Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Missed loyalties.


Blood Squadron Combat Air Commander
Foebacca walkes into the second cantina of the night on Antecdant lookin for any information he could find on one Zenva Vrotoa. He didnt know if this would even pan out but he figguered that looking in bars and clubs where there was sure to be someone that would talk too much in their drunken state and key him into something useful. He had hoped she would be easier to find than this but then again she was a soldier of fortune. Last he had seen of her was right before the thermal detonater went off under his body. Yeah he had saved her life..thats what you do for your Honor Family. Foebacca headed to the bar to do his usual round of questioning to the bartender. The usual questions of " have you seen this woman?" followed by a jolopicture of her face. Eventually someone would know her face. After getting nowhere in the last week of barhopping he was running low on credits maybe another night of this before he had to go find a fighting ring and win some credits to fund his search.
Drunk.... In Jasters mind he was far from drunk, unfortunate the cost of him to get drunk was too high. "Why did I pick up those stupid medical supplies!" He said muffled as his face was against the table is deep dispair.
Suddenly a wookie appeared, Jaster freaked as he thruster back into his seat and looked at the durasteel on the creaturs chest. "Have you seen this women?" The wookie asked as he shoved a holopicture of a women.
She looked straingly familliar.... Wait he did, that the women who kicked him in the groin. He looked at the wookies face and was about to make a deal for the wookie to pay for his drink and he talks, but after looking into the green eyes his anti-anxiety kicked in, "Umm.. Ya I transported her and some merc to the planet Drongar to gather some bota, I don't know if they are still there though?" Strictly out of fear he said this and feared that his the wookie doughted him he would be ripped in half.


Blood Squadron Combat Air Commander
Foebacca turned to face the man speaking to him the respirator hissed as he breathed in the stale air of the cantina. Drongar? Bota? She wouldnt take a job like that not the Zabrak he knew. Not enough blood spilled over a recovery job. However things change. Credits get low and she did apparently kick him in the groin. The wookie could tell the man was fearful wookie. "So you think this woman took a milk run like that?" The computer like voice held no emotion just the inflection of the question. "If you are lieing to me I will rip your arms from your pathetic body and beat you till MY arms are tired. Be sure you recognize this Zabrak." Foebacca was not known for a long fused temper.

@Jaster of clan Awaud
Jaster looked confused for a few seconds then realized the threat. "Milk Run?" He said holding his arms securely, "No, the bota was to be tested of some sort, it's practically useless in raw state, plus the creaturs there could even kill a wookie of alone, but gather enough mixture and you could make a gel better then a bacta tank and catch a hefty price on market if the rumors I hear r correct, but it's just a legend."
Jaster knew it, outside his ship and away from a drink he was no true Mandilorian, he feared people and scary people at that. Jaster tried to relax some more, he stood up out his chair took a step away from the very anxious looking wookie fearing the next sentence could possible break him in half.
"Listen wookie, I don't know who you are but she looks important to u, so I've got a pretty fast ship, if you would like me to I could show you where I dropped off this.... I'm just gana call her ball buster if you don't mind, sound good?"
Jaster prepared for the worse.

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
-Renesri Aylia

"This is stupid. Why do I always get stuck doing these stupid bantha chit jobs." Renesri continued talking to herself in her mother tongue, Zabraki. The young woman had been sent out to retrieve 'valuable' resources for her uncle's ship. Which consisted primarily of restocking the ship's supply of alcohol. A task she found to be not only stupid but a waste of her time. After all her uncle didn't let her drink, how come she had to go buy the liquor? Her time would be much better spent, at least in her mind, helping her aunt Zenva with the incoming shipments to the hotel and casino that was nearing completion.

So here she was, entering yet another hole in the wall bar that was likely to turn her away. Her heavy combat boots slamming the floor as she stormed in. "I swear let another jerk call me girlie. I'll break his karking nose too." She muttered to herself in Zabraki.

Beyond her normal attire, torn leggings, an 'artfully' shredded skirt and her black leather half jacket, the young Zabrak woman had a fine mist of blood on her hair and face. Not her own blood but an unfortunate human's from the last bar who had gotten to rough for her taste while escorting her out. Making her way toward the main bar, little Ren pushed past patrons until coming to one that was simply to large for her to move.

