that could be beneficial. Time would tell.

Not actively engaged in combat by words or force - or Force - the Sephi took the time to study the new arrival. Physically he was humanoid, tall, and athletic. A bit taller and significantly heavier than Audren for sure and probably close to Caltin's build. Only one lightsaber hilt could be seen from the current perspective but the way he held himself made the Jedi think there were at least two present. And very much on-edge, if his voice was any indication. That tended to be imprecise when the subject wasn't well-known though. The visitor wasn't just examined visually though. Audren supposed others saw it as surging waves or rushing waters, but he saw cables and connections. Pitch black ones, some fading off into time but others present now. Quite a few, tightly controlled yet very much straining to be unleashed.

Several of the other Jedi had reached out to the Force and held it at the ready. Even two inside the Temple that he could sense but not see were doing so in preparation to be the second line of defense. Not the wiry blond though. He used only enough to examine the intruder; to one steeped in darkness he might seem a brilliant light yet compared to one of the 'primed' Jedi he was but a candle beside a floodlamp. Gathering and displaying his full strength could make him look like an easier target, but could also be interpreted as a threat. There were threats aplenty already, this was the more prudent route for now.

Known: Zeren Zeren Eloi Graix Eloi Graix Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron
Unseen: Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Nico Kaidshau Vulpesen Vulpesen
(Slow poster, feel free to bypass me)

His muscles began to coil and tense, that familiar small rush of adrenaline that preceded violence slowly starting to seep into his system, the whispers and calls of the shadows growing louder and more insistent in his mind. He was beginning to slip into the embrace of the only thing he had always known, his grip on himself was faltering. The Chagrian Master answered, and when the Temple Guards stepped away there was an inkling of hope for him. Short lived, snuffed away when their weapons were not put down.

Paranoia. All he could hear, see, and feel was a growing threat surrounding him, defying him, out of his control, draped in the one thing he had been bred and raised to hate with every fiber of his being. He was asked to relinquish his own weapons, the mere request fueling the wildfire that had been started within him. He would not render himself defenseless. Resisting was starting to tear at the seams of his damned soul, and his resolve to not act, no matter how much he tried, was not endless.

He was burning the end of his rope, the last remnants of a patience that had taken so long to cultivate before coming here - and that proved to be utterly insufficient. He was not made for peace. He was not made for the Light.

Then the last straw was drawn.

He could see the Jedi from the spire look off into the distance, and feel the creatures that laid in wait forming yet a third ring of threats around him. Then human, largest one he had seen yet, jumped down into his vicinity. Adding yet another immediate pressure, without mentioning the arrival of one more force user in the distance. He would not let this stand. Not even nature disturbed the brief moment of silence that ensued, a silence so loud it was deafening. The eye of a forming hurricane.

The Seeker heard the words spared by the one who shared a degree of his darkness, but reason had just slipped beyond his grip. He had been fighting a war before even drawing his weapons, and he would lose it. Don't. It was insignificant, a pulse of peace before the chaos. The dying breath of a flicker of light drowned in a Darkness that would never let it surface. And as when that last effort failed, when the same pull that had brought the Sith Lord to turn his back on the Empire and come to Kashyyyk perished under the onslaught of shadows, something cracked within him.

There was only passion.

The dark presence that had washed over Silver Rest unleashed its rage, and suddenly what had just been a crushing but still wave rose up in tall black flames that could not be seen but felt, desperate to consume anything that touched them. The Seeker's body trembled as the intense power he had kept caged in for so long was let free, a roar ripping from his chest sending shock waves around him, pushing away those who did not brace in time. In the blink of an eye the two hilts of his sabers were in the Darth's hands, blood red blades singing their way into life before the beast moved with a swiftness that had seemed impossible a second before, when his every step had looked like a struggle.

The reason for his coming here was all but forgotten, and the blazing eyes of corruption turned to the Jedi around him with the look of a wild creature. The first move was made towards the closest foe to him, Master Vanagor, one of the saber blades coming down in a diagonal slash aimed at the base of the junction of his shoulder and neck.

This was what he really was, what he had always been. And the Darkness demanded destruction.

Misery Never Calls Ahead

Eloi could sense the growing turmoil - not only in the world around him with the darkness from their visitor washing over it like a tidal wave, but also from the visitor himself. A few moments of silence ensued - much was uncertain about the uninvited guest but one thing was certain: He was not a great communicator.

