Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mistakes were Made, Consequences will be Had


Suddenly, as Krux Mullarus the Betrayer's army waits above Glee Anselm to attack on his order, they would discover their leader, filled with fury and heartbreak, to have suddenly dissapeared from the entire starship. Confused, the army would cease their project, now taking orders from the next man in authority. [member="Abelain Narv'uk"].

What happened to Mullarus? After pacing toward the bridge to make the order, the dark veil of the Dark Side swayed in the wind for a moment, and Krux Mullarus felt the lives he had taken in just a few hours. Countless innocent Imperial patriots on Ragoon VI who never asked for it, murdered in a blind fury. Hundreds of Stormtroopers in the painful, biological process of becoming dehumanized supersoldiers. All because of him and his broken heart.

But the veil didn't sway for long. Suddenly, he didn't want his army to be dragged into his personal grudge. Dammit...I...I shouldn't...

So the Sith Knight snuck away in a starfighter alone. He did not feel the presence of [member="Darth Azurea"] on Glee Anselm when he reached out through the Force looking for her. She was who did all of this. She took Setzi Lunelle from him.

But what of that pig, Pyrrhus?


As quickly as he decided to abandon his battlegroup, he decided to return to Ragoon VI. His rage was beginning to blind him, and he needed to make sure the sudden dissapearance of all of those soldiers was not tied to him. He had to clean his manor, and he had to forget all about that damn schutta who broke his heart...

I need...revenge...Darth Azurea has to suffer...

Somebody has to suffer...I cannot let this go...

But when Mullarus would land the unmarked Imperial Starfighter at his estate again, he would feel something...sinister. Upon closer inspection, as he scoured the grounds of his manor, he would come to the courtyard he destroyed, the body of the amaran servant that actually looked up to him still there. Unfortunately, standing over it was someone that suddenly forced the veil of darkness over his eyes once again. Mullarus pulled the mask from his face and tossed it aside, his eyes turning from dark blue like normal, to the same blood red they were during his rage.

"[member="Darth Pyrrhus"]..."
[member="Krux Mullarus"]

The past few weeks had been turbulent. Changes, unforseen events, riddled the paths of both himself and those around him. It had led to a reunion at Glee Anselm, though he doubted the situation was equally merry on Ragoon VI. Recent reports indicated otherwise. Pyrrhus had been key at establishing Ragoon, and turning the once lush, green planet into a dim, brown prison colony. Of course, there were a few patches of green that had been left untouched. On one such patch, his former apprentice had resided. And reports indicated it was untouched no more.

Darth Pyrrhus, Voice of the Dark Lord, would personally investigate the matter. Had it been any other than Mullarus, he likely would have delegated. However, given the nature of their association on top of recent events, there was only one manner in which to deal with this problem. Had Mullarus become a liability? A loose end better left tied up? Perhaps. He would see to the state of the Sith Knight, and act accordingly. Though their philosophies differed, he could still be made useful for the One Sith Empire.

Pyrrhus had touched down, and the Lord looked upon ruin. As he traversed the land, he felt that the fury of the Knight still lingered. It still clung thick to the air, mixed in with the near overwhelming scent of death. A slaughter had taken place here. A slaughter of the kind he often sensed his apprentice had opposed. Perhaps this was good. Perhaps this would serve to become the final push that finally led him to embrace and accept the Dark Side. Although his patience was wearing thin, and Pyrrhus would not accept any nonsense from him today.

After a quick sweep over Mullarus' mansion, he concluded that his former apprentice was not here. Where had he gone? The Togruta barely had time to ponder, before he felt his arrival imminent. A slight hint of a smirk curled up on the corner of his lips. He did not need any sense of precognition to foresee the events that would unfold now. They would meet, and once more, their ideologies would clash.

At long last, he stared into the eyes of Mullarus once more. His tone, and the way he regarded his master was radically different from the last time. "Welcome back, Mullarus. I am afraid you left your friends in no state to clean up your mess. Have you returned to finish the job?"
Mullarus hadn't forseen a confrontation with Pyrrhus like this. Sure, after years training beneath him, there were days where he wanted nothing more than to ruin the monster of a Sith. Being seduced and falling so helplessly for Setzi Lunelle was not ever a stab at the togruta, Krux's feelings were sincere all along, even if hers were not. If there was any personal reason [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] were here, Mullarus didn't know it. Though, clearly, it had to do with how many lives he'd taken on Ragoon VI in his fury.

