Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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ALIAS: Mithridate

NAME: Emali Tarro

FACTION: Sith Empire

RANK: Acolyte

SPECIES: Humanoid

AGE: Early 20's

GENDER: Genderqueer

PRONOUNS: They/them/theirs


HEIGHT: 180 cm

WEIGHT: 72 kg

EYES: Blue-green

HAIR: Currently platinum, but frequently changes

SKIN: Ivory


Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
Cat-eye syndrome (Iris coloboma, abnormal localization of kidneys)

Huttese, Shawtian, Basic


Shoot-first, ask questions later


Mithridate is tall, having wiry limbs packed with muscle. They keeps their currently-platinum hair about even with their shoulder blades and it's usually tied back in a braid or ponytail. Their features are sharp and androgynous, neither overly feminine or masculine. In dress Mithridate is mostly male-presenting, favoring dark colors and utilitarian cuts. Whether they're flat-chested or completely lacking thereof is a mystery, as they don't appear shirtless outside the medbay and it's not something they feel the need to volunteer to the world anytime soon.

Mithridate was born as a slave named Emali on the backwater, outer-rim agriworld of Shawti. They spent their days working in the fields. They had one sibling, Zena, but they were separated when they were young. Their mother taught the both of them educational basics, such as reading, writing, and arithmetic. Mithridate doesn’t remember a significant portion of their childhood, or at least chooses to forget--none of it was particularly special or noteworthy.

They were shuffled from owner to owner, the auction block being a recurring fixture of their life. From field slave to house slave, to almost everything but pleasure or companion slave. Abuse was rampant, with scars on the back of their neck from shock collars, and raised lines from much time spent at the whipping post.

As Emali matured, it became clear that they would grow to be strong, tall and sturdy, with a spitfire personality. They were sold to one of the gladiator pits of Ferengis. Ferengis was a cesspool of filth, and “no greater hive of scum and villainy,” except for Tatooine or the greater Hutt systems. Emali was to be made into a money maker for their new retainer, if they survived training. To mark their new ownership Emali was renamed Mithridate, meaning something like spilt blood in the old tongue of Shatwi. Thrown into a pool of other slaves, Emali fought to earn their place as a warrior worthy of attention. They were trained in all manner of weapons and hand-to-hand techniques, settling on swords as their specialty. Over time Emali stood out as an exceptional combatant, winning almost twice as many bouts as they lost.

Discovery of their latent Force ability came as a fit of rage in a final act of desperation, as it does for many. A blade at their throat in a to-the-death battle caused Emali to feel a surge through their body. Grabbing their opponents wrist, they screamed and pulled down his arm with unusual strength, making an opening for them to stab him in the throat. Emali’s trainer made notice of this and hired a wisdom, Samonte, to provide what he could not. A wisdom was merely a catch-all title for those who claimed to have esoteric knowledge and abilities. Some, like Samonte, had true talent with the Force, but many were mere soothsayers with a deck of cards.

Samonte was one of the few who had some Force ability, and one of the fewer still who had the ability to alter the outside world with it, and not simply sense incoming storms. She was a fanatical collector of knowledge from any and all Force traditions. Relics of Dark-aligned traditions, Sith included, had twisted her into a fanatical taskmaster with slowly eroding sanity. The paranoia and zealotry were in turn imparted to Emali, which colored their personality with a vicious malice and delight in causing pain.

Emali was indeed a money maker for their retainer, making them wealthy with the massive bets placed upon them at nearly every match. Emali, or Mithridate as they were known to the greater planet, lived to do nothing more than fight and see the blood of their opponents stain the Shawtian sand. The taste of power and victory was intoxicating, and Emali initially begged to have access to tomes and holocrons that Samonte hoarded for herself. The begging turned to threatening, which then turned into a plot to steal them and outright escape. Emali had lived on a compound not far from the gladiator pit. Samonte had taken up residence there in small quarters as part of her job in teaching her student. Emali ambushed her in the night, murdering her in her sleep.

Before the break of dawn Emali escaped in Samonte’s clothes, the traditional voluminous black gown and headdress that left only hands and eyes uncovered. Being of similar height and eye color, they were able to pass unnoticed through the compound gates and into the city streets. After reaching the starport they paid for passage to Dantooine before finally reaching Bastion. In their possession were a few valuable objects which they occasionally traded for credits, an old tome of an unknown dark side tradition kept for themself, and a handful of personal belongings.

Emali changed their name permanently to Mithridate after initiation into the Sith as an Acolyte. While they have gained some skill and control with the Force, they have yet to ever have a formal master. Perhaps it was Mithridate’s spitfire and headstrong personality, which would make them a handful for anyone not equally as willful. In the meantime, they are set on making a name for themself in the dueling ring, the one place they lay claim to.

SHIP: Small personal shuttle, hyperspace capable. Only minimal defensive/offensive capabilities and poor maneuverability.




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