"Hey! Move it chit-head!" She exclaimed in Basic. Trying in vain to shove past a particularly large wookie. She stopped short as she caught sight of the holopicture the creature was holding up. Why did this ugly brute have a picture of Zenva? Think, think, quickly. She told herself.

Her attention turned briefly to the man standing in front of the wookie. Jackpot! A drunk sucker. "There you are pateesa!" Maybe Ren didn't speak Huttesse but who didn't know how to say darling?

Quick as a striking serpent, little Ren slide up beside the human. Twinning her arm around his before he could slip away, she kissed his cheek. A few droplets of blood lingered on his skin. "Drink all your money away again, pateesa? Who's your fuzzy friend?"

[member="Jaster Awaud"]
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Foebacca"]

Jaster was sure that holo picture was the hum..... Wait, that wasn't a human.... 'Well I'm dead.' Thought Jaster.

"Hey! Move it chit-head!" Came a young voice behind the wookie. Was it gana be his savior, Jaster looked. Well kark, a little female, not his luck. "There you are pateesa!" Said the little one. Jaster was a little buzzed but as far as he could tell it was to him. Well at least she was cute, not his type, but a few more and she could be. "Drink all your money away again, pateesa? Who's your fuzzy friend?"

Jaster looked up at the wookie, fear, then moved his gaze to the girl. "Well hello gir..." A look of pure death came over the girls face, fear of the wookie washes away in mear seconds and washed ashore to this young girl with blood on her face. "I mean beautiful, this is my friend 'Wookie', he's looking for his friend on the holopicture, I think..." Jaster trailed off for a second, looked at his empty cup, a tear was building in one of his eyes.


Blood Squadron Combat Air Commander
Foebacca literally growled at the little Zabrak. "You want to rephrase that little one?" Foebacca laughed in the way only wookies can. That laugh that is both laugh and growl. " My name is Foehammer and if you value your blood in your body you won't call me that again." He turned the holopicture towards the new Zabrak. " You seen your fellow Zabrak around? Last I heard she was headed to this sector." He didn't do anything extremely hostile towards the new Zabrak. He didn't know it but this particular Zabrak was related to Zenva..and even he wasn't safe from her wrath if true family were harmed. The threat to remove blood from body however.. he would deal with that if it came to it. His own cup of Brandy wasn't empty so he downed it quickly before setting it down on the table.

[member="Jaster of clan Awaud "][member="Zenva Vrotoa"]

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
-Renesri Aylia

A glare of pure death, it was a family trait. The glare shifted away from the human, who was a mere syllable short of a broken nose courtesy of Ren's horned forehead, to the wookie with the attitude. Well maybe she had started it but it didn't change her glare any.

"I try not to rephrase things, koochoo." Ren smiled up at the large wookie. From the tone and smile an inattentive person would only notice a sweet young woman being exactly that, sweet and young. To those who know how to look for the more subtle clues she had just called the wookie an idiot to his face and smiled about it. Rude maybe but Ren didn't care. Being small came with the advantage of being fast and she didn't doubt for a moment that she could roll away before the wookie could grab her.

Little Ren's lavender eyes stayed on the wookie and his holopicture but her face turned back to the human, "Pateesa, why don't you wave the server over for a new round of drinks? My treat!" Her chest pressed against the man's arm. While not an overly impressive bust, Ren was all too aware of how easily the act could become distracting for almost any male.

A sly grin on her lips, she turned back to the wookie. "Oh sure. I have seen her around. Not in some time but I've seen her."

[member="Jaster Awaud"]
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Foebacca"]

Jaster like the little girl, insulting a wookie and smiling about it, trying to get under and older mans skin. This was truly terrifying and ejoyable, 'Well if the girl was going to die today, why did sober.' "Nice play." Whispered Jared the the little female. He called over the bartender and then looked over at the wookie, "Let her wet her whiske friend, we can make the words you looking for a little easier to slip out, I'll pay friend, so don't worry."

