Suddenly, as Krux Mullarus the Betrayer's army waits above Glee Anselm to attack on his order, they would discover their leader, filled with fury and heartbreak, to have suddenly dissapeared from the entire starship. Confused, the army would cease their project, now taking orders from the next man in authority. [member="Abelain Narv'uk"].
What happened to Mullarus? After pacing toward the bridge to make the order, the dark veil of the Dark Side swayed in the wind for a moment, and Krux Mullarus felt the lives he had taken in just a few hours. Countless innocent Imperial patriots on Ragoon VI who never asked for it, murdered in a blind fury. Hundreds of Stormtroopers in the painful, biological process of becoming dehumanized supersoldiers. All because of him and his broken heart.
But the veil didn't sway for long. Suddenly, he didn't want his army to be dragged into his personal grudge. Dammit...I...I shouldn't...
So the Sith Knight snuck away in a starfighter alone. He did not feel the presence of [member="Darth Azurea"] on Glee Anselm when he reached out through the Force looking for her. She was who did all of this. She took Setzi Lunelle from him.
But what of that pig, Pyrrhus?
As quickly as he decided to abandon his battlegroup, he decided to return to Ragoon VI. His rage was beginning to blind him, and he needed to make sure the sudden dissapearance of all of those soldiers was not tied to him. He had to clean his manor, and he had to forget all about that damn schutta who broke his heart...
I need...revenge...Darth Azurea has to suffer...
Somebody has to suffer...I cannot let this go...
But when Mullarus would land the unmarked Imperial Starfighter at his estate again, he would feel something...sinister. Upon closer inspection, as he scoured the grounds of his manor, he would come to the courtyard he destroyed, the body of the amaran servant that actually looked up to him still there. Unfortunately, standing over it was someone that suddenly forced the veil of darkness over his eyes once again. Mullarus pulled the mask from his face and tossed it aside, his eyes turning from dark blue like normal, to the same blood red they were during his rage.
"[member="Darth Pyrrhus"]..."