Yet, as he stood before Pyrrhus now, he felt nothing but even more cold-blooded anger sweep across his body. His hands clenched into fists, and his face morphed into a mask of hatred as he stared at the man. Calm only moments ago, he felt the Dark Side start to grab the chains around him and once again, play the puppetmaster to his passion. "Only if that schutta you call a lover is here. The witch who has imprisoned Setzi Lunelle, Darth Azurea." Mullarus voice was no longer calm. A deep, feral growl seemed to echo with the sound of his voice as he spoke. He truely had no control over the Dark Side anymore. He had become the puppet. "I have not're the monster that created that witch. You made her that way! You destroyed her! Ravaged her spirit! You've taken the human in her and turned her into a beast just like you. Just like the Dark Side, you're a manipulative monster who preys on the compassionate..."

Mullarus' lightsaber instantly flew from his belt and into his hand. Not ignited, but it was there as he glared across the ruined courtyard at his old master. If Pyrrhus ever truely knew his apprentice, he would surely know he was not himself, and that he had lost his control over the Dark Side. Still, that was no reason to show mercy. Especially for a Sith Lord.

"You're a tyrant. Tyrants...deserve to be overthrown and destroyed. If only your personal schutta could be forgiven for giving so easily into your web of lies and deception..."
When he met with the eyes of his former apprentice, he saw the hatred within him. There was great fury to be found, and it pleased him. Now it seemed he understood suffering. Would he overcome it, or would it overcome him? He had a feeling this would be his last chance to take the leap into the Dark Side... It might as well end with his death. Pyrrhus was not in the habit of letting challenges go unanswered. He felt no responsibility anymore. Perhaps he never had. He showed the path, and the hopeful either managed to walk it or perished.

Schutta. Witch. He had many nicknames for Pyrrhus' companion, and undoubtedly this was the source of his rage. "You're wrong" he replied, with chilling calm same as before. It stood in contrast to Mullarus' growl. "She has not imprisoned her. Setzi simply is no more." and going back to that was not something he could see happening. It was something he could not relate to. The mere thought of him leaving all of this behind, and become Tanek Santii disgusted him.

"I gave her an alternative. I showed her a version of herself she could not resist. Every step she has made on her own. If not she would not have become a Sith Lord" she had never truly been captured, merely persuaded. Though what they had now was a conversation between two men who both likely believed themselves to be right without fault. There'd be no agreements here, only a difference of opinion voiced. "The Dark Side suits her. " and looking into Mullarus' hateful eyes, he wondered if his apprentice experienced the same.

"The weak deserve to be overthrown and destroyed." Pyrrhus corrected. Undoubtedly, he did not view himself as weak. Though in his generosity he would allow Mullarus the opportunity to prove him wrong. He did not argue the 'tyrant' point. They likely held the title to different values. Clearly the Togruta was not bothered by its connotations. "If only you could have realized what she did. Perhaps you will. Perhaps you won't. In any case... Forgiveness is wasted" he had little patience for that.

Mullarus had called the weapon to him, and so did Pyrrhus, although his was for the time being merely the Force. Mullarus' rage was one that threatened to explode at any moment. Pyrrhus' was tempered by past experiences. Deep within his core, he held all those negative emotions isolated in one spot. It was as if packing a snowball, and he drew in layer upon layer of anger and hate until he had built something so dense and ice-cold that its release gave his power a fuel almost unparalleled. He was pacing himself. It was a vast change from his early days as an Acolyte; an untempered beast who since had become cultivated through the Dark Side.

Confrontation was inevitable, and he saw no need to wait for Mullarus to strike first. First was an assault of the mind. More aggressive than ever before in any practice session between the two, it was as if he unleashed a cacophony of tendrils seeking to overwhelm his mental defences and push into the sanctuary of Mullarus' headspace. It was time to introduce Mullarus to his master, the mentalist.

[member="Krux Mullarus"]

Mullarus' face twitsted and scowled. He felt...something in his mind. It almost felt like a slithering snake was trying to slither into his head. No. Five. Eight? If only the young, broken man's mind was not already heavily under the influence of a drug called the Dark Side.

"Setzi is alive and well...I am not...b-blind. I have seen her. I have spoken with her. The Dark Side is not where she..." he could not finish his sentence. His mind was riddled with...something else. It twisted him.


Without another word, Mullarus cried out with hatred, shaking the earth at his feet as he lashed out with a wave of Force Lightning. It arced across the ruined courtyard, burning with the same hot fury as it's caster, twisted and drunk off the Dark Side, corruption already beginning to take hold over his once smooth, handsome face. His eyes flushed crimson again, becoming bloodshot with insanity. Dark cracks started appearing on his flushed face, and his mouth opened agape as he screamed


[member="Darth Pyrrhus"]

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