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Approved Location Misty Mountain Temple

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
  • Structure Name: Misty Mountain Temple (Brendok fortress Temple)
  • Classification: Jedi Temple
  • Location: Brendok
  • Affiliation: Silver Jedi
  • Accessibility: Designed in two fold stages... with the exterior and the interior accessible from the anchorpoints which allow the temples main structures to be concealed and harder to disturb. The exterior however is importantly made and through use of dimensional engineering the area can be larger and built up more then it appears using solarite stone and a quasi sentient security system that makes the temples themselves able to react to the ones who are within shifting rooms or locking doorways if it reads darksiders and hostile intent. Sasori has worked when constructing and reconstructing after extensive fire damage and overgrowth with the latest in their envinromental control technologies allowing the vergence of the planet to be felt thoughout the structure itself and when the remnants and followers make their pilgrimage to the site they are given a chance to go to the ascension area.
  • Description: Built into the mountains peak, the ancient mining facility and temple of the witches of Brendok looks minimal from the outside while on the inside they have worked to rebuild much after fire damage. Sasori has worked replacing the stone work with their materials piece by piece and keeping the looks... using advances in their technologies to allow the interior to be much improved with a functioning lift and doors. Preventing fire damage much easier as it has a full staff that functions based on their Arisen caretakers who would tend to the tree brought to the central courtyard and the temple stone. Which will channel and cultivate the vergence on the planet.
Clarity Gate: A gate designed at the top of the stairs going into the higher grounds. Designed to be blocked off through advanced shielding technologies controlled by the Rests collected stars... a quasi sentient spirit in the rest that keeps security measures going and works with the jedi. In this case enforcing the required meditation time and reflection that must go into the jedi to calm them down before entry to the upper areas where the masters and grandmaster are.

Kyber Arch: A reconstructed arch from the one on Coruscant that was made from the crystals of fallen jedi. A meditative technique meant to test those who were called to it.

Lecture Hall: A massive lecture hall allowing for classes to be taught by many of the jedi themselves. Those who need it can book it and the ones who want to get a class going quickly will have plenty of space as it is meant to be modular and shift to accommodate several classes at once.

Medical Hall: Advanced combination hospital, research center and lab as well as a healers hall. Able to give the jedi healers and doctors the edge over many institutions in the galaxy.

Confessional: Located in the center of the council chambers and able to be brought out for those who come before them. The confessionals weigh whoever is inside and many are crushed under the weight of their own self.

Jedi Temple Obstacle Course: Reconstructed from the main jedi temple a thing of beauty for shifting and changing. The jedi have made to it test and challenge even the grandmaster in terms of what it can do with various model droids and biot droids able to be used across it all.

Vaults: IN the main temple and hidden away, to secure dangerous artifacts in nullification resin, holocrons and anything else that might prove a danger to the jedi there. For security the temple guards are located clossest to the vaults to defend and protect them.

Cold Storage: Designed to hold jedi craft for them to use on missions and store ships recovered from enemy forces within a safer area.

Room of a Thousand Fountains: Reconstructed for the silver rest as a deep area od meditation and calmness that can wash over the ones within.

Jedi Anchorpoints: Designed to be the bridge point between the temple and the planet it is located on. The anchorpoints allow entry and exit from the temples and are in concealed locations.

Advanced Early Detection Systems: Connected to monitors across the planet, in orbit and using the Saotome Monitoring Stations as a means to map the system. Able to give them information as soon as it is alerted by the Saotome Planetary Defensive Network.

Solarite Nexi: Created from the vergence created in the temple and stoked by the living Silver Solarite Stone and Choushin Uneti that has been transplanted to the heart of the temple itself from the main source. It creates a living sensation within the temple giving it a life pulse that grows and extends to the perimeter of the stone.

Kaho Class Beacons: Force beacons designed to be used by the jedi in the event of communications disruption and attack. Older looking to give the feeling of pre-hyperdrive satellites.

Rite of Ascension courtyard: THe ancient courtyard and pit cleaned up and made ready for when pilgrims come to the temple.

Crown and Spears Hall: Set up for those who travel to the temple, a merchant hub locations, a bank, a medical facility and various other things that are needed.

Jedi Chapter Houses: A location for the jedi order to be able to train and connect to the other temples themselves. A safe haven and means for the jedi to be able to test new equipment being developed.

  • Nexus Name: Nexus
  • Nexus Alignment: Light
  • Location: Varies
  • Affiliation: Silver Jedi
  • Size: Medium
  • Strength: Strong
  • Accessibility: Felt as soon as one enters the area of the temple. THe proximity to the solarite stones and their construction enclosing the temple.
  • Description: Created from several factors, the living stone that has been used to rebuild and construct the temples... the choushin uneti tree that serves as the heart and the artificial intelligence that is able to be used by the temple. The nexi created are vergences that are in the locations, weaker or in the beginnings of their strength from use of the area by the jedi. With the living stone acting like a perimeter and the uneti working to stoke it from a small ember to a flame. The nexi isn't all powerful generally just fractionally stronger then it was before and able to enhance or lessen the strain of force users within it.
Heavily in tune with the lightside of the force and empowering lightsiders minorly.... it will make them calmer, less stressed and ease mental or physical fatigue while darksiders will feel like they are moving underwater or in syrup.
There is not much on Brendok that drew interest until after it had been decimated by the Nihil and the great hyperspace disaster which saw several worlds damaged.... but Brendok healed and it attracted the witches who came to it. That brought the attention of the jedi as it recovered... life coming back to the world and the team that was investigating it was involved in the incident at the fortress that saw the witches coven destroyed. The world sat for centuries rarely visited or touched with only a small handful of people coming to the world and some seeking out the teaching of the covens mother. The jedi leaving the world to be embroiled in the Republics business and there is sat.

Eventually Matsu and the silver jedi came to the world as they were hunting myths and legends... seeking vergences in the force that would alert them to potential sites of power and influence. THe fortress was a place they could set up around and establish a smaller foothold to explore the sector and the worlds that were there. Investigating the vergence and rebuilding the fortress into a functional temple that they woudl be able to use and have a team in. THe jedi master having some care for it as she could use it to add to her research on the Thread view of the force and try to piece together and underlying concepts of it.

THeir care for building and cultivating the temple showed as they brought in one of the choushin trees. THey developed the rooms, the halls and everything from the power generators to the envirnonmental controls and tunnels of the fortress in a way it would look similar enough to how it was but would also be able to resist random fires breaking out from the systems or having the power generator explode. Sasori worked on other restoration with a crown and spears being set up to provide aid across the planet and being able to monitor or manage services like food and ship repair.
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