
Location: Silver Rest, Kashyyyk.

There was no warning. No omen or bad feeling that could alert any but the most capable and watchful of what lurked in the shadows of Kashyyyk, for it was silent and it hid well - even if its very being seemed to be at war with the life that buzzed around him.
This was a realm of the Light, and he could feel it. The presence of those whom he had so often hunted, killed. There was more Jedi blood on his hands than any else, the Darkness hung around him like a million chains. He was tired, always tired. Always waiting. Another prey, another heart stopped, another shade of the Darkness he knew so well. It had become all of him. Every single second since his birth, it had been all he had known, and loved, and abused. In the end it had claimed as much of him as he had of it. Absolute corruption, this had been the price.
And the Seeker had not minded paying it, not for a long time.
The Force, however, often worked in strange ways. Something had changed in the creature of Darkness, driving him away from the bastions of shadows and into the territory of his sworn enemies. Every step was a struggle, his body refusing to spend energy if it was not fueling the rage he could summon so easily. He moved slowly, steadily, under the cover of the trees and in the company of nothing but the whispers of the Dark.
The closer he got, the more it stirred. His hands itched to reach for the handles of his lightsabers. To tear the place he was moving towards apart together with everyone in it, until only the reign of the Darkside remained. No. The thought of putting down what had become an instinct, a need, was enough to make the permanent weight on his shoulders feel a thousand times heavier. His journey to the Silver Rest would be a sluggish one.
As it began, Darth Misios pulled on the Force. His Darkness unravelled around him before it was brought to heel within him, erasing his presence until there was no trace of it to follow. The hulking mass of darkness melded into his surroundings, wading through the tethers of the Force so seamlessly that even a creature that walked right by him wouldn't have paid him any mind. He was there, and yet he was so hard to see, hear, or feel. Concealment was one of his primordial gifts, it had been useful when chasing or approaching elusive prey.
After all, he had been a Hunter.
The defenses and security of the Concord's Jedi bastion were no small obstacle to sort through, but he had the power and the skills necessary to slide by unnoticed - at least long enough to reach his destination. More importantly, he had the element of surprise. The more he neared the concentration of light-siders, the more the shadows that plagued the Sith Lord turned and coiled, demanding and violent. His fists clenched closed, the black leather of the gloves straining over powerful hands. He was here, and then his hold on the Force was released.
As the Sith crossed the tree line and abadonned the cover of the foliage and the Force to walk into the very heart of the Silver Rest, pure and terrible darkness would advance like a tidal wave crashing against all that was before it. A raging void in the middle of so much brightness. The Light suffocated him, a rage he knew too well attempting to rouse to challenge it. To destroy it. The beast closed its eyes, hidden behind a black mask as he fought to restrain himself. Hold on.
The atmosphere became sharp and dangerous as two forces that were never supposed to mix, met. His breathing grew heavy, chest rising and falling while the ire within him raged and burned in retaliation for being ignored. The Sith Lord still advanced slowly but surely towards the main entrance of the Temple, several pairs of terrorized eyes settling on the hulking shape of the Seeker, paralyzed by the deathly threat of corruption that sprouted out of his cursed soul.
An unwanted guest had arrived. Misery never called ahead.