New Member
NAME: Mitth’ach’nuruodo “Thach”
AGE: 28
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5’11”
WEIGHT: 187lbs.
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Blue
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
His main attack is his defense being a master in Form III Soresu, because of this his physical strength isn’t apparent and is forced to use the force to augment this.
Thach stands at about 5’11,” with an athletic build, but doesn’t appear to be physically strong.
Born on the Chiss home world of Csilla, Mitth’ach’nuruodo was the only son of a CEDF Captain and a scientist. At a young age, his father began to instill some of the military knowledge he had learned over the many years of service in the CEDF. He learned numerous things on military tactics, politics, threat assessment, and situational awareness. His mother, told him stories of the battles fought between the Jedi and the Sith, a war of a galactic government against tyrannical leaders, a war pitting brothers against droids, a war of brother against brother. So many wars, so many times it revolved around the ongoing battle between the Sith and the Jedi. He grew up on these stories. Still young, his parents visited a planet within the known regions of the galaxy near the Korriban system. The planet came under attack by unknown warriors, he’d never seen before. One of the warriors executed his parents, a mixture of rage, fear, and sorrow filled his small body and his instinct kicked in. Somehow, his power gripped the warrior, the armor began to hiss and crackle under the power of Thach. At this point, their leader, their general if you will, entered the room. The armor began to shrink and bend, Thach’s power crushed the warrior within his own armor. Their leader saw this, as troopers walked up to execute him, the figure ignited his lightsaber and killed them, taking Thach with him and training him. Years went by and Thach grew in knowledge, wisdom, stature, skill, and power. He wasn’t physically intimidating or strong but he knew how to use the force to augment himself. Knowing he had to plan his attacks and be more tactical, he mastered lightsaber Form III Soresu. This made his defense, a good offense. He, however, was stronger in the force, using his skills in interrogation, assassination, and subterfuge. A few years ago, he knew his next test was to best his master. He wanted to beat him, one on one. One night, when they were sparing, he decided to make sure his master knew of his intent. Using his rage and fear, to fuel his power but not letting it impact his actions allowing him to focus on his masters patterns, waiting for the time to strike. His master gave up his weakness, and in one fluid motion, Thach’s block became a counter attack and cut his master in two. For the first time in his life, he was alone. Not knowing what to do, he boarded his personal ship, the Mathias, and headed toward Tatooine. Thach is now trying to find his way in the galaxy, unsure on where he’s going or what his purpose is.
The Mathais, a Tie-esque vessel but far from one. Unlike its predecessors’ millennia ago, it is equipped with a hyperdrive, life support, enhanced sensors, and is capable of hold a crew of 4 members comfortably.
P.S. His armor set was too big of an image to post but I do have a picture of it.