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Approved NPC Mithrax Pathfinder Warriors

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Unit Name
: Mithrax Pathfinder Warriors
Affiliation: Mithrax Tribe
Classification: Expeditionary Force
Description: The Pathfinders Guild are a collection of the best and brightest the Mithrax have to offer. Among them, the combat-orientated warriors are menacing physical variants that had previously been Mithrax Hunters. Experienced predators that have encountered multiple different alien life forms in different worlds and not just survived but feasted on them. Constantly taught and trained to understand possible future threats and how to counter them they are meticulous in the approach, swift to strike, and deadly in their execution. Operating in teams varying in size they may send a single warrior or a whole unit to accomplish their objectives. Versed in stealth they can practice patience to scout or jump right into the fray and lay siege to their targets.


Size: Medium
Unit Availability: Rare
Unit Experience: Veteran
Equipment: Mithrax Electro Vibro Daggers/Swords, Mithax Super Heated Slughtrhower, Mithrax Scow Dropship

Combat Function: Pathfinder Warriors, can take different approaches in combat. Either way, though they prefer a close contest. Whether with swords in hands or sporting their Slugthrowers they will always attempt to get as close to the action as possible. They rely on their highly durable organic makeup combined with self-crafted technologies to define their foes and overwhelm them with their incredible insectoid strength and resilience. To kill is their instinct and their lifetimes have been shaped by doing exactly that.

  • Trained combatants that are assisted by specialized technology and a refined instinct make them a terrifying foe to withstand or outwit.
  • Killing to eat and eating to live gives these dangerous predators a survivalist edge against opponents that will cause them to fight until death in order to see another day.
  • Being Cha’ta’ri gives them natural strengths like a paralyzing toxic bite, incredible physical prowess and slight levels of regeneration.

  • Mithrax technology revolves around scavenging and crafting which on long expeditions or battles can lead to a shortage of supplies and ammunition
  • Being Cha’ta’ri gives them natural weakness like a short overall lifespan, appendages unable to operate complex machinery that needs exact inputs, and a need to feed to survive and maintain themselves. With large swarms of them attacking food supply chains can cause logistical hurdles for prolonged warfare.
  • Droids are unfavored enemies of the Mithrax, as they offer no food supply and do not fall prey to the same tactics organics do.


Born out of a joined operation between different Mithrax organizations it was concluded a new guild to lead off-world operations had to be formed. The Pathfinders were created and trained but the Eldest of the tribe, Thesiks, and other guild eldest. Now an established task force of elite warriors make up the Pathfinders spearhead troops. Male and Female Cha’ta’ris that risk their lives for the tribe and its agenda. To create a world free of hunger for all their people.

Traveling into the depths of space these brave souls scout, learn and adapt to the situations. Before pillaging and or kidnapping they’re prey to return it to the colony and statin their people.
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