Soon, the massive shape of his fellow Master, the Circle Member Caltin Vangor appeared before him. The elderly Chagrian had sensed the presence of the other for some time and was glad to see the large man present and ready. Naturally, there was a concern that this rather blunt entrance might have the Sith agitated but the utility in Caltin's choice was twofold. On the one hand, he would be a much better guarantee of the guard's safety. On the other, he might also inspire the stranger to speak.

Darlyn's presence was also still very welcome. A person who might be able to calm their visitor down and at this time, that was also something which was very much needed. Of course, other Jedi were nearby too - but for the moment, they seemed to be staying at a safer distance, and that was something which seemed wise indeed. Not only did it keep them in relative safety whilst allowing them to come to the aid of those at the front if needed, it also meant that they would not act to further agitate the visitor.

But then it happened. The dark sider struck. The brief thought of the odd move without support was swiftly pushed to the back of his mind. The time for action was here, regardless of how much he had hoped to avoid it. His mouth formed a thin line whilst his eyes squinted, all while concentrating on what he was doing, concentrating on being able to withstand the terrible shockwave which the Sith had sent to hit them all indiscriminately. While he had more experience in relying on the force than he cared to admit, Eloid had no particular desire in standing upright - and so, he allowed himself to be brought to his knees - his concentration was needed on something far more important. Having spent years studying and honing his capacities revolving telekinesis, the Chagrian started to rip the floor plate upon which the Sith stood from the ground, all with the shaky imbalance of a true elder's touch. Hopefully, this would work to put him off balance and make it harder for his attacks to strike true.

Zeren Zeren Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Vulpesen Vulpesen Audren Sykes Audren Sykes Nico Kaidshau
Last edited:



Location: Silver Rest
Conservator and Vanguard 2.0 (Lightsabers)
Comm-link, Rebreather, Custom Robes
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Desbre Gensan, Milya Vondar (both unless specified)
Zeren Zeren Eloi Graix Eloi Graix Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Audren Sykes Audren Sykes Vulpesen Vulpesen Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Nico Kaidshau

Great… now people will blame me for this…

Okay, pausing the action here so I can narrate.

Really? You really had to do that?

He was not being aggressive, not for him anyway. He was not being rude, again, not for him. The way he looked at it, this was all on the Sith in front of him. What did he think was going to happen? Did he think that the red carpet would be laid out? Refreshments? If the man needed help, truly needed the help of the Jedi then he would get it, and Caltin would be the first to give it to him, but there was no way he or any of them would not ensure the safety of those around them first. It was folly to think otherwise, but those gathered were probably going to blame the big guy for this, they would probably say how he provoked a man who may very well have wanted to change.

Oh whatever, who cares anymore.

He didn’t have time to dwell anyway, this Sith was dangerous in his roar alone. The piercing cry burned into his eardrums and almost took Caltin to a knee as the Dark Lord attacked. He moved faster than a service droid restocking a Hutt’s buffet line. The massive Jedi Master had absolutely no time to think about a response, it was time for instinct alone, and that was that. Ducking down and to the right, Caltin centered on the Force himself. He had no time to pull his own lightsaber from behind his back, not only was this guy too fast, Caltin’s head was still ringing from the scream. Anyway, the duck and then sprint at Misios cut the Sith’s own reaction time or at least would hope to. He was committed to drawing and quartering the Massive Jedi Master in a Force Assisted Bifurcation, he didn’t have time to “change plans” already. The move by Graix was more than welcome as while he was capable (at best) of dodging the attack, the slowing of the blades helped.

Caltin’s sidestep was just fast enough as a left-handed strike to the Sith’s left Latissimus Dorsi SHOULD temporarily dull the nerves and leave the arm hanging like dead weight. Following through just in case, Caltin grabbed at his hand to “flip” it and lock the joints into place. Taking a step back, Caltin was relieved to have survived but inspired to not having had to draw his weapon.

I thought you were here to talk. Are you done with this garbage?


Equipment: Varos Cloak, Personal lightsaber, Daggers(5), Fennec Pistol

Watching with interest as the various jedi came forth to speak, Vulpesen could see the scene unfolding as it would from a mile away. The sith looked less like a diplomat and more like a cornered animal, a sight all to familiar to the wilder. Unfortunately for him, he knew nothing about the sith and thus was taken aback by the scream which ushered through his vocal chords. Pinning back his sensitive ears as best he count, Vulpesen let out a low growl as his eyes narrowed on Zeren Zeren . Sure the attack wasn't far reaching enough to reach him, or even aimed at him, but the sound was still loud enough to make his ears ring.