Jaster new the girl was underaged by the looks of it, but he was a mandalorian, they are born drunk. Plus if he was to get out of the hole he dug himself, best get some kind of information out for the large wookie.

The bartender appeared.


Blood Squadron Combat Air Commander
A grin. Not one of humor mind you, but a grin just the same. She called him an idiot...she was either very dumb or very brave. Foebacca walked around the table and even closer to the mandolorian. His uneasyness was blatanly displayed. "Free drinks are free drinks. I will jave another brandy." The wookie looked down on the little zabrak. " You have seen her around. I have been looking for her for three years...since I saved her life." He looked the little girl up and down mentally guessing her age. "You would have been about 10 rotations old when she and I were trading blood for money. Vrotoa's Enforcers is what we were called then. Last I knew we still were. So if you know where she is. I need to get in contact with her. She may also like to get in contact with me...since ya know she actually likes me. " With that said he litterally placed his big fracking hand on the mando's shoulder. "Don't encourage the little one."

[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] @Jaster of clan Awaud

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
-Renesri Aylia

Ren smiled up at the older human. "I'm always nice." She gave him a quick wink before turning back to the wookie as the brute moved up to them. It was there for an instant, a full body spasm, as though Renesri was about to jump away. The human would have been able to feel the muscles in the small woman bunch up for that brief instant. The wookie likely wouldn't notice a difference. The creature didn't reach for her however, and the moment passed. Her body relaxing again.

She listened to the wookie's little speech though apparently she was unimpressed. He was a lair. The Enforcers died out three years ago. She had heard the stories since she was a child. Aunt Zenva and her brutal mercenary crew. Those were her favorite tales growing up. "Your full of chit, wookie. Thirty two Enforcers landed and four made it out alive. No wookie with them. Took a whole army of Mandos and a dozen bombing runs to break The Enforcers, but when they broke nothing was left of them. Go sell your story somewhere else."

Ren pushed some credits into the human's palm and stretched up onto the tips of her toes to kiss his cheek again, leaving a few more drops of blood "Told you drinks are on me pateesa." With that the young woman turned away and started off.

[member="Jaster Awaud"]
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Foebacca"]

Jaster froze at the name, "Enforcers," Jaster said out loud without noticing he did so, "you mean 'Thee Enforcers', like the ones who....," Jaster remembered there legons, he was there when they were bombed to smithereens. He couldn't let them know, held be killed. The female dropped the credits in his hand and said something he didn't pay attention to, she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. This scared Jaster at the sudden pull into reality he was out of. Shocked he shoot out of his seat and nearly knocked over the waiter getting there order, dropping the credits. Jaster was in for it now, he had to think of something. "Umm... Sorry about... I'll pay don't worry.. Just put it on my tab," he turned to the waiter handing him a data card, "hers my data for transaction."

He sat back down but farther from the female trying hard to get his affection, or money. He didn't care anymore, he just wished he was alone again. This was becoming very stressful for him and he needed to get a few of his crew down here in case things got rough. "Well if there are Enforcers left in this galaxy, I'm sure there keeping way low to the ground, I mean even the Mando army beleived they are dead, all of them." And they did, well as far as he knew. Then again Jaster was very adamant against the bombing, but he was the only one.


Blood Squadron Combat Air Commander
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] @Jaster of clan Awaud

Foebacca genuinely laughed when she called him a liar. She could think what she liked, that didnt stop her from being less wrong. "It was more like fourteen bombings but who is counting. Does Zenva still take her snacks from her...defeated enemies? Ask her about the thermal detonator in foxhole three-zeta-five. That night made me what I am now. You say the rest of them are dead? That makes sense why I could't find them. She still got the lamba? " The wookie nearly laughed when he remembered Jareck running out of his foxhole with his rear on fire." Well when ya see Zenva again let her know that Foehammer is looking for her. She will remember that name."

His attention was drawn back to the Mandolorian. The guy looked as skittish as a wamprat with look chasing it in his T-16 back home. "Bah.. waste of time you are."

With that he went to check the bounty board for a job.

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