Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mist Sword


Intent: To create a specialized personal weapon
Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
Canon Link: Reference
Primary Source: N / A


Manufacturer: Xiang Vang
Affiliation: Xiang Vang
Model: N / A
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Spirit Ichor
Phrik (Hilt)


Classification: Sword
Size: Average (Blade)
Weight: Very Light


Out of Thin Air: Through the conjuring of spirit ichor in conjunction with a word of magic, a sword appears in the form of a green smoke, and when waved leaves a trail of green mist.


Not-A-Lightsaber: It contains all the functions of a vibro-sword, including lightsaber resiliency and blaster repellent.

Quicken the Pace: Due to the presence of only a hilt, and the absent of a real blade, the sword can attack in lightening like strikes.


Blade-less: With no actual blade, it lacks the ability to cut through anything, minus slicing through exposed flesh. It can still be used to pierce through clothing, with enough pressure applied.

Speak-Of-The-Devil: In order for the blade to produce, the secret word needs to be spoken. As with all magical spells, there is a slight time lapse for the appearance of the blade.


The sword's green, smokey blade, a conjuration of Dathomir magic, has all the properties of a vibr-sword; including the ability to handle a lightsaber. It's lack of cutting technology prevents it from cutting through all metal and all materials, minus the lightest of cloth fabrics and exposed skin.

Make no mistake, the blade can kill. With only a hilt attached to her waist, which acts as the focus pointe for the blade, it is easy to mask it's presence; since it resembles a broken sword. Unlike swords and lightsaber hilts, this weapon can't be used by anyone; the spell being voice activated.

Because the blade is magical, there is a duration aspect. The blade lasts for at least twenty minutes; but it can be deactivated by speaking the incantation word in reverse. If conjured again, the blade is activated for another twenty minutes and so forth.

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