'Think they'd mind if I lent a hand?' he asked through his telepathic link, connecting with what might have been the only non-force using individual for a hundred yards at least.

'This is your specialty. I'm just gonna sleep here.' Ace responded, staying nice and comfy on the bracnh that Vulpesen had left earlier.

'More fun for me.'
With that the zorren sprung from the tree, calling upon the force to boost his legs and send him hurtling towards the sith like a living rocket though aimed just to the side opposite of Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor . His saber staff came to his hand and ignited a single rod of black and gold. Already, his senses were coming alive, taking stock of his resources. Several jedi masters, a full armament of weapons, and a veritable nexus of the force offered by an entire temple of his former order. To say the least, he liked his odds which was more than he could say for many of his other battles.

He almost felt bad for the dark intruder as his sabers whirled around in a flurry, aiming for any nearby limbs as Vulpesen attempted to roll past the dark sider, though he was more than willing if the man wanted to intercept him and take the full force of his attack head on. Sure killing was against his code and the rules of his current allies... but as far as he knew, there was no reason he couldn't do some light maiming to one so willing to flaunt even the most basic rules of hospitality.

Eloi Graix Eloi Graix Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Audren Sykes Audren Sykes Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Nico Kaidshau
Wearing: Suit
Equipment: Samhain, Whiskey flask
Tags: Zeren Zeren :|: Eloi Graix Eloi Graix :|: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor :|: Aayla Shan Aayla Shan :|: Audren Sykes Audren Sykes :|: Nico Kaidshau :|: Vulpesen Vulpesen


Caltin was right about something, Darlyn did blame him for this. He wasn't in the wrong for it, though... Darlyn simply didn't believe Caltin understood what the Sith had going through him in that moment. Truth be told, Darlyn wasn't entirely in the know either, but Darlyn could feel the Dark strongly. So agitating it, in the specific way it needed to confirm its dark bias, wasn't him being malicious. Darlyn could understand why he would come on so strong... in fact it would likely have worked to help, were this man not so far into the Darkness.

What was done was done though, all that was left was to calm or disable the man, so he would be able to compose himself. There had to be a reason he was here.

The scream that ripped through the air, though, was almost enough to disable Darlyn outright. Having tried to get closer meant the scream felt as though it hit him harder than it should have. Darlyn had to divert his entire concentration into keeping himself from being knocked down and away, bending down to his knee slowly as the sound felt like it was ripping his ears apart from the inside. When it passed however, thankfully Misios had opted to go for Caltin, the massive Jedi having taken center stage as the man's main motivational target. Well, at least Darlyn could push himself to his feet.

The old Jedi as well went to help Caltin in disabling the sith, together showing off a surprising amount of on the fly teamwork. Must be nice to be Jedi for that, he supposed. Though that didn't stop Darlyn from admiring their joint efforts to disable the Sith's attack. More impressive of the two, in his opinion, was Caltin, who moved faster than he'd expect a hulking man of his stature to. And with much more precision, maybe with some luck he'd be able to figure out how to move the same way himself. There seemed a good chance that Misios would be taken down a peg right then and there.

Then a new guy went in for the kill it seemed. Go figure.

"Don't feed his fears, for someone in his state that's almost impossible to hold back from, and it only makes him angrier and harder to self-control." He tried to yell out to the others, mainly because his own ears were still ringing and he couldn't hear himself to keep from yelling. Did they hear him? Did he actually speak out loud or only think he did? Who knows. What he did know, was he had to help end this quickly.

Misios was heavily corrupted, taking in the Darkness. Perhaps Darlyn could use that as a way to disable him, shock his systems so he would drop out of this instinctual response. Like suddenly getting water thrown on you, or surviving a crash, let a burst of Lightning jolt him to reality and hope the sudden dose of rationality would follow. So Darlyn did just that, waiting until the Jedi had Misios's attention, before lifting a hand and sending a short, burst of his violet lightning at Misios. It wasn't strong enough to cause more than a very brief momentary pain, nor was it intense enough to do any real damage, but he was entirely banking on Misios just accepting Darkness, no matter the form.

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