Seris Vant
The Unsung Hero
Greetings everyone. We've a mission of great importance to undertake. Several unauthorized ships have entered the Maw System; contact was lost near Abeloth. I don't think I need to tell you The Maw is a place of strange things, and that world especially. The only reason someone would go there is because they're up to no good. And it is restricted space. So no matter what their activity was illegal, and we can't let people just do as they please in places they're not allowed.
With that, we'll be launching an investigation in to the matter to find out who these intruders are. This is in accordance to the bounties I've already set, but to confirm that we obtained their identities through IC means.
I hope and expect many will be up to the challenge. Intelligence and wit are key here, not much skull bashing to be had. I'll be launching the thread post haste and updating this will a link. See you there Sun Bros.
- Rayl out!
With that, we'll be launching an investigation in to the matter to find out who these intruders are. This is in accordance to the bounties I've already set, but to confirm that we obtained their identities through IC means.
I hope and expect many will be up to the challenge. Intelligence and wit are key here, not much skull bashing to be had. I'll be launching the thread post haste and updating this will a link. See you there Sun Bros.
- Rayl out!