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Contract Mission Board | LAW & Allies



Beneath a veneer of dust and starship grease, four new freelance contracts from the LEAGUE OF AUTONOMOUS WORLDS flickers to life.

As always, League missions are free to any capable persons wishing to help the LAW and make some credits.

All one must do is claim the job, coordinate with potential partners, and get out there among the stars.

  • vQUKWkV.png

    » MISSION AUREK: Artifact Recovery

    One of the postings uploaded to the data screen is simply labeled ‘Artifact Recovery.’ When selected, the following prompt is provided...

    Seeking brave salvagers to collect a chest from the remains of a Rimward Ranger base located on Vero. Structure was in center of station 35 klicks southwest of Abruo. Chest is made of dark Wroshyr wood with electrum inlay. Chest gives off beta wave transmission. Please return to the Selab House, Kattada, Inner Rim.

    If you attempt to track the source of the mission board listing, the data becomes corrupted, and the message becomes lost.

    OOC: This is an artifact recovery contract for a contact known as Selab. Mission is set on a jungle moon not far from Susevfi, at the ruins of a Sith/RTL conflict.

  • N7mznal.png

    » MISSION BESH: Starliner Defense

    A posting from a Warden of the Sky simply reads...

    NEEDED: freighter or similar pilot, brave. Location attached. Cruise ship under distress, fuel cells tapped, pirates inbound. Mission priority: CRITICAL. Fellow ships already deployed. Pirate vessels inbound. Seeking assistance.

    Warden Zevon
    Kathol Outback

    The posting brings you to the outskirts of the Kathol Outback, a region of space in the southern Sith Empire. Attached is the reward, a partial map of the Kathol Outback - or alternatively, a sum of 3,000 credits.

    OOC: This is a space defense contract. A large passenger liner is without power and under threat of pirates. Deploy and protect the ship while a repair shuttle is on its way.

  • iecqNP5.png

    » MISSION CRESH: Shield Generator

    A straightforward listing from Starchaser Enterprises is provided...

    Seeking a freighter delivery pilot and capable meknek to install a shield generator. Local settlement, fourth moon of the Castillon system. Retrieve shield generator, already paid for, at the following coordinates. Bulk freighter Comet. Payment upon delivery. Reward is starship shield generator upgrade.

    Pan Ventur
    Starchaser Enterprises

    OOC: This is a courier/delivery contract. Collect, deliver, and install the settlement shield generator.

  • YyP5Brs.png

    » MISSION CHEREK: Sith Patrols

    The final posting is brief but potent, issued by the League Civil Defense Force...

    "URGENT. Skilled trackers needed. Sith patrols spotted on Queyta. Immediate action needed. Track patrol, scout for encampments, intercept if able. Use of deadly force authorized."

    A reward is listed for 5,000 credits and 'procurement' rights for any valuables found among Sith combatants.

    OOC: This is a PVE combat contract. Hunt down and capture or eliminate a Sith patrol on a border world between SO and LAW space.

(To claim a contract, simply post below which one you'd like and tag anyone who's accompanying you! When your thread is underway, link it so rewards can be issued upon completion. Threads will be added via the Chapters feature. Happy hunting!